Why does this movie appeal so much to lonely men

Why does this movie appeal so much to lonely men

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We're all closer to being replicant than a real human bean.

childish fanboyism

>tfw movie flopped because the target audience (lonely men) is too small
>tfw you are in the target audience


Main character is one.

Anyone have the webmd when he's dying on the steps and real human bean starts playing?

It's about a lonely man

Because that's what it's about.

>tfw movie flopped because the target audience doesn't want to go to the theatre alone to see and support it

because that's its target audience and because they're the number one unrepresented demographic that makes up a significant portion of the entertainment watching population

>he's dying on the steps

He wasn't dying you idiot, just enjoying his freedom.

>tfw movie flopped because target audience couldn't make it past the no singles policy

It's for Redditors

oh look another crap runner thread, go watch thor instead

Yes freedom.
Free of life.

>main character is a lonely man
>OP asks why it appeals so much to lonely men

either you really wanted to get some (you)s or you are picrelated.

When will they learn?

It appeals to wannabe lonely men(redditors)

The kind that think they're deep for liking rainy weather

Because the main character is a lonely man.

They thought the online cult for the original was large enough to rake in profits.
Instead it was just a bunch of redditors tattooing the only memorable part on their arms.

>not liking comfy rain
Get out fag

Uh, I am lonely, faggot.
Go have sex with your girlfriend, you normie piece of shit.

I don't know about Joi. She definitely felt alive.

It absolutely is Reddit weather though. Rain is the weather for normalfags who like to think they're deep and smart, but whose understanding of intelligence ends at 'smart people are sad sometimes right?', and so when it rains they sit staring out the window in faux melancholy, sipping tea which they don't like the taste of trying to think of times they've felt pain in the past, but because they've led such sheltered, cotton-balled lives they just settle for putting on a frowny face and acting out what glum might look like if you explained 'glum' to an infant and told them to act it out.
Don't use the word "normies" if you expect people to believe you aren't part of the problem. It is and was always called "normalfag", "normies" is just a word actual normalfags use because it sounds less offensive.

Fuck off to facebook or kill yourself or I'll trace your IP address and be your problem.

>Decker just left the guy who saved his life outside to die, when they were in the middle of a city and right outside a friendly billionaire's home

If you want a serious answer.

When humans are down in a rut, generally speaking, they like to bring others down with them so they feel less lonely so they are naturally attracted to the fantasy of the future being utterly shit (cyberpunk which is dystopian future with no middle class) because they're use to it. Love isn't real to them so they find it in AI/cyborgs/2D/waifu etc.

Have a happy Halloween Euros.

Would a lonely legbeard enjoy this movie?

I would love to have a JOI, even if I knew it was fake. No woman has ever complimented me or cared about me in any way, and no woman ever will. I'm completely unremarkable, mediocre in every aspect and boring both in interests and lifestyle. Virtual interaction is the best I can hope for.

Wannabe scum

Man up and stop whining. Did K whined about his shitty life? No. Hit the gym, read some scifi books. Life is not about the pussy at all.

This post best post.
Normie is the normalfag way to say it and they're explicably normalfags as soon as they say normie.

Memes are for Normalfags

>Life is not about the pussy at all
Then how will you carry on your genes that hit the gym and read books?
Vagina is everything to a man & vice versa

>Last gasp of air before his body goes numb
>hurrr he wasn't dying

>Rain is the weather for normalfags who like to think they're deep and smart, but whose understanding of intelligence ends at 'smart people are sad sometimes right?', and so when it rains they sit staring out the window in faux melancholy, sipping tea which they don't like the taste of trying to think of times they've felt pain in the past, but because they've led such sheltered, cotton-balled lives they just settle for putting on a frowny face and acting out what glum might look like if you explained 'glum' to an infant and told them to act it out.
I'm amazed someone actually typed this out

In two or three generations they are so mixed, that it doesn't really matter anymore. I don't even know, who my great grandparents were. Also, if you focus on self improvement, women eventually will flock around you anyways...

Females can't understand films, they don't even try to follow the plot. All they're thinking about is how they can use the film to get attention.

i pretty much have rainymood.com on repeat (downloaded it just have it on repeat as a song on my media library player) and i tried to kill myself twice, been severely depressed/suicidal since 11 and block out the sun where i shitpost to infinity on this website. been here since 2009, lad. i have phases where i go from normie to normalfag then back to normie. that Anonymous venting bullshit out of the way, modern /r9k/ is Sup Forums and Sup Forums's failed abortion. i'm not smart btw, the alcoholism is damaging my brain kek.

>Last gasp of air before his body goes numb

For fuck's sake, am I gonna have to watch it again? I remember him lying down and the snowflakes hitting his face, but it looked like he was just enjoying the sensation, not dying.


>tfw going to see it for the second time tomorrow
t. man with a wife and kid

Why are you lying and misleading people?


just for you user

Take wife and kid with you. Need to improve box office.

Saw that scene less than 2 hours ago.
You can clearly see a slight gasp, then his pale lips and misty eyes lock in place.

Thanks user :3

I actually saw it for the first time with my wife, she liked it very much. My son is barerly 1 yo, I doubt he would be able to appreciate it.

>I doubt he would be able to appreciate it.
Fucking normie ass brainlet. Throw that little shit into the sea

sure user sure
he's okay and finally found happiness

>seeing things with screaming children whose brains haven't developed enough to understand aesthetics
>seeing things with women who are borderline solipsistic and have a vague form of autism towards male characters
you're a good man for having a family, but you're stupid

Fuck's sake man, the score is exactly the same as the one in the tears in rain scene, how could you think he wasn't dying?

r/incels go and stay go
also read my second post

>only god forgive
>lala land

poor guy will never have an happy end

Why is wallace searching for deckard child If they already have the mother DNA ?


>Sup Forums is so obsessed with reddit that they won;t even allow themselves to enjoy fucking rain
holy shit


Don't do this. My screening was almost ruined by a lad bringing his kid. Would not shut up the whole time. During the walk through the statues in Las Vegas this little tyke wouldn't stop yelling "Boobies" closely followed by "Wait, mummy, why is he in the desert."

dunno, for me the entire point of the movie was showing that "real" and "not real" are meaningless

reddit does not have an incels subreddit

you gotta be yanking my chain

Seek help.

Go back to your normalfag site, rainboy (redditboy)

Do you expect me to take this obvious bait?

So you are saying that it doesn't matter whether my 2d waifus are real or not?

thanks senpai

if she passes a turing test it is

What saved it?


No, rain is the weather for those who enjoy the outdoors and don't want to have to share it with Instagram thots and fucking retards. I can hike for hours and see not a single person littering and being so loud every bird or bear in ten square miles is scared off. I can shoot and not have to deal with a dozen fudds and tactitards offering me advice that is both unsolicited and wholly incorrect. And then I get to come back into my cottage and get toasty in front of the fire, and maybe fry up what I've caught in the stream. Rain, or at least the willingness to get outside in it, is what seperates thoughtful outdoorsman from fucking shirtless human trash fagging up every lake and stream in this country with their bullshit jetskis and garbage fag music. Same goes for snow. A grey, snowy day? Fucking heaven. Keeps faggots and tards like you inside.

You're also wrong about the normie/normalfag dichotomy (there isn't one). You're just an edgenormie: a normie (or normalfag, if you prefer) who pretends to be some fucking thoughtful edgemeister by holding all these contrarian positions opposed to actual dissent and independence, then dismissing those dissenters as "Reddit" instead of just admitting he's a boring and predictable faggot.

>That last gasp
did he died?

The movie being bloody spectacular and the kid being taken out for 50% of the movie including the climax.

Nice post. I enjoy rainy weather, not because it makes it sad, but simply because it harkens back to childhood memories that infuse the moment with an eerie sense of calm and comfort. And at least I do not have to close the blinds to prevent the sun from reflecting on the screen. The only sunny weather I enjoy is the late afternoon summer haze.

because it's about a lonely man? what's hard to grasp about that.

reddit youtube poop cringe

>Reddit weather
is this how far we've come boys?

The redditor exposes himself

i like it because i live in a desert. the sun was a mistake.

i just like the rain because i hate the sun

Was Denny trying to make ending perfectly match Drive?
>ambushes badguy with his car while they're driving along
>crashes at the shoreline at night
>kills the chauffeur first
>drowns the badguy in the ocean
>gets mortally wounded
>Goose stares blankly up while laying down, thus leaving his fate ambiguous

>tfw goose has the same shades as I do

>Driver's fate was ambiguous
>K's fate was ambiguous

I enjoy rain because I know everyone else won't enjoy themselves and will be grumpy because of the weather.

>It absolutely is Reddit weather though.
>Reddit weather
Ok this is just getting completely asinine now.


rain is good because it kills bugs and ruins whore's afternoon plans


I hate the rain, it makes me all sentimental.

Once again Sup Forums exposes the redditors and their fragile sensibilities.

ever seen a girl in a summer dress drenched? it's a sight better than sex.

I like this pasta

Change your image to a "minions" character and it reads no differently than the average Facebook normalfag.

Rain truly is reddit

Art in general is made for lonely men

If something appeals to lonely men, that might mean it's art

denny vilnerve

>Reddit weather
how hard are you trying to fit in?

Oh fuck I didn't even notice

Oxygen is reddit
Kys normalfago cancero

This was the first thing I thought of when I watched that scene tb h

Yeah man the song in the background of that scene reusing elements of the song that plays when Roy died in the original was just a neat reference indicative of nothing one way or the other I'm sure.

what isn't art?