>saw Thor Ragnarok
>see this scene
>pure fucking goosebumps
Saw Thor Ragnarok
What's going on here
A shame the movie had garbage color grading. Scenes like this would have greatly benefited from it.
The valkyries trying to get hot mama cate blancett
t. marvelpajeet
Snyder does shit like this all the time and you shit all over him.
I was super baked and it was still cringe as fuck.
>we want the DC audience
You have to be 18+ to post here.
snyder gets mocked for making shit movies desu not his visuals
But really though, i like snyder shit too. maybe thats why i like scenes like these
"the valkyries"? plural? multiple valkyries? I thought there was a character literally named singular "valkyrie" who is a blackwashed fucking hideous nigger?
you know, how it typically goes? a hideous nigger playing the character named for the beautiful angelic white demi-goddess of nordic lore
That the whole valkyrie group. The black one is just called scrapper somerandomnumber. her real name is never revealed or something, but she is called valkyrie in the credits
It's a 40 year old character that marvel fans don't know cause they don't read comics.
Movie depicts the Valkyrior being Odin's personal guard and first attack line all dying against Hela in her rebellion, Tessa Thompson Valkyrie was the sole survivor
Also this movie is finally really upfront with MCU Asgard being basically just a vaguely Viking-themed planet in space with non-whites living there as well
actually knew about her and she looks pretty cool. shame they changed her in the movie.
no thanks
Kill yourself.
Zack Synder really outdid himself with these shots. He should direct 4hor.
>so let's make a whole faction of really beautiful warrior women right
>then let's have them all be slaughtered
Why are gurofags all over the entertainment industry these days?
Said no studio ever