Other urls found in this thread:
>white male
>is yellow
this is such horseshit. Lisa is like 8 or 10 or some crap right? How delusional would you have to be to listen to a 10 year old?
No shit, children and senior citizens are out of touch with society. Who'd have thought that people listen to the men that make up a majority of a country? This one really fell short of the mark
It was a different time.
but everyone listens to lisa even if they don't want to because she never shuts up
It's not about being out of touch. The youth are generally more in touch with fashion than anyone.
It's a matter of disposable income. White males age 18-49 are a large demographic with money to burn. Hence why they're catered to.
Pretty sure every single countries leadership consists of old men.
That's exactly why she's crying. She accepts that but it doesn't mean it doesn't suck though and she has a right to feel shitty
>more in touch with fashion
Who gives a shit?
>white male
What did (((they))) mean by this?
Well, well. Look at the city slicker and his fancy German Herrenrasse.
>this is the one thread the sneedposter decides to not shitpost in
man fuck you
> The youth are generally more in touch with fashion than anyone.
based Sneedposter
>we can't even say white male anymore.
Cool race realism.
and yet the entire series is designed around implying otherwise barring like one instance of babysitting.
The name's Janny. Lyle Janny.
And I come before you good posters tonight with a meme.
Probably the greatest-- Ah, it's not for you.
It's more of a Reddit meme.
Now wait just a minute.
We're twice as smart as the people of Reddit.
Just tell us your meme, and we'll force it!
All right.
I tell you what I'll do.
I'll show you my meme!
I give you the Sup Forums Feed & Seed!- [All Gasping] I've sold memes to Friendster, [s4s], and ytmnd and by gum, it put them on the map!
Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Fucked & sucked, Sneed-owned feed & seed
What'd I say?
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
That's right! Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
I hear that meme is underage
It requires wisdom like a sage
Is there a chance to attract Mouse NEETs?
Not on your life, DC Pajeet
What about us brain-dead plebs?
You can post in GOT threads
Were you sent here by Shareblue?
Relax, goy, I'm one of you
The mods gave me a 3-day ban
Reset your router, my big man
I swear it's Sup Forums's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
Once again
Feed & Seed
But comfy Simpsons threads will be broken
Sorry, Mods, the hive mind's spoken
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Formerl--(Annoyed Grunt)
like DRUMPF voters lmao
>Sup Forums
literally who?