>they say if it smells like salmon keep on jamming, but if it smells like trout, pull it out.
>But you know something Ray? I don't even like fish. I don't even know what a trout looks like. Caspere knew this.
Was he right?
They say if it smells like salmon keep on jamming, but if it smells like trout, pull it out
>it's a dog eat dog world, Ray, and guess what!? I'm the fucking Chinaman
>Just seeing how forlorn the world is,it makes me disconsolate. Finding about Caspere's miscreant ways only exacerbated my dispiritedness.
>They say it takes two to tango Ray. I guess that means I'm in a fucking conga line.
>they say if you don't let me wife go, i'll squash your friend's head like a grapefruit
>Spare me the sententious talk. It's picayune and unctious.
I'm starting to glabresce.
>they say even a stopped clock is right twice a day. well guess what, ray? it's been noon for two hours and i'm all out of time.
They say I'm glabrescing, but I'm hirsute. Is that esculent?
>They say you need to a walk a mile in a mans shoes to get to know him, but you know what Ray? I ain't go no feet.
They say the sun also rises. But I'm a Muslim on the North Pole and Ramadan's 10 days away
dead meme general
These are good ones.
>it's a dog world, Ray, and guess what!? I will shit on your lawn
>they say there's two sides to every story. well guess what, ray? i can't read and i'm a triangle.
>They say that sometimes you gotta sacrifice a pawn to get the queen. Me? I've always preferred Tetris, Ray
Fucking Caspere
They say the wicked witch of the west rests in the east. but guess what, I'm the fucking Tin Man
holy shit
>they say im gay. caspere knew this
>they say curiosity killed the cat. well guess what, ray? i'm holding the knife and i got a whole lot of questions.
All you got in this world is a spoon and a knife. I never had tine.