I still don't get how exactly K figured out that she is Deckard's daughter

I still don't get how exactly K figured out that she is Deckard's daughter.

god this flick was bad

more like a JOINT

YOU were bad.

Wood from the horse could only be from a place that Deckard was currently living. K saw Deckard was indeed carving animals from the wood, all are done in the same style. So whoever had the horse figure was his child.

And then he knew the horse memory was real, and there was only one person making the memories, who coyly confirmed that implanting real memories was illegal (but never denied doing it), while also mentioning that she puts some of herself into all the memories she gives.

Therefor, memory of owning the horse was her's, so that means she was Deckard's kid.

The only explanation I can think of is that replicants are bad at reading facial expressions.

>only one person making the memories

She wasn't though. She was "one of the leading specialists", not the only one.

It just seems that film implies this twist should be completely obvious to the audience when it's really not.

This movie was so terrible lol

He also found out the child was born with that immune system defect or whatever that that girl also had so horse memory plus immune thing plus knowing it was a girl and not a boy = her

>He also found out the child was born with that immune system defect


Well who else was it gonna be? Some random other bitch who wasn't even in the first half of the movie? She got significant screen-time and character development for no other apparent reason, so K knew it had to be her

Stupid people

It was all a coincidence guys turn your brain off

She told him dumbass
>real memory + her reaction to it + she made it + bad immune system + she's from LA area

It must be her

You don't know how many of them are there, especially in LA. He was surprised that she's not off-world.

Lol this movie sucked and you know it, quit memeing

How about you turn your brain on? Brainlets complain about the flashbacks but it obviously wasn't enough

I hope you get cancer

Nothing in this movie was enough that's why it failed and no one liked it

>this movie sucked because I think I'm cinemasins even though I barely even paid attention

The absolute worst kind of cancer you are

Haha, I hope you find a good movie some day

He was under a delusion when he initially went to see her, but once that delusion was shattered and he thought back to finding out the memory was real, he realized what was going on with her while she watched it.

Many , many people liked it. Sup Forums went wild for example, now idiots like you saw it because of that and are ruining the discussion. It's also doing very well in France/Russia/UK anywhere that's not China or America basically

Lol stop with your memes, you wasted your money and get over it

>She told him dumbass

You imply he learns that Deckard's child "was born with that immune system defect" and then learns about Ana's disability and sums it all up. So, when did he learn it other than from Ana?

>buyers remorse about $20
Maybe one day you will have a job and won't rely on your grandmas allowance to see movies

No one liked it what are you talking about haha is this a new meme?

She told him she has a bad immune system. It's another connection leading to her, also her reaction, that she's a memory maker, she kept talking about authentic memories, and even the location fits, she was born in LA area and couldn't leave.
It was the logical conclusion to make, but he was emotionally compromised and delusional. Only when his delusion was shattered and they told him it was a girl did he realize.

Maybe one day your money will get you a good movie

t. brainlet

It was a huge box-office flop. If you "liked" it you are literally incorrect. Who are you trying to impress?
>muh I watched 3-hour moobie bcuz Im smarrt
This board gets worse and worse ever day, just ridiculous. You guys will do anything to be contrarian. Or is it automatically "good" because it's anti-woman?

Stop pretending you understood the movie, that's why you are here

This so hard,miss sad how try hard people are

Where does K learn that Deckard's so far mysterious child has an immune system disorder?

>She told him she has a bad immune system.
>It's another connection leading to her,

How is that a connection? Do only natural-born replicants have bad immune system?
My point is, if he did learn under investigation that the child had a defect, and then remembered about Ana, that would make sense. But I don't recall that.

It makes perfect sense that an experimental human/replicant baby would have bad immune system and a rare incurable condition. Sorry you couldn't pick up on it and everything has to be spelled out for you.

Why would that make sense?
If the parents don't have the disorder, why would the child have it?

Because the movie makes no sense and they were just adding things as they went

because her dad is human and her mom is a replicant? because she's the first of her kind, an experiment?

>It makes perfect sense that an experimental human/replicant baby would have bad immune system and a rare incurable condition.

It really does not. You're reaching so far you can touch the ceiling.

Just admit that BR2049 had really lazy writing.

just one of many gaping plot holes

>does every replicant have the wooden horse memory or did he just happen to have that memory and be the one to discover the tree carving?
>why did they take Gosling's gun but let him keep his flying armed police car?
>how did Drive find the convoy that was carrying Han Solo?
>wouldn't the bad guys search the shallow water the car sunk into and realize Ford wasn't in the car? literally a plane scene level plothole
>why didn't anyone just track Gosling's police car?
>why did Leto need to take Deckard offworld to torture him?
>why are there no security cameras anywhere in this world? how did the same woman that murdered someone and stole evidence from a police station the day before walk back into the same police station and murder the police chief without being caught
>why did the people who captured Deckard let Gosling live for no reason even after he shot 2 of them and witnessed the capture?

>dad is human

1. Bullshit, Deckard was a replicant.
2. Whole point of the plot is that REPLICANTS could reproduce. Not humans fucking replicants, but them liberating from humans.


Can you idiots decide already between
>hurr flashbacks were unnecessary it's already easy to follow
>hurr this just makes no sense

I swear to god you cinemasins generation brainlets that can only watch a movie on surface level, and be upset because you found a "plothole"with your smart analysis . You're fucking cancer. And it was not a plothole.

>1. Bullshit, Deckard was a replicant.
lmao brainlets

Why are we even talking about this flop at all???
>It was good
Oh really so you're so smart, you know better than the entire movie-going public? I can cite multiple credible sources that this movie is sexist and bad, but "muh opinion!!!" rules the fucking day on this shithole board. I don't know why I come here just to make myself angry, but congratulations, I'm angry.

I can't remember exactly when I wanna say there was something about it when he was looking up the genetic code or records or whatever that the girl died from the immune system defect and the boy lived before we find out later the record were scrambled and there was no boy

first movie was a flop too, are you implying it was bad?

Marvel and DC movies will never flop, so they are automatically good right? Fuck off, why are you so buttblasted over people liking a movie?
Just accept the movie's not for you

Fucking morons, she didn't have any immune problems, she was put in that glass house to hide away from Wallace and others, it was just a legend (in which she herself probably fully believed).

What the fuck is your problem

Yes she would just stay in a glass house looking miserable lonely and pathetic all her life if he could just go out and see the snow for real.fuk

oh yeah, Galatians Syndrome

>(in which she herself probably fully believed)

She was put there at the age of 8 and given that explanation by the replicant rebels that rescued her.

She was adopted from the orphanage by human parents. She has no idea what was going on.
She made a lot of money, she would ask for a doctors opinion..this theory just sucks

Objectively better than this, especially Marvel. They score higher with critics and do better with fans.
I'm tired of "I'm smart!!!" tryhards on this board pretending to enjoy pretentious trash. It explains so much that you guys actually went and watched this movie
>20 articles about how awful it treats women characters
>That's the movie for me!!!!
Predictable af

>Deckard says he bailed before the kid was born so nobody could use him to find her
>Kid supposedly had a horse made for her by Deckard

So what....did he carve the horse and give it to Rachael before he bailed or some shit?

Pretty weak sauce there, imo...

>She was adopted from the orphanage by human parents.
>she made a lot of money, she would ask for a doctors opinion

Okay now you just making stuff up, there's nothing like that in the movie.

Also, this.

When he's searching the DNA records, it shows a girl with "Galatian's Syndrome" and a healthy boy. Of course, the boy is intended to be a decoy (which turns out to be K)

The movie implies they lived together for a while in Vegas. So yes maybe he gave Rachel the horse when they last saw each other to give to the baby as a toy

> (which turns out to be K)
K is not a decoy, he's a standard replicant.

She tells K her parents wanted to move off-world but couldn't because her immune system was breaking down. So what parents do you think she's talking about genius, her adoptive parents

>blade runner thread
>people discuss plot minutia

niggers it's obvious the director just doesn't find this important. Look at Inception for example, that movie had a convoluted plot and you had exposition dialogue until the last 10 minutes of the movie. I mean you have the final action scene and Leo is still explaining the rules.

This movie doesn't want that, so it keeps the details revealed pretty barebones. Not that the screenwriters didn't pay attention to that, I mean there are many hidden details not just in the dialogue but in the scenery.

For example 6 cars arrive in Vegas, K kills three people and only 3 cars leave Vegas and get to Wallace HQ.

>d-don't point out the obvious inconsistencies in this shitty sloppy script

>le cinemasins generation
>duude my huge brain can't focus unless someone explains the plot to me all the fucking time I can't fill in obvious gaps because exposition is the most important thing in a movie everyone knows that

>1. Bullshit, Deckard was a replicant.

No he wasn't, you moron. If he was a replicant, he could have only been an older model, and those older models had a built-in expiry date. He wouldn't have lived to see 2049.

Deckard was experimental Nexus 7, just like Rachael, which had fixed human lifespan.

Fucking do your homework.

Why do you keep posting this shit even though each and every single one of your questions were thoroughly answered in multiple threads before? Are you autistic?

and yet I can watch the original without noticing tons of illogical flaws in the script

obviously her reaction to the dream...that's what gave it away to the audience in the first place

srs shills are organized and keep posting pastas to make Sup Forums hate the movie because of it's "treatement of women"

wish I was kidding

> noticing tons of illogical flaws
There are no tons of illogical flaws in the movie..There are gaps in events but you can fill them in by paying attention to the movie.

Original barely even had a plot Deckard just waited for the replicants to come to him. You want something illogical , how about when in the huge metropolis in LA, Deckard/ Rachel/ Leon /Zhora all end up on the same street by accident.

You don't even know what you are talking about, you can't even understand the movie

Why don't people realize that the "horse" carving was a unicorn, but the horn broke off?
Also, yeah. No immune system disorder. She was in the Bubble to hide her away. Still kinda fucked up though.


I had to bathroom at one of the critical parts. Why did he have replicant jesus gril's memory?


It was implanted to throw off anyone who might search for her. K was a decoy.

K was not a decoy. He's just one of the replicants that got that particular memory Ana made to be implanted into replicants.

There probably was no decoy as that male child never really existed


but why would the actual memory of a hidden replicant jesus baby be implanted knowingly into replicants?

can someone please explain the CELLS INTERLINKED bullshit?

I don't know if I just missed it on my piss break or what but it never seemed like they actually explained it. I assume its just 1984 brainwash bullshit?

> all replicants need memories as a foundation
> she's an independent contractor who makes memories
>she doesn't know she's special
>sometimes she recreates a few of her actual memories because it's important to her
>K was assembled with that memory

It's a test for emotional stability.

just the ending, the rest was gud

>It's another "Sup Forums desperately gropes around for something, anything to call a plothole so they can declare a movie is shit and feel smugly superior" episode
I swear none of you faggot manchildren have ever actually engaged with art in a meaningful way in your lives

Thank you for reaffirming that this movie burns faggots.

Movie of the year. Possibly the decade.

because how would she otherwise know that the memory was a lived memory?

Why is this complicated to people?

First movie was a flop. Has topped fave movie lists for at least two decades. Even among liberals.

ahah check'd you good sir are the user we deserve but not the one the numales need right now.

Fuck, that FUPA is huge.

they just memeified the test from the first movie

They're giving him questions designed to provoke an emotional response, and they're having him repeat the same words over and over so that they have a "stable" data-set to gauge differences in tone and body language.

They don't really need to explain it explicitly - ha takes the test twice, he passes it when he's completely monotone and emotionless, and he fails it when he's got a lot on his mind. He's put on suspension, but Robin Wright's character seems to imply that it'd be standard procedure to "retire" him at this point.

The larger implication is that Replicants aren't emotionless by nature or design, but by conditioning. They're literally not allowed to have feelings on penalty of death

why are fans of this shitpile so defensive whenever people point out basic problems with the plot?

>So I read Heart of Darkness and realized Conrad NEVER addressed what the harlequinn eats for breakfast. I still don't understand the plot due to this enormous oversight. Clearly Conrad is a hack author and this book is shit.
>That's retarded, user. Read it and enjoy it for what it is without your autistic dissections.
>why are fans of this shitpile so defensive whenever people point out basic problems with the plot?
This is what you sound like

Why the fuck would you give manufactured work slaves feelings?
Didn't see the first movie by the way, this just seems like a ridiculous plot hole.

but nobody is asking about things that have nothing to do with anything, just why things that happened don't seem to make sense

> plot hole
There's that word again. Don't think it means what you think it means.

when did this board get so stupid
the """critique""" gets dumber and dumber to read every fucking time

Replicants are basically just humans grown in a lab instead of a womb. It seems like they can make some genetic augmentations to strength, durability, etc, but they don't control everything. They need a human brain that can understand & follow orders, so I'd assume they just don't know how to design them without feelings