What does S3 have in store for him?

What does S3 have in store for him?

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The main antagonist of S3 after he fucks the underaged gang

>H-hey.. I'm a good g-guy now..

Runs away with Mom. Needs more humor.

i'd pay good money for a scene where he fucks mike's mom will the dad is forced to watch. he has to have a BWC though or no deal

The piece of the mind flayer that escaped will infect him and he'll start going around infecting more people so it can build up power.

Still an angry dude but gets some solace from his sister and the gang about his dad being abusive to him. Starts to not befriend but at least care about the gang, does something nice for his sister in a small gesture and gets mad when she notices.

It's going to be very tropey and easy to digest and follow the progression.

Hes going to eat nancys mom pussy and become Steve's best friend

Fucked in the ass by daddy

Hot, would watch

He'll probably run away from home and encounter Eight or some shit.

>What does S3 have in store for him?
Mighty morphin time!

I'm pretty sure his character is supposed to be a closeted gay and that's why he's such an asshole

>drives a great car
>deeply respects his veteran dad
>could have fucked a married women but didnt do it because hes a moral person
>gave some tips to Steve on how to be a better basketball player
>actively cares for his sister even if shes a brat and doesnt want her to ger blacked

did NOTHING wrong

most gays are assholes anyways and need to be purged.

He's reminiscent of a young George Michael

Yeah when he's talking to steve you can see it. He's absolutely a closeted gay, also why he fucks so many women, also why he spends so much time on his appearance (though that could just be 80s)

If they make Billy a faggot imma kill those retarded brothers

he's the best character on this shit show. too bad he couldn't use his testosterone to save Bob.

>What does S3 have in store for him?
if this guy doesnt turn out gay i will be mad. his fucking make up made him look super gay. everything about him was extremly gay. it would also make sense settingwise.

Why wouldn't they make him gay? Literally all the hints point toward him being gay and acting out because his dad is abusive.

I really thought they were going to do that when he started bullying steve but I really hope they go back on that

20 bucks they will make him have a gay relationship with steve as the bottom.

I could expect this

you can tell he wanted steve so bad in that shower scene

probably no homo ass fuckingwith him since nancy dropped his ass...

Why the fuck do people want him gay?

yeah.. the cliché closeted homo with the rough military dad

He's going to propose to Steve and his dad is going to (rightfully) beat him to death. This will somehow cause Will to get terrorized by monsters, and Winona Ryder will vandalize her own house again.

There's nothing gay about the new Alpha on the block making it clear that he's the real king of the school. He's better at sports than you. He's better at partying than you. The shower bit was him affirming that yes he also has a bigger dick than you. Stop being a tumblr bitch.

>forced to watch
the dad is such a non presence im sure hed watch while sippin coffee

At the begginig I thought his sister and him would be spies working for the commie side

No none of that makes him gay. Watch as he's a total alpha and also gay.

I agree,billy was just marking territory

I thought he raped his sister.

He was probably my favorite character. Does anyone agree? He was an awesome "high school dick head out of towner". The best I have ever seen. Also he was sexy and and his facial expressions were great.

I also think he was intuitive about all the shit in that town. He was very intuitive.

They're only comfortable if they believe if the alpha is gay. Yet it should be the opposite.

romance between him and steve

no one rules out that his dad isnt a spy.

literally he didn't though. He was a real human in a world of fake characters

I'm straight as an arrow and even I thought this guy was hot. The scene with Mike's mom was more sexually charged than any porno I've seen.

"you know what happens when you lie to me...."


if they do this I'm quitting the show. I am so sick of jewllywood emasculating white alphas

cause they are beta losers who don't like extroverted alphas. To them anyone with an ounce of masculinity is "compensating"

im glad we had the same thought, friend.

Billy and Steve on a roadtrip listening to Wham together when?

What's emasculating about being gay? Fucking a soft woman is far more emasculating, what you can't handle a man? You have to fuck something that bends to your will rather than fighting back? What a pussy.

Billy and Steve will team up and save the day the Chads' way, screencap this

Steve is a weaselly bitch. It's a mystery that he was ever so popular. Guess his parents are just richer than the rest. Billy thrives because he's a true lion.

He gets so angry that his head explode and then you'll see that he was a demogorgon all along

as an actual gay, everything is emasculating about being gay dude. Getting fucked in the ass is emasculating. Straight dudes (in other words, men in general) ridiculing you is esmasculating.

Only retards with no experience of the world by into bullshit about how gays and straights are the same and are treated the same and that a gay guy can be just as masculine as a straight guy. Sure you can get jacked but the internals are off and there are hardly any "alpha' gays. Vast majority are bottom faggots and even the tops have a demureness and submissiveness not seen in straight men

Masculinity isn't preening yourself like a fucking woman in front of a mirror, shaving your body hair, and wearing an earring and open blouse. He's a fucking drag queen faggot.

Steve was the mvp, but Billy was a close second

>waaaaah I'm to fat and ugly to show off my muscles
You numales need to hang.

Oh I show off my muscles. In a t-shirt or shirtless. I don't shave my body or wear blouses, jewelry, or long bitch hair. Because that's for women and fags.

He'll be struggling with his sexuality and continue to be racist

>taking care of your appearance is gay!

Ya we should all be like nerdy techies and their unkempt beards and poor sense of fashion.

Also billy is in fucking high school, not a 25 yo yuppie. You are suppose to be adventurous and over the top in high school regarding your expression

Not to mention this is the godamn 1980s

its ltierally what all the biggest alphas of the time were doing dumass. You haven't heard of 80s rock and roll?

So wear masculine clothes, and shave your head. He should have been a skinhead, not a faggot dressed up like one if Charlie's angels.

Yeah and faggots dressing like women in rock bands is probably what drove so many impressionable kids to dress like niggers the next decade.

no that is the fault of the jew media that decided to elevate the blacks in the first place

>delete Max and Red Ranger from the season

What changes?

>deeply respects his veteran dad
More like >is scared shitless of his dad but would probably badmouth him behind his back

Point. It's the same Jewish media that popularized rockers dressing like trannies though. Guys shouldn't wear earrings either, that's the mark of slaves and women.

>I'm not going to wear what the Jews tell me even if dressing like Beyonce is going to open all of the thighs


You're having an autistic heart attack because a masculine guy in another era wore shit that was popular. Go back to your corner and masturbate to Henry Rollins or whatever it is you skinheads do.

Fuck Mike in the boipussy

That dude is gay 100%

Know how I can tell he's a manlet?

I though the same.

I'm not saying everybody should be skinheads. I'm saying they took a potentially cool character and made him look like a fag. Hell have him dress like the blonde protagonist of karate kid.

He's really gay actually.


Every teenager playing actor in this show is short.

Looks like an AIDS ridden incel

Skinheads aren't high school alphas you retard, they're the outcasts who don't fuck anything but junkies

Haha he flat told Karen "see you later". She's a degenerate whore and her husband is a pussy. Hopefully Mike wises up and asks 11 to kill his family.

yeah, he's 5'83

Male pattern baldness is a serious problem.

What does S3 have in store for our guys?

>there are people on this board right now who think this suave motherfucker isn't going to fuck all the mothers.

Everyone thinks hes a closeted faggot,while I could see them doing that I hope he continues to be an asshole and fuck every pussy out there

>mfw they write some forced shitty gay relationship between Steve and Billy

He basically told Karen it's gonna happen.


I don't think the character is a faggot but his dad obviously does. He needs to present himself better. Other than being a dickhead in the background and either getting a redemption arc like Steve or getting killed by a monster, I think the only things likely to happen are he gets punked by 11 or bangs the bath mom.

best part of the finale desu

This. Never forget.

he HAS to be gay, r-right guys?
>showering near other men
>calls another dude a pretty boy
>his dad calls him a faggot
there's NO way he's not gay
these aren't things that happen to straight people, r-right?
he HAS to be the LGBTQ character I've been waiting for!

>And they want us to believe this literal chad is a fag

You people are so fucking retarded if you think Billy is even remotely a fag.

He’s the penultimate ‘80s alpha pussy crusher. Sorry you’re too insecure about yourselves to realize that.

Totally this. Also, do you know how wolves males dominate each other? By sodomy. The Alpha screw in the ass the weakest one who submits. So with the score of Duran Duran's hungry like a wolf he will fuck Steve's bum, but not in a gay way, just in a manly and straight way. Maybe some kissing and foreplay, but no penis touching another penis, that's the line that would make the thing gay, they will be straight males celebrating their strenght.

a-all handsome man are secretly GAY, he HAS to be GAY!!


Got a raging erection from that, Mike's mom is hot as fuck.

Was he a racist or just a general dick?

Hes /ourguy/

He was nerdist.

You have no idea what penultimate means do you?

redemption arc because he is obviously gay