Would you consider getting a Sup Forums related tattoo?

Would you consider getting a Sup Forums related tattoo?

>Star ships

I'm covered in references

>expecting to see a Star Wars opening tat
>It's Kinorunner

Not bad

Seeing the whole monologue layed out like this really shows how stupid it is

I already have a tattoo that says no niggers though

>at the tanhauser gate


Kinda regret Rogen but that was before I got into kino

>not Sea beans




That is a quality tattoo at least craftsmanship wise

Got this on my 21st instead of going to a bar

time to die

>not having multiple Sup Forums meme references, most importantly Baneposting stuff tattooed on your neck and face

Thanks, it was worth the price

> What did you say to me you little bitch...


there's too much shit happening, man.

Rick Moranis?

Shouldn't that car be on fire?


This is unironically great

>things on fire in space
But theres no oxygen in space

Absolute kino

>Travis shooting himself


Earth's in Space and there's constant fires.

II have all of the TDKR bane scene tattooed on my cock.

prove it

I got one

Earths not in space wtf are you talking about

How embarrassing

Fuck I hate people.

I like the big bang theory, too

>people at work showing off tattoos
>all have horrible quotes
>looks like they were done when they went on their holidays
>you can tell the ink isn't top quality
>Ask them why they got that quote ect ect
>"to remind me user" "you should get one"
>say I am not brain damaged enough that I need to scar notes into my arm so I don't forget, It was meant to come off as banter but true enough that everyone took offence
>noone has spoken to me in 2 weeks unless its about a task

It's not that bad, it's just t-shirt tier and in the worst place.
Speaking of which...

Samwise as Rambo?

Maybe they got set on fire while on earth then brought the fire with them into space

>the sun

>this board looks up and accepts this disgusting nipple piercing mess
Wew lad

The Sun is in the sky not space

Just get an apology tattoo!!

I know, it's spaceships.

Reddits the other way pleb

fuckin kill yourself

>marking the body that your ancestors have made for you with their blood and efforts
>not dying untouched by this world, with all your limbs, appendages and organs
>being mutilated before you enter the bardo state
disgusting and evil, all of you will suffer grave fates for your tattoos

>he doesn't appreciate inkino



How are those wisdom teeth bro?

I didn't think this level of reddit was even possible.

What does Sup Forums think about my friends and my tattoos?

She would actually be cute if not fat.


Glowing does not mean "on fire" it means heated by a source of heat to the point of emitting excess heat as photons. You dont have to have oxygenated fuel combustion to create glowing objects.

Is everybody on Sup Forums this dumb?

people at work don't bant user, unless you're friends and they're male

You mean it's this way, pointing at this board right? I'm already in reddit
I'd suspect a accusing reddit fag like you to know

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos

Easy, Orion is a constellation, so if you look at it from a planet a spaceship could be in the planet's atmosphere and still "on Orion's shoulder".

My friends and I all decided to get ALF tattoos...

what is trash man doing on there?

literally every part of your body except a select few brain cells which are probably the seat of consciousness get replaced several times in your life.


How the fuck did he take the picture

I don't see the point in getting any kind of tattoo.




i genuinely hope you're being ironic

because getting fucking kanji of angel and devil on opposing wrists is one of the least meaningful cliche things i've ever heard, and its doubled if you aren't chinese or japanese

seriously, you should be embarassed

Nigger you got those tattoos like fucking 20 minutes ago shut the fuck up


why in chinese tho? were you stationed, or whatever you want to call it, in china? I don't get why some people decide to get meaningful words in different languages that they have no association with

I genuinely hope this is a pasta.

For as bad as the OPs tattoo is, that artist is really great at font.

>he thinks his consciousness doesn't get replaced
Laffin @ U

I was thinking Peter Dinklage.

I'm not against tattoos in general but I don't get why people get trivial shit permanently put on their bodies



>This many people falling for obvious b8

Does Sup Forums like my tattoo?


It's a normie thing, you wouldn't understand.

You should be genuinely embarrassed. You're lucky this site is anonymous


Look at 'tears'
I'm never getting words tattooed though so I'm autistic about it

That's Julian Assange.

>people don't know this is pasta
Pretty sad, desu.


I got banned for posting this last time but fuck you mods its more Sup Forums than half the garbage threads

also Maya Bijou

>implying I don't already have one

I got a pickle rick being dipped in le szechuan sauce on my arm

you will never top this level of epic

there probably isn't a Sup Forums related image I would ever consider but I could imagine certain quotes and such.

>not recognizing this old pasta
Nu Sup Forums was a mistake


with his feet

You clearly said that so they'd take offence and then came on here claiming it was bants.



Are butch lesbians Sup Forums-related? Because I would sure like them to be, MMM.

That was Mozart

Wait Bryan likes Amadeus? I bet he hates Salieri for not GOZZLING Constanza.