>2 more days till Halloween edition
>2 more days till Halloween edition
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Also took this pic from the previous general and randomly added more stuff.
ghosts and demons, for sure. they're the only thing that won't get infected by the thing and can't get eaten by the blob.
I > III > IV > H20 > II (remake) > II (original) > the rest
Bet they can't do shit with the inhuman personification of pure evil.
Original > 4 > 3 > 2 > Remake II > Curse > Remake > H20 > Revenge > Resurrection
i guess you're pretty much dicked then. if you pick a physical monster, the thing will always win. if you pick the thing one of the spiritual monsters or demons will always win. if you pick a spiritual monster or demon, another spiritual monster or demon could win. or i guess you just hope there isn't a winner? and it just goes on forever? i think these monsters need to get changed. leave out the thing and spirit monsters.
1>3>H20>2>4>5>2007>6>8>2 2009
I'll allow it.
>if you pick a physical monster, the thing will always win.
Explain how The Thing would win against Chucky.
he's a spiritual monster like annabelle. so the question is, who would win, annabelle or chucky? or candyman?
Anyone else prefer the first one to the second? I was disappointed and it started off good.
Chucky becomes human if he stays as the doll for too long
It makes no sense but that’s why he stops trying to possess children in 2 or 3
It’s why he’s full of blood and guts every time he gets blown the fuck up
yes, first one had some actual tension
Saw this on AMC the other night.
Holy shit why does rob zombie suck so much cock?
The house of 1000 corpses universe does not extend into other franchises you dumb fag.
Yup. I was hoping for a Man Bites Dog type of movie.
Saw this on AMC the other night. It was actually really good
It can rip him to shreds. Chuck can be harmed and The Thing can change into anything it has consumed in the past.
marginally better than Curse, but it still looks like a fan film
>still looks like a fan film
thats because every movie after 3 was a fan film.
thats how most horror movies are.
Bride and Sneed are leaps and bounds better than Curse or Cult
I think part 3 was on SciFy or however they call it last night. The one where they're at Kent Military School. I actually like that one and I haven't seen it since I was little.
the horror comedy tone is wrong for Child's Play.
Well I disagree completely, and the comedy has always been in the Child’s Play series
Chucky is not scary, he’s a quip machine
When Bride and Seed go full retard they take the characters into weird and interesting places
Seed is a masterpiece of shlock
I find the tone of Curse more off base quite honestly
bamp for something genuinely scary.
i just want to be scared as i was when i was 10 and watched Resident Evil.
>tfw no shack
It did seem comfy in there with the blizzard outside and the sound of swirling winds.
Wait the entire slasher squad or just one?
The entire squad could probably fuck up the thing. Especially if Jason is 'dead' it probably can't recreate dead cells
29th day of spooktober
Awful poster. The original is perfect.
>Wait the entire slasher squad or just one?
All of them.
I was watching Dream Warriors last night and I believe the Nightmare on Elm Street movies had some of the best effects. When I look back at Jason, Myers, Chucky, all their kills were pretty tame. Freddy had some of the most imaginative movie kills that I can remember. I guess that's because he was always in the dream space, but still.
Jason has his fare share of great kills, shame most of the money shots were butchered by the MPAA
what really helps 3 is how imaginative it is from a writing standpoint, 4 and 5 try to be imaginative with the kills, but the story and characters themselves that are supposed to hold the framework together are completely one dimensional
I mean yeah all the characters in 3 are fairly tokenized but I enjoyed them onscreen while they were alive, which is more than I can say for any characters 4-6
funnily enough, Frank Darabont and Chuck Russell went onto make The Blob remake, which of course also had incredible effects
Who /FinalDestination/ here? Such a fun series, really hoping they make another one.
I'm a sucker for practical effects whether they're bad or not and I think that's why I always appreciated the Freddy movies over the other slashers. And I'm going to watch The Blob again, it's been far too long and Drama is in it.
2 is the only one that feels like they had a blast writing it
the rest are very are pretty bland save for maybe one decent kill per film like the nail gun or the swimming pool
the second movie made me fear driving on the highway and gave me a bit of PTSD
This one genuinely creeped me out when I saw it
It has one or two bad actors tho, and the plot it's kinda ridiculous at some point, but it also has some great creepy scenes
They can be fun depending on the writing like one user said. Which one is the one where the bridge collapses? I thought that was a pretty cool scene.
Has anyone on here seen this? It's not too bad. I feel they dropped the ball with the ending, but it was a pretty comfy movie for the first 45 min or so. It wasn't particularly scary, though it has an interesting premise for a horror movie. And that one girl looked exactly like a young Anna Farris.
Ending was amazing dude. Very unique take on zombies, and that post credits scene was so fucking bonkers. I love that radio voice he has.
He was a perfect cast for this role and the cast was fine in my opinion. I just couldn't get down with the ending. I'll have to watch it again and I didn't know about the after credits scene. Thanks.
What about some actually scary movies instead of slashers, atmospheric garbage and Lmao horror comedy?
does seed have any scary pregnancy stuff? asking for a friend
>tfw no dream warriors tv show
>atmospheric garbage
Could you give an example?
If you didn't like the ending then the post credits scene will probably throw you off even more. I really enjoyed it. Complete paradigm shift from anything anyone reasonable could expect, which is the point of the movie in the end.
>the mothman prophecies
So I was bored the other night and wanted something scary to watch and this was on HBO. I was actually surprised with how much I liked it. The plot was simple and not overly complicated and the effects were pretty good.
Any Britbongs pick up Arrow's new Thing release? Managed to grab one of the 4000-only limited editions yesterday, fantastic set. It's got a brand new 4k restoration from the original negative as well as a bunch of new documentaries and extra, tasty
anybody ever watch this?
How much was it?
24 minutes into this flick and, man, it's already super comfy.
Oh, yeah, the Bluray came out recently, didn't it?
I'll watch it again.
have you never seen it before? the ending is a real treat.
Yeah, I call them "baldies".
Just finished this.
Enjoyed it despite my apprehension with the creepy doll / toy trope. Had a good atmosphere. Slight let down of an ending. I'd give it a 7/10.
>The Nun
It's poop.
>expect something similar to E.T., Goonies, or even IT.
This shit was unsettling and just mean at times. Never again.
Nope, and please don't spoil it for me. is it the quiet girl? she's my guess for now after 31 minutes
He did NOTHING wrong.
Is it good?
Only €25, shockingly.
Rewatched this last night. John carpenter is so fucking comfy
Make sure after you finish you come back and tell us how you liked it
that whole series is great
leave the thread dont come back until done
I appreciated how the characters actually made intelligent decisions based on what they knew instead of being retards.
it great. the entire series is really fun
if you're not expecting too much then yeah it's a fun movie
1 > 3 > 2
Fuck the rest. They're garbage.
Watched pic related a couple weeks ago and it still fucks me up thinking about it
What are you watching on Tuesday, lads?
The Thing. I'm pretty sure it's virtually unkillable and it's a hard counter to the Slasher Squad, and everytime it gets physically attacked, it'll have a chance to grow more numerous.
yinz should check this movie out. it's pretty cool.
here's a link to it on youtube
Could the thing assimilate the blob
Holy hell, they all gone now? Will they ever do another print?
I can never understand Arrow’s marketplace
>no sound
>muh dick
Name a comfier experience than watching the Thing during a blizzard
>pro tip: you can't
All the boxed sets and steelbooks versions are gone online, but you can get the standard edition exclusively in Sainsburys apparently
bummer. it's working for me.
I already watch Halloween 1-3 last week, so probably Trick r Treat, Freddy vs Jason and maybe Ghostwatch
either bay of blood, tenebre, or killer klowns
I'll be watching Saw 1 through 6 tomorrow. Tuesday will consist of Halloween III, the Evil Dead remake, Exorcist III and The Thing.
If you have problems deciding, watch Tenebre. Bay of Blood is only good for the killing scenes imo. Haven't watched KK yet, but at least with Tenebre you can't go wrong.
This was pretty goofy
Probably the Fog and Funny Man.
i fucking love that movie
Any recent horror films?
maybe ill watch tenebre and kill klowns since kk is pretty halloweeny. thanks.
give me a film to watch
something spooky/creepy please
Dagon, alternatively if you prefer psychologically creepy Angst ('83).
Autopsy of Jane Doe
Hannibal would just outthink all of these threats
Ju On
I remember comfy Sup Forums streams.
If my connection wasn't gargabe I'd do it.
Amazing flick tbqh
>John carpenter is so fucking comfy
No truer word has ever been said.