If you disagree with the president you can kill him

>if you disagree with the president you can kill him
is warren ellis right?

Yes, but only if he's a Republican. Because as we all know Democratic Presidents NEVER do horrible things.

>Is the fat fedora wearing neckbeard right
Always. *tips*

Not to derail any potential circlejerk, but I believe Horus was treated as a villain 4 this.

If you have the power to do something, you can do it if you can also live with the consequences

He's obviously the villain of the story, you half-wit. Have you read any more of this series than this one page?

frankly if you're not willing to stake your life on your ability to keep your people happy and content then running for office is basically an act of treason and you should be taken out by an angry mob on principle.

he was treated as a misguided antihero

the government was the villain, as it always is in a warren ellis book

Ellis is just a whinging cunt. Also a hypocrite but that's neither here nor there.

Wouldn't it be amazing if a textbook numale "liberal" would actually attempt an assassination only for him to cry after he shots the rifle once.

>Wouldn't it be awesome if the cartoonish caricature of people I dislike behaved in the cartoonish manner I ascribe to them! Hilarious! Like a black man eating a watermellon on a porch, I tells ya!

>It is my belief that
Killing people over beliefs are what they did in the middle ages, and we look back at it as something deplorable, and as one of the darkest ages in modern human history.

It's not cartoonish, it's how I expect anyone that's never handled a gun to reach, to immediately use one to take the life of another. It surely must be way different than doing it in a gun range.

>>if you disagree with the president you can kill him

Sorry for shouting, but OP is missing the point htere: He killed him because, in that universe,
1. The president was part of the conspiracy that caused 9/11
2. The elections had been jinxed and the president wasn't even really the one the people vote for
3. (maybe) White dude is a conspirationist nutjob and imagined point 1. and 2.

He didn't kill the president because he disagreed with him either ways.

>he was treated as a misguided antihero
It's called being a Villain, user.

>he was treated as a misguided antihero

In that story everyone was a massive asshole. True heroism is about saving people and helping those in needs, and that's exaclty what the only characters that don't meet a grizzly end do in Black Summer.

Wow the Obama years would've been short with him around.

Given the character I don't think I'm saying much.

Well liberals are now beating up people for their words or beliefs and celebrating it, rather than actions, so we're on the way

"It's okay to punch nazis"

There aren't any real Nazi's anymore, there are just IRL shitposters trying to get media attention or cash in on something.

If them beating up people for shit their said and lifting the taboos on political violence only to be celebrated for it aren't chilling, then you're not paying attention. Yes he's not saying good things, but what happened next is going down a dark road.

so if you disagree with the president being part of the conspiracy that caused 9/11 you can kill him?

>White dude is a conspirationist nutjob and imagined point 1. and 2.
try mainstream liberal during the bush years
>killing the president is exactly as bad as forming a legal team of black-ops superhumans
that's what the book says

You know there were a couple pathetic attempts on Trump during the election cycle right?

>so if you disagree with the president being part of the conspiracy that caused 9/11 you can kill him?
I am sorry user, can you rephrase your question?

>try mainstream liberal during the bush years
No mainstream liberal Media ever supported that Bush was behind 9/11. And in the end all of the MAINSTREAM liberal MEdia admitted that Bush really won, but insisted on the fact that he lost the popular vote Try again.

>Sup Forums
>Reading comics

All we're good for these days is being baited

>He killed him because, in that universe,
>1. The president was part of the conspiracy that caused 9/11
are you saying there's something wrong with being part of a conspiracy that "caused" (really let happen, if you read the image in the OP) 9/11?
liberals implied that he didn't do his best to prevent it, which is what the image in the OP implies

>are you saying there's something wrong with being part of a conspiracy that "caused" (really let happen, if you read the image in the OP) 9/11?

i still don't think that justifies killing the president

>grizzly end

>liberals implied that he didn't do his best to prevent it
More seriously, Outright saying someone is part of a conspiracy (which is what you accused the media of doing) and implying someone is incompetant are two completly different things.
>which is what the image in the OP implies
The White dude isn't
anything, he is Clear and Loudly accusing the President of being part of the conspiracy. Incidentally, he is not accusing him of being incompetent.

>(really let happen, if you read the image in the OP) 9/11?
I actually read the comic, not just the OP image.

Judging by the scene where later on he gets chastised by the protagonist for using his powers in such a straightforward and physical way instead of creating a change through other more positive actions ( don't remember exactly, a long time since I read this), I would say this wasn't supposed to be a part of Ellis's statement and more like a presentation of an idea that the protagonist will have to overcome.

That would justify impeachment, but you have to remember that the US of A itself was build on revolting against an unjust rullership (and killing many of of its soldiers in the process).

I mean, have you read the declaration of independence, recently?

>When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another(...)
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights (...)
>That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government (...)
> when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.(...)

Also, this is a cape comic, which always carry some wish fulfilment vibes.

yeah whatever this comic is dumb anyway
>he gets chastised by the protagonist for using his powers in such a straightforward and physical way instead of creating a change through other more positive actions
the message is "find a middleground between killing the president and forming black-ops death squads"
>but you have to remember that the US of A itself was build on revolting against an unjust rullership
it was built on wealthy property owners not wanting to pay taxes but i digress

It justified killing Osama though, remember that in this case the president was as guilty as he was irl

>the message is "find a middleground between killing the president and forming black-ops death squads"
The actual message is "We are all fucked because of this one asshole, now how are going to not let ourselves killed while not ravelling down on our own moral belief"

osama was shot because he wasn't naked when the seals found him
>The actual message is "We are all fucked because of this one asshole, now how are going to not let ourselves killed while not ravelling down on our own moral belief"
that's more of a plot synopsis than a message

i'm talking about at the climax where not-batman calls both of them out

You haven't read the rest of the series, have you? The character who kills the president (John Horus) is the villain. Here's how one of his former teammates (Tom Noir) calls him out on that:

>"You want to change the nature of justice in America and you kill a president? What did you think that made you? Two-fisted Super-Jesus for the American Way? It made you Lee Harvey Oswald, you prick. You know what? Lots of people hated John F. Kennedy. He barely got elected. But Lee Harvey Oswald isn't remembered as an American hero. Just a prick with a gun who killed the president. That's you now, John."

>The character who kills the president (John Horus) is the villain.
no it's the other guy who created the seven guns

Sort of. I mean that's kind of the basis for any revolution, problem being only posterity gets to decide if you were heroic or a loon with a gun, on a case by case basis.

Yeah, killing people over power and money is much better.

When I look at Ellis' cape work, and that of some of his fellow brits,as well, I wonder if there the sort of fellows who see every parked car as a potential toilet.
>I could drive this car anywhere, but I think I'll just take a shit in it. Long live the Queen!

>I wonder if there the sort of fellows who see every parked car as a potential toilet.
what does this even mean

After the gay murders in Orlando some guy wrote an article about how firing an AR-15 once made him cry and that meant they should be banned. These people exist.

It means- why use a hammer to turn screws; a car to take a shit in; or a cape story for your hamfisted political wankery?

>why does a capeshit writer spread his political ideas using capeshit
would you prefer he used scrimshaw or something

And none of them used a gun. One guy was just attempting to "take over the stage".

capeshit was born and bred in hamfisted political wankery. there is no single better place in the entire cosmos for hamfisted political wanker than in capeshit

Well they are in favor of human and civil rights, which no one can claim the fucking republicans are. So yeah, they do bad shit, not nearly as bad as the nazi motherfuckers in the GOP. They must fall.


on topic but low effort

Because all humans have the inalienable right to have a hellfire missile shot from an unmanned drone piloted by a twentysomething in Las Vegas into their living room, right?

I mean... that's what the Democrats do.


Oh, and my favorite, charging whistleblowers with TREASON.

Because that'sa human right, too. Shut up, Whitey, do what your told and don't speak up when Daquan fucks your wife.

I don't like Nazis either, but they have the right to speak their mind.

God damn, this kind of tribalism is going to tear this country apart. Saying HWNDU into a damn video stream DOES EXACTLY THAT!

Fucking bull shit, this election turned me from a leftist to a centrist because the Left is nothing more then a bunch of fucks that don't understand why they lost!

(HINT: It's not because of Racists or Sexists or whatever, it's because the left is made up of a bunch of weak-willed illegitimate morons who talk a big game, but won't do shit.)

You want to resist Trump? Good. You now how you do that? Fighting the bad shit he does, but agreeing with the good shit. And more importantly, no amount of protests will get shit done, ever! That's not how Trump works and god damn this wasn't supposed to turn into Sup Forumsposting.

Well... in this past, revolutions usually involved executing all of the ruling class and having a complete overhaul... the problem with today is that society and economical infrastructure has become so complicated you can't just kill a specific family and expect much to change. So many powerful people contribute to the problem... and now its not just in a small region, but the entire world to account for.