I've made a discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested.
I've made a discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested
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Got banned in 5 seconds and wasn’t even shitposting. Die niggers
>wasn’t even shitposting
Sorry, it appears the channel has higher quality standards than what you might be used to.
Yeah I saw that “discussion,” it was hellish. Have fun with your den of plebs though.
Fuck off with this discord shit.
Sup Forums is on the other way, buddy
Sounds like you're butthurt, but don't discourage others from joining. There has been discussion ranging from Rivette and Syberberg to Malick and de Palma. A few of the guys in there have seen a ton of films and really dug into the more obscure and experimental side of cinema. But the discussion isn't inaccessible at all, even stuff like Lynch is discussed. Everyone there (so far) has both an interest in and actually ability to digest and film and discuss it
Still beats the Sup Forums discussion by a mile.
If you're content with capeshit, forced memes, and "discussion" of the latest Villeneuve movie then fine stay here. But it's gotten to where even threads that try to start discussion die with about 10 posts
I can absolutely guarantee it will be cancer riddled autism chat filled to the brim with literal children. Adults know that trying to actually discuss movies is fucking gay and pathetic, and that memes are the sole reason for this boards existence
Spoken like a true brainlet.
Haha sounds like Chubs from Happy Gilmore
I'll take that but only genuinely autistic pseudointellectuals want to discuss movies they've seen with anonymous Sup Forums friends
If you watched legitimately obscure films you would know that discussing them with anonymous internet friends is about the only way you can do it.
Pseudointellectual has become the new pretentious, a truly empty and ironic word. But it has nothing to do with posturing. If we had people to discuss films with irl wouldn't we? I can't speak for everyone but I'm often dying to discuss film and art in general but no one I know is really into it and this board certainly has no room for it
I was going to join, but
Thanks for letting us know.
Why not discuss it here
Legit question? Because no one here wants to. The threads get buried with no responses. And if you try to discuss in an active thread all you get is memes and low effort shitposts
I said one word when I joined and got banned, no wonder you have to shill here. Bet you don't even have a KG account you gay cunt
>still butthurt about it
i'm not butthurt
just sad
You kicked me for making a joke?
No shitposting allowed.
Hey user in the same exact boat. Look at how many times you have to bump a thread like this. Sup Forums is straight garbage but I still hang out for those blue moon threads that ooze kino
Is a joke now considered shitposting? That seems incredibly dry. It's a shame because I really like arthouse threads on here but we don't seem to get many anymore.
I can unban you if you promise to behave nicely.
What's your username?
Fuck it, turn this thread into discussion.
Seen Czech, Swedish, French, German, Dutch, Greek, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Chinese, Estonian, and Iranian art house. What am I missing bros?
Why did moot remove the 'advertising' category of the report function?
Slightly over a hundred other countries.
OP is a gay faggot
come to #patrishcord instead
no rules and everyone knows a lot about everything
kinodome right now: early Bergman or late Malick and why?
both are trash
early bergman easily, malik is but a shallow impersonation and thief of basically every 'arthouse' european director
plus bergman is just in a league of his own
What are your favorite films?
are there any old 3x3 users there?
la belle et la bete
level 5
india song
stray dogs
cafe lumiere
nouvelle vauge
i'm in patrishcord wink wink
Ill check these out.
Mine at the moment
Knight of Cups
Il Deserto Rosso
Mother and the Whore
Wild Strawberries
Eternity and a Day
>this is considered peak artistry
Truly the most despicable bunch known to man. To dedicate so much time to peddling the same regurgitated lists, still indulging the same 1960s hippie pipedreams, still watching and elevating trash yet still not know the first thing about your medium or muster any substantial taste worth a damn is a testament to sheer existential irony.
Why do you like these directors and what do you consider substance
Good taste. I haven't seen red desert because I haven't liked Antonioni much but I will check it out now
Your second mistake is for thinking that's a subjective list.
Just answer the question and talk about movies duuuuuuuude
american and americanized trash, embarrassing
When is shilling discord going to be a bannable offense?
I'm not even the op Jesus fuuuuuck
Why do the Europeans love American trash so much
Is DW Griffith arthouse
No, he stole everything from Melies
prove me wrong right now. pro tip: I'm hoping you can
OP here, I agree 100%
I said Melies not Lumiere brothers. Though they're better than anything Griffith shitted out as well
Get me an invite in the /lbg/ discord while we are at it. I used to be there but had an unclaimed account and lost my data on the browser.