is Tarantino right?
Was Travis Bickle racist?
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maybe so but it was incidental to his hatred and resentment of society at large
>kills 3 people
>gets away with it
I understand they were bad people but how can you just get away with it that easily?
>shoot 4 people
>get away with it because NYC is an absolute shithole and everyone is sick of it
who wasn't racist in 70s NYC?
who isn't secretly racist today?
every normal person sees other groups of people and has completely rational thoughts about them which are negative but this is labeled 'racist' when its just reality.
Honestly they should have given this guy an award or something.
>who wasn't racist in 70s NYC?
Most people in general, and almost everyone that served in the Vietnam war.
>who isn't secretly racist today?
Everyone but you.
Why would serving in Vietnam make you not racist?
Because nobody can hate a person for their race if they're stuck in a foxhole with them while under enemy fire.
You don't have to categorically hate every individual of a certain race to be racist.
This isn't tumblr sis. Take your liberal arts degree elsewhere.
Likely not. He tried flirting with a nigger at the porno theater. He just hates degenerates. And guess who are the kings of degeneracy?
Do you have a fucking grandfather?
thats literally what being a racist is, you fucking idiot.
>almost everyone that served in the Vietnam war
Vietnam vets just love asian people
t. I am 5 years old
>Because nobody can hate a person for their race if they're stuck in a foxhole with them while under enemy fire.
What about the dirty gooks shooting at them you retard?
In that case, not even the KKK is racist, because they had good relations with Muhammad Ali.
Muhammad Ali was against race mixing. How's that make you feel?
No he wasn't. He was racist but not "racist".
He didn't like niggers, but to be fair no one does