Super Sons

Who else is excited?

I guess, it's like a crossover between tomasi's batman and robin and his superman book

Please tell me this isn't another variant for #1? Because this getting ridiculous.

I hope Jimenez is a regular.

I would be lying then.

Also welp I thought it would be out tomorrow but it's actually still 2 weeks away. That"s a downer.

I hate Damian so no

I asked my LCS to order me all the variants this launched with back when it was first announced, unaware that it was going to blow up.

How fucked is my wallet in two weeks?

Most of them are store exclusives.


You should probably kill your self

Fuck off, Damianfag. God how I wish they could permaban you.

Oh good, I was worried for a moment.

Read the thread, user.
Two weeks.

I don't get this attitude. Have you actually read Damian in anything other than the first time he showed up?

A Friend of mine is just like you, but he's never actually read anything with Damian in it. To which I can only say you need to give the kid a chance he gets better.

Can't wait, i wasn't excited at first, but to ask won me over.

I'd guess that user was either baiting damifag or they're a Timfag.

Tomasi won me over...
Not to ask. Gdamn autocorrect.

My guess is bait. I legit don't get this viewpoint. The only way I've ever got my friend to back off the Damian bashing was to assail the fact that he must not like Damian because he's Bruce's (genetic) son. And at least dc had the guts to let a character have a pseudo relationship and a child.

Press f to pay respects to Mr. And Mrs. Parker

I can't see it, either. Morrison's Batman and Robin was just a blast, he and Grayson were an absolute joy to read. Heck, Tomasi set a great tone coming after him, too!
King wrote a great Damian over in Grayson, too!

I wonder if people aren't hating him as a knee-jerk "oh look, another Robin" reaction. If so in your friend's case, they're a bit late to be jumping on that boat.

Could be, he also probably won't let go of Tim Drake. Surprising since he practically humps Stephanie Brown as the one true batgirl....

>being shills for comic book sasuke
Only fujos and pedos are excited for this book.

I'm sorry you hate fun, user.

Other user said on other thread, he is much more like Kilua from HxH.

>comic book sasuke
not even close

Don't know from Adam on hxh. What I know of sasuke and Damian, I'll say that sasuke didn't deserve a happy ending. He spent the better part of his formative years fucking shit up for everyone just to make it out clear in the end.

Damian had a few learning experiences and cleaned up his act.

Shouldn't that named fit better if they were Supes kids ?

Excited? No.

That'd be the understatement of the year.

one of them is...

kill yourself. just because you can only look at boys like that faggot in the Superman storytimes doesn't mean the rest of us do.

I'm excited for the doujins this'll inspire. The Nips already love them.

I am, user.
Very excited.