I give it a year before she goes full Bella Thorne.
>whaaa women can't have fun!
Her face in that link is utterly fucked. Full Kardashian.
>exposing yourself to the world
Ok Jew
>Being a rank slut is fun!
Just wait until she hits 30 and all the fake rape accusations start flying.
crybaby virgins with softcocks lmao
Well, one, you can have fun but having fun doesn't exclude you from criticism. And, two, if sexualizing yourself is fun for you, you really only have yourself to blame when you're sexualized by others (if being sexualized bothers you, which it really shouldn't).
>I give it a year before she goes full Bella Thorne.
pls no.
bella at least has a good body
this whale is disgusting
Roastie detected
make up your mind virgins
have fun paying for sex
If a man wore something like that in public he'd be arrested.
>pays for sex
Makes no sense. Like most things "feminists" believe.
They hate women, so they won't even do that.
>male feminist calling anyone else a virgin
You don't think women actually reward that beta shit? They're too busy sucking Chad's sexist dick in his MAGA hat.
I don't hate them, I just avoid providing them with resources
she tries really hard to look like kylie
>I fucked some director to get an acting gig and further my career
>waaa I was raped waaa
nevar forget
>whaaaa women having sex
0/10 for effort
6/10 for results
I can't believe so many people replied.
It's almost like it's east to trigger the virgin betas on this site.
this is a troll thread, probably belongs on pole
go talk about some actual kino
non-celeb drama is pointless
No he wouldn't. Especially not on Halloween.
I hate that coalburning slut so much.
Where do you think you are? Sup Forums is a troll website. You must be new here.
>Condemning rancid filthy whores is hating women
>Celebrating their defilement and degeneracy is loving them
Yeah, our culture is doing FINE.
>this spacing
you need to go back
I mean, have you missed the past few weeks.
It's literally just women going
>wwwaaaaaaaaa I had sex
Nice NeoGaf spacing.
Go back or stay, I don't care. Just stop crying when people give a shit about morality and don't wan to see fucking foul CUNTS influencing our culture.
>Sluts wont fuck me: the thread
Back to redit, baby.
>still using reddit spacing
this should be a bannable offense desu
If sluts don't fuck everyone, are they still sluts?
you're not wrong, but this is just the regular way girls dress now.
If everything is either black or white for you then you don't deserve to be western, fuck back off to nigeria
Come back and post when ya balls drop ya simp
>people who actually get laid are neckbeards
Maybe you need to reread the posts, friend.
Using that word as an insult is extremely demeaning to women
she literally could have been the opposite but insisted on being a shallow slut
She's literally a fucking pig slut. Why would you defend that? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Women are shit ANYWAY. Whores are even worse.
[honnking intensifies]
You're trying too hard, my newfriend.
>Dresses like a whore
Barely even human. Literal fuck meat.
wow what a decent man you are truly modern women are filth but you are a decent man
A cock loving honest slut is respectful in her own degeneracy. This bleached john boyega acts like a slut then has that annoying feminist holier than thou attitude; she's trash, real sluts that embrace it are 100 times better than her
>all these "fedora" posts
You are the cancer that destroyed this place and is now proceeding to destroy humanity. Everything you touch, is shit. YOU are shit. Everything you will ever amount to, everybody you will ever know and everything you will ever do, will be shit.
You rob everything of its integrity and you spew your "buzzwords" as though they're gospel. You brag about accomplishments that aren't yours to what passes for your "friends" and they reward you with empty applause. Empty. Like everything else in your life. You have never possessed one ounce of dignity, honor or self-respect. Others do not respect you. In all likelihood they will NEVER respect you.
I do not wish death upon the likes of you. I do not wish for you to end your vapid, hollow existence. Instead, I revel in the knowledge that, with each year that passes, you will descend more and more into the despair and depression that will inevitably follow your teenagehood. I wish I could be there to see the look on your face as the revelation hit you. The revelation that you are nothing and always have BEEN nothing. I wish I could be there to tell you, "I told you so" with a wry smile on my face.
That this will never happen, is my only regret. Enjoy what passes for your life, child, because in a few years when adulthood hits you with full-force, you will not even be REMOTELY prepared for it.
nice pasta
why do you keep posting your facebook profile pictures?
>Start whining about newfags and reddit because someone is criticizing sluts on an anonymous Catonese finger puppet trading forum
Really? This is what you choose to do with your life?
I don't want to fuck a slut
My lack of decency somehow makes her decent?
Nice logic, dumb fuck.
She's part of the reason we're indecent. No reason to be decent when most women are fucking dirty holes.
>it's women's fault i'm so bad!
She's an open and proud slut who also claims to be a feminism and claims it's wrong for men to leer at her, despite basing her entire being aroudn being leered at. She's the worst kind of fucking whore. She's literally only good for sex and should be in a fucking fuck dungeon and used for pleasure and cleaning and that's it.
>everyone who replies to me is one person
That was my first post ITT and I don't see how it is whining.
>because someone is criticizing sluts...
I really don't care about that shit, I'm just telling you to be a bit more subtle with the shitposting. It's more fun that way.
>This is what you choose to do with your life?
What? Spend an hour a two a day here? It's fun seeing the shitflinging that goes on here and has been since I first starting using this site back in 2010. Why are you so defensive, user?
Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste... Don't swallow.
Tee hee
It doesn't change the fact that she's a fucking whore. A literal dumb cunt with a nice ass and tits that's only good for fucking.
Ask yourself how your life got so fucking pathetic that you're spending it on Sup Forums defending whores that wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire lmao.
>That was my first post
And? You want a medal?
>I'm just telling you to be a bit more subtle with the shitposting. It's more fun that way.
It's not really shitposting. She really is a fucking filthy cunt. You could say it was a joke, but it even then she would still actually be a degenerate slut.
>What? Spend an hour a two a day here?
No, getting buttmad because people are telling it like it is about cunts?
What do you even get out of that? Is she your sister?
What if she's got a GREAT ASS?!? And your HEAD is ALL THE WAY UP IT?!?
>it's a one way street
ask yourself how your life got so fucking pathetic that you're spending it on Sup Forums getting upset at roasties and their actions.
it goes both ways, autismo supremo
>not dating a muzzie
Picked up a qt malaysian girl on campus a month ago and she's top-tier. Religious enough to have actual morals and decency but not religious enough to be a nutjob
>Hysterically angry feminist
>"oh, I've been here since 2010"
Why would someone even bother lying like that?
in case any oblivious newfaf is still unaware, she quite literally cries about being objectified sexually but continues to dress in tiny pieces of fabric that can hardly be called clothes
I never said my life wasn't pathetic. I'm not the one pretending to be morally superior on Sup Forums.
And as pathetic as my life may have been, I'm still not reduced to defending celebrity whores on Sup Forums. Think about that.
She doesn't like it when betas sexualizes her.
NeoFags are aware of this. This just makes their White Knighting even more ferocious.
I'm correcting you because you thought I was the other guy crying about reddit.
>getting buttmad
I don't really see how you've made that assumption from my two posts.
I just called him a newfriend. Does that really make me a feminist or even angry for that matter, tripfriend?
nice subject change you pancake of a man
All dat ass....
Your thread would be more successful if you posted more pictures of underdasea to keep me scrolling past the retards arguing.
You're buttmad that someone is ranting about a slutty roastie on Sup Forums.
I'm not 100% sure if you're a feminist, but it's definitely off-culture.