What is the worst movie flop of all time?

What is the worst movie flop of all time?

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no idea, but i m sure out of recent movies king arthur is really high. 140 mill total BO, 175 mill budget

this trash right here

Waterworks with Kevin Spacey

I don't know what this movie is about, but judging by this poster the title is horribly misleading.



Spider-Man homecoming

>E Howard's work adapted for a PG-13 movie
Doomed from the start.

It was genuinely this. Disney thought this film was going to be a colossal blockbuster and it flopped into meme status until Legacy somewhat revived it, and even then Legacy could have been a lot more successful.

the Hollywood executives were convinced it was going to make $2 billion. how could two massive brand names possibly fail ?!

This is the only answer. Why did it flop aside from bad plot and cheesy special effects? Werent people interested in seeing it?

Howard the Duck

Heaven's Gate, you plebs. Also it's a 10/10 movie if we remove the 40 minutes of dancing.

That Emma Watson movie which made only 50 pounds at the box office.

I saw it in theaters and liked it. Couldn't tell you why the rest of society didn't. Maybe that's why I'm on Sup Forums at 30.


It came out waaay overbudget for many reasons among which Costner being a diva and them filming in open sea (always bad idea).

Then in an effort to still turn a profit, they cut a whole bunch of shit so that they could have more showings in the same slots.

Leaving a horribly overbudget relatively short clusterfuck of a movie..

>they cut a whole bunch of shit
like what?

I don't know, I never even saw the movie. I'm just parroting what I have heard somewhere one time.

I'll confess something even worse. I watched The Postman in theatre and unironically enjoyed most of it.

i know that john carter is considered a flop but i totally love it.

its got everything a light hearted adventure film needs, it actually boggles my mind that it flopped.

The Postman is good as well, one of my faves.
Just something about that comfy end of the world but not end of society type thing.

Waterworld is kino too.

All the New Hollywood (nuclear) bombs
Heaven's Gate
Rumble Fish
Day of the Dolphin
Last Love or whatever it's called the peter bogdanovich musical
The Spielberg war movie after close encounters
Mommie Dearest

47 Ronin

>Marlel poojeet stretching this hard

Hello Dolly

It's such a retarded premise I'm not surprised at all. I'm not into this universe at all and I know superman is fucking overpowered, and batman is just a man in a fancy suit. Of course superman will win, fuck. What's the point

Theodore Rex.

Cost $35million and went straight to video.

I wouldn't count that, a lot of VOD movies play in a theater for one day to make sure they can qualify for certain awards. A 50 pound take on something like that doesn't mean much.

i don't remember any problem with the effects. but yeah the plot was very uninspired. too bad because the idea is cool and it needs sequels

this movie was great


These two.

It's important to remember that a lot of Waterworld's reputation has to do with its production. The movie itself is just a typical spectacle piece of the time. I remember enjoying it, especially the scenes with Dennis Hopper. But it was a very expensive movie at the time, and it went horribly over budget. It was widely panned in the media, too. I don't think I've ever heard positive press for this movie.

Today stuff like Transformers has a budget way higher than Waterworld, so in retrospect it seems a bit overblown.

Antman made more money than BvS.

how is that not a massive flop?

You would have liked Patrice.

... of course you meant to say edgar rice burroughs, right?

its almost like inflation is a thing or something.

Whatever caused Carolco to kick the bucket

> Everyone forgot about this movie already.
Not only did it flopped at the box office, Sony also had to spend a shit load of money in marketing and actually opened a completely new division called the "Ghost Corps" that was designed to produce a Ghostbusters cinematic universe. Adding to that, the email leaks and their mismanaging of all the controversies gave them a lot of bad press.

This movie is more of a disaster than we think it was.

Patrice O'Neal? One of the greatest comedians, RIP.

1963's Cleopatra lost the most money.

So the soundtrack didn't sell well? That's unfortunate.

It's about John Carter tho
Pretty fun movie too
Shame it bombed as it did, because the setting is nice and the movie looked good


They could've named both him and the movie anything they wanted and they named it the most generic and unfitting John fucking Carter

The movie isn't a standalone thing. His name is John Carter in the novels as well.


that motherfucker at cinemasins was all grabbing his nuts and squirting all about how bvs was going to shit all over capt america civil war on his 'dear hollywood'
not once did he apologize about his 'prediction' being wrong.

His name is John Carter in the source material as well
They could have named the movie a lot better

fucking this
people need to realize this and accept it.
but they're all denying it, they just don't want to accept the truth.
that's the society we're heading.
blacks don't want to hear that their own people sold them into slavery.
everyone wants to be a special snowflake and not get their feelings hurt or want to hurt anyone else.
no one gets left behind, everyone gets a free pass, etc..

>Budget: 98 million
>Box office: 10 million
>Carolco goes to bankruptcy

Comfy as fuck.

Oh, sorry. I didn't know there was a source material and thought it was their original IP. Still, the title fucked the movie big time. Is there a more disastrous example where that was the case?

I gotta admit, I really felt the same way about it when I saw an ad about the movie
Felt like it would be a really bore to watch
Only when I saw it by accident I realized the movie was actually done well, really enjoyable

the retarded title helped it flop

They cut Of Mars from the title just cause of how bad Mars needs moms did... LOL

Should have kept it in, also great fun popcorn flick, normies would have loved it if reviewers didn't scare them away from seeing it.

In terms of financial losses of a wide-release film it's the Adventures of Pluto Nash. $120 million budget, $7 million gross

but that's a lie

I told my girl she's the 4th most important thing in my life

The only movie with mars/martian in the title that didn't flop was the martian.

Never seen it, never will. Why did they fight though? They both good bois no?

D-did they really think that thing on the left would look convincing? It's LITERALLY a gorilla that's been Photoshopped to have a weird face...

Cause Supes is literally Jesus and Batfleck doesn't trust gods.

>Mars Attack
>Ghosts of Mars
>Red Planet AKA Mars
>Mission to Mars
>Princess of Mars
>Jupiter (which is right next to Mars) Ascending

legacy had an amazing soundtrack

i saw John Carter the day it came out and the place was packed. As I was leaving I heard everyone say how much they liked it (as in they didn't know what to expect from the film as the book is like 100 years old and no one reads it anymore)
I was surprised to see it flopped and that critics hated it. Especially seeing as its significantly better than most marvel films I dont really get the bad reviews.
The main actor wasn't great...though he really doesn't need to be.

Does Veronica Mars count?
That did alright.
Not great. but it wasn't a total flop

They had a disagreement. Batman wanted earth for humans, and wanted Superpan to go back to his planet.

Superman didn't want to leave and wanted Batman to be more open minded and stop that prejudice he had on him. Superman didn't start fighting because he wanted to convince Batman to allow him to immigrate to Batman's planet.

The fight stopped after Superman managed to convince to Batman that just because Superman is of a different race doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings too. 10 seconds later Batman helped Superman stand up and shook hands.

Movie ended shortly afterwards.

This year's King Arthur movie tops the wikipedia list. To be fair, the list is sorted by the lowest in a range, so it might not be the biggest flop, just the one with the biggest minimum loss.

This is why I don't watch capeshit, literally no value. Shit sounds hilarious, though.

Damn shame since this movie was better than Avatar. Unfortunate title and bad marketing ruined an outstanding film that could have turned into a great franchise since the books are good tier classic science fiction.

It has no relation to Mars the planet so no

I liked this movie. The main actress is a 10/10 goddess.

They REALLY fucked up the marketing on this one. It was nothing special but not that bad. Also it needed more Guy Ritchie scenes, seriously

The adhd of camera movement that's supposed to be dynamic looks retarded. What mongoloid okay'd it?

>I sucked that old jews dick for THIS?

I've seen scenes like this in anime that look really cool, but this style could never, ever work in live action.

You feeling alright mate?

The tone is overdone, but I agree with his message. Not trying to bring pol here, but if nothing will change western europe will be filled with riots very soon. The sleeper is being poked from all directions by leftist brain disease and it WILL awaken, just as it always did

Also, which flops deserved it?
John Carter was great and it basically got fucked by a variety of factors, none of which being the actual quality of the film itself.

>Not trying to bring pol here
you are though. Thanks for ruining the thread, I'm out.

Pathetic. You're really this delicate? Fuck off, will ya

>mfw my Dad busted out the "well, in the books..." argument on the way back from the theater.

I'm genuinely curious as to what they were hoping the 'expanded universe' setting would look like. I'm not sad it's dead but some part of me is disappointed we won't get to see the clusterfuck.

Ghostbusters 2016 deserved to flop because of its cynical advertising campaign

Do you remember the details of it? I seem to habe completely missed this whole shitshow

This looks so fucking bad, it doesn't look cool or good

Charlie Hunkman can't even fucking act while he's sitting in a chair getting his face captured for this scene's cgi

Just considering that they thought this shit was a good idea and intended to start a "ghostbusters cinematic universe" shows how much these people know about movies, so fucking sad that the people who run the film industry have no idea what a film is, for them it's just money

Say what you will about Disney but at least the people running the company have a basic idea of what sells. They have misfires but as far as they're concerned, blockbusters are largely a solved problem. It baffles me that in 2017, there's people running major studios that aren't just incapable of crafting a quality movie, but even a fucking functional one.
Ghostbusters 2016 is a non-functional film.


find one in every car, you'll see

My only beef with the movie is that it failed to capture how weird and alien Mars was in the books. I'm not the sort of autistic bookfag who gets mad at every little change from books that get adapted to movies, but in this case I was mildly disappointed that the movie failed to translate what I felt was a really unique atmosphere.

this one bombed pretty hard

3 2 3 4 2 3 and!

seems like a safe bet considering all the trash that is popular enough to have a cinematic universe

I don't get why people found john carter bad, It's basically star wars, except better

Anybody here seen "The Adventures of Pluto Nash"?

>trailer was the most disliked in history
>studio cherry picked some misogynistic comments and portrayed as though only women hating men didn't like the movie
>basically created an army of sjws to defend and promote the movie on the Internet

What is with the paragraphs?

i dont know the books that well except for the princess was naked and that the dude was from civil war era
Figured they would have it be a guy from modern time go to mars but they stuck with 1860s...which was pretty cool
the method of space travel was odd. Didnt seem like they just transported there.
the movie probably tried to put too much stuff into it really and was too long
dont see how they could give it less than a 6/10

Reddit spacing without the spacing

>The main actor wasn't great...though he really doesn't need to be.
He was in three movies that summer and all of them flopped. Battleship was a fucking TRIUMPH of a film and deserved to be remembered better than it is.