Do people here honestly believe that everybody liked the Star Wars prequels until the Plinkett reviews?
Do people here honestly believe that everybody liked the Star Wars prequels until the Plinkett reviews?
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Just a bunch of disney channel watching new male faggots pretending everyone liked them
many people did like them at first, especially kids, but the general consensus of the first two were that they weren't very good. the hatred just piled on after the plinket reviews, it was popular to hate them then.
they essentially did
I still think that Ep1 is better of ep2&3
Every1 literally EVERY1 loved em until disney paid redditledditmemedia to shill their reviews everywhere unt plebs accepted it as fact
Only underage retards think prequel hate is a recent thing. They were hated since they came out. Episode 1 was fucking infamous for being one of the biggest disappointments of a generation.
this is the correct opinion
No and yes.
There's a video out there of people who had waited in line for TPM and had just finished watching it, and these two guys are fighting over whether or not the movie sucked. So yes, there is evidence out there at least one man did not like the prequels prior to Plinkett. Personally, I didn't care for the prequels when they came out, pre-Plinkett. I absolutely hated TPM in particular, and I remember feeling like I was in the minority (although everyone would agree Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd sucked). Still watched 'em, though.
Plinkett definitely has shaped people's views on the prequels. Anecdotally, I've discussed the prequels with people and they've made Plinkett review points verbatim. They'll even cite the Plinkett reviews as though they're the commandments or something. Personally, I love the Plinkett reviews, and I love RLM, but in rewatching the reviews over the years, I've come to realize they get a lot of stuff wrong. Ultimately, in a way, Plinkett got me to appreciate the prequels more. I learned not to hate them as much thanks, in part, to Plinkett.
Prequels were better.
Star wars is shit.
This is true but the second was meh/ok and I actually I liked the third one a lot even back then. Now of course, after the Disney Wars shitshow, I consider the prequels oscar-tier masterpieces.
easiest way to spot a numale is prequel hate.
Disney Wars has showed everyone how well made the prequels were.
this is true, and it's noticeable with EVERYTHING RLM reviews
the one big thing plinkett got wrong was his understanding of the trade federation's motives and tactics.
>why would the trade federation want to limit trade?
it was a temporary embargo meant to pressure naboo into lowering their taxes.
> it was popular to hate them then
Combine that with that fact that it's extremely easy to hate on the prequels because literally everything in them is wrong. I also think given the autism of the fanbase and because they were the most recent star wars films to come out since the OT, people were bound to hate on them no matter what (even if they were ok films). I mean, that's basically what is happening to TFA
>First SW film in awhile, Hype train is at max, everyone loves it when it came out
>Fastfoward a couple months, people start complaining that its the worst SW film ever and the older ones were better (prequels, OT)
I don't think there is anything with being critical towards the new films, but it seems like given any fanbase as big as star wars, there will always be a vocal minority of fans claiming the new entries suck and the old ones were better. Its a really dumb console-war mentality that you would probably find on Sup Forums
episode 3 apologists need to hang
Nigga, all of star wars is shit. Its capeshit disguised as a space fantasy opera
yes, everyone loved the prequels until RLm told them not to.
I liked the first episode that came out in the 70s and the rest can suck my balls.
It was a perfect story in which a person who thinks he's a nobody goes on to find religion, destroy a weapon of mass destruction, face a bad guy, and get the girl.
That was before they turned it into an incestuous tale in which everyone of significance in the universe has to be related.
I knew in my heart they were shit but Pinkett just did such a good job of putting all my feelings into words... it was like.. Poetry
Plinkett reviews were just taking the most common arguments found online and compiling them together.
Star Wars has literally gotten worse over time.
I liked them even more after the cringy pleblett """reviews"""
I always hated them. The only thing I remember from any of them is the hilariously bad love dialog between Vader and Herschlag; I've watched those scenes over and over again. At least they were decent comic relief, though unintentional.
What a punchable fucking face.
He looks like that faggot teenager that fucks everything up. You just want to beat the shit out of this faggot face.
nigga you serious?
we had this thread yesterday. OTshitters were blown out then as well
i'm convinced that disney did a fuckoff huge guerrilla marketing campaign around the time they acquired the IP rights. that was when that stupid /r/prequelmemes subreddit started flaring up. i think it is actually organic now, but i bet disney spent a pretty penny getting the ball rolling. i think they wanted to get people to view it in a slightly more positive light so they could milk as many lucasbux from the franchise as possible
younger audiences probably also find the prequels somewhat nostalgic too, since it reminds them of being little kids, and it probably didn't seem to shit to them back then. same as how a lot of late 20 year olds have nostalgia for terrible 80s and early 90s movies.
So you like every previous movie better than the newest one? Haha. You realize you're basing your enjoyment of the movies on nostalgia, right? Why don't you try objectively critiquing the movies, actually think about them, instead of going on feeling/nostalgia.
Original air date of this scene was March 16, 2003.
prequels have the best memes because they are well crafted movies with a lot of heart and unintentional humor, this isn't hard
I watched them all as a child and I enjoyed them all because I was a child, I still like them for nostalgia even if i recognize that they weren't good. I was born in 1995. If I was born in 1985 I bet I would absolutely hate them.
I camped out for like 16 hours with a bunch of other asperglers to see Episode 1, and I can tell you first hand that the attitude of most people leaving the theater was extreme disappointment, verging on anger.
If you think that people liked the prequels when they came out, you are too young to remember.
this is now a sneed thread
post rare sneeds
people didn't like them but there was almost no public criticism about them. everyone thought revenge of the sith "redeemed" the other ones.
ok but 1 is the best
all the star wars "fandom" hated the movies because Lucas made a trilogy that was not what they wanted. Everything, from the way the Jedi were depicted, to the love story, were chided as "illogical", while they in reality were extremely well crafted statements about the world of Star Wars.
No but I think plenty of people didn't think about movie when they watched them.
>well crafted movies
No, no they weren't.
edge lords do
>the first two
>implying the third one was good just because it rose above the subterranean level of tpm and aotc
Originally aired: February 23, 2001
I didn't go see attack of the clones or revenge of the Jedi because phantom menace was so bad, and I'm a massive Star Wars nerd
If you honestly think these are good movies you should kill yourself
sure user, sure
our generation did for the most part. the older generation didn't but i don't think making cults out of hating stuff was a thing before the internet. the kids that grew up without real internet and then got access probably liked the prequels because why wouldn't they. only jar jar was hated. then the plinkett reviews made them actually think about the movie as an adult and that started a cult of hating the prequels.
Bruh, you are full on retarded. Everyone hated the prequels, not just the "fandom."
Nobody ever "chided" the love story as illogical, they just hated it because of the fact that Christensen and Portman had less than zero chemistry, and the age gap seemed strange because of child Anakin in Ep1.
Let me guess, you don't like episode 6 either
(you like a minority of star wars movies)
>full of beans and SPUNK
>the older generation didn't
Uh, yes they fucking did. Ask anyone who was a kid when the originals came out what they think of the prequels.
when you look critically at the original trilogy today you see that even they were pretty lazily written with dumb plots that were full of holes. it just happened to be about as good as sci-fi got, and it was lots of action without the pompousness of star trek. and lucas was always absolutely shameless about cashing in on merchandise crap. they even mock this in spaceballs when they go visit "yogurt" and they're just selling a bunch of crap from the movie.
the prequels just allowed him to make his low-grade sci-fi action schlock in front of a green screen for way less. and by that point, he was thought to be a cinematic genius. the guy just likes colourful laser sword fights. if that technology had been present in the 60s, then it's exactly what the original trilogy would have been like. he even said the only reason he didn't have yoda act like a light sabre ninja was because there was no way to pull it off with the little puppet from jedi. lucas hates almost everything about the original trilogy and it's exactly why he took the first opportunity to shove as much "remastered" cgi bullshit into the originals
George Lucas hiring the best of the best for backgrounds and special effects only for him to film some of the blandest dialogue scenes ever put to cinema in front of them is not "well-crafted" user.
>lucas hates almost everything about the original trilogy
dialogue is not his strong suit, but it really doesn't matter. Image and sound are what matter in cinema
Rogue One is pretty harmless. It fucks with the established continuity and characters of the original movies the least.
what are you talking about. i said that we as kids liked it when it came out just because it was star wars. the older gen didn't like it but didn't make as big a deal about it. when our gen (26-36 now) grew up it made a cult around hating the prequels. plinkett was a big part of that along with messageboards.
Probably because his ex-wife was so instrumental in guiding him away from his bad ideas and towards his good ideas in ANH and Empire.
When they divorced he lost the person that was serving as his bullshit filter and he probably views that as freedom.
Do you think if Lennon's solo career was marketed as a suture-less continuation of the Beatles, people would applaud its merits? Do you think avid enthusiasts wouldn't laud the unbridled and raging compositions about faith and the working class if they were meant to one up Hard Day's Night and Day in the Life? What would the point be?
This is the fatal flaw in the Plinkett reviews. Pull up a clip from the prequels, match it with one from the OT, and synthesize them after the fact. The criticism is technically valid, but the basis of all of it is that there is apparent flaw in contrast. That they aren't the same. That I is not like IV, is not like II is not like V. And apparently, as pointed out in the last line of all three reviews, so long as there is 'an emotional connection with the audience' (a completely subjective quality) then all the shit Mike was nitpicking didn't matter to begin with. That's how the Force Awakens became 'perfect' through the same theory of critical analysis.
While I wouldn't call the prequels 'great', they were always going to be the films they are today. Apparently, the only solution to their flaw is to just copy the old movies. Don't aspire to be anything else.
>but it really doesn't matter.
If you think dialogue isn't important then you don't understand how stories work. The main draw of a story are the characters and how they interact with one another.
This is even apparent in ROTJ. His marriage was falling apart and the story suffered for it.
but it sucks
this, prequel haters got what they wanted, and its a garbage fire
Although the OT does get brought a lot in contrast to the PT in the reviews, they are always used as reference to what most movies do, which is create characters that engage your audience. Throughout the Plinkett reviews this is his MAIN point which is that no one gives a shit about Anakin, Obi-Wan or Padme because of what they are actually doing. People only care because it;s Star Wars and we want to see what happens before the OT. The characters aren't characters, they're just set dressing so that Lucas can get from one space battle to the next. I mean Lucas objectively did a bad job at the PT when he himself missed the mark as his own thesis statement about the PT when he said he wanted to make a movie about "how a good person goes bad." We, the audience never see this happen. We're introduced to a cute Disney kid in TPM with a bowl cut and hope in his eyes, then we get to AOTC and he's already an asshole. We didn't see him become this way. No, we're just reintroduced to him and told to just accept it because the kid is apparently drunk on power all the time. GL himself said what he wanted the PT to be and he failed.
I don't like reddit letter media determine my views.
>GL himself said what he wanted the PT to be and he failed.
Fuck, he kind of did, didn't he?
>Friends get these weird Star Wars cups with foam versions of the characters on the lids when Phantom Menace comes out, one of them is Jarjar
>Have a great time filling it with green kool aid and breaking it against things and making it look like a gungan crime scene
We were 12 or so at the time but these friends were invested EU fags. Fans of the first trilogy were largely not interested in the prequels.
The only arguments I see prequel haters bring up are
>Muh Jar Jar
>Muh CGI
>Muh acting
>Muh boring politics
>Muh not real star wars
>genetically enhanced to have superior hand eye coordination and dexterity
>can't hit a base ball
but the only people who actually put effort in their lines throughout the whole trilogy were Obi-Wan and Sheev
How about characters that you cannot connect with because of either how terribly they are written (Padme) or terribly they are portrayed (Hayden)
it's so odd that Sup Forums always claims to hate the prequels because Sup Forums never shuts the fuck up about them. why don't you fags admit that you like them or shut the fuck up about them. there are more prequel threads on here than any other star wars movies.
Haha I know what you mean bro, fuck writing. Why do we even have it?
>Why do we even have it?
>bad characters, looks like shit, all the characters were poorly played, writing was disengaging, and it didn't capture the original values of the setting
Holy hell, you're cherrypicking even and this is what you come up with?
Sup Forums likes talking about shit it hates, obviously. are you really going to pretend you don't understand that?
I don't think he's pretending. I think he's actually retarded.
A remake starring the goose when?
I love how people like you have deluded themselves into thinking anyone but yourself watch retarded Youtube videos.
I have not once followed anyone on Youtube, I don't even have an account. I think the last youtube video I watched about some retard talking about shit was one of Pewdiepie videos of him pretending to be a nazi. That was like years ago.
I don't care about retards on Youtube, and I definitely don't care about other retards' opinions.
Also, the prequels were good and pretty kino for their time. Episode 3 is genuinely good, not even in an ironic way.
What about the central focus characters sucking?
I mean the Emperor is interesting, and that's about it. They even fucked up Obi-Wan, regardless of how good a job Ewan McGregor did with it.
>how good a job Ewan McGregor did with it
He was only good in ROTS.
>Also, the prequels were good and pretty kino for their time. Episode 3 is genuinely good, not even in an ironic way.
What? People here know about Plinkett. Some people liked it and some people hated it. Either way Youtube didn't invent the hate.
>completely retcons my nigga kyle katarn
fuck outta here
I've never seen the reddit letter media "reviews" and I dont plan on ever doing so.
I think 2 is bad mostly because of the shitty anakin/padme romance and bad cgi. Yoda jumping around like a bunny on speed didnt help either. Definitely my least favorite.
The other 2 I will always like and will rank them above the disney flicks.
>I love how people like you have deluded themselves into thinking anyone but yourself watch retarded Youtube videos.
What point are you are trying to make here?
Kyle Katarn was never real and neither is Jyn Erso.
Youtube was a much better site before you got old enough to visit it kid. You don't need an account or to follow anyone just to watch videos there. It got too big and now it confuses and upsets you guys.
ANGRY prequel apologists will contest this: The Force Awakens IS NOT inferior to the prequels
>Daisy Ridley is a bad actress
>Rey is a Mary Sue, how did she pull the jedi mind trick with no force training whatsoever?
>Rey is a Mary Sue, she shouldn't have won if she hasn't had any lightsaber training
Do people here, or anywhere, seriously give any kind of fuck what youtube reviewers say about anything?
No one is upset that Rey is a powerful female. We have a problem with the fact tat she is so badly written so as not to be believable. We wanted a believable female badass from the beginning. Apparently nerds are the ones who wanted them first, why else do you think shit like Zena and Buffy were popular for so long?
Palpatine is related to who?
And Han Solo?
And Obi-Wan?
And Yoda?
Just to pick a few obscure characters.
>5 at the top
>2 at the bottom
You came here to purposely start a shit-storm, didn't you?
>Disney Star Wars
>above anything
Prequel apologists who cite it as a reason that TFA
R1 is better than 7 because of the ending scene alone