Meryl Streep as a senior in high school, 1966

Meryl Streep as a senior in high school, 1966

>She was brought in to audition for King Kong after catching the eye of the producer’s son while starring in a play, but the familial connection didn’t wind up helping at all. Said the Into The Woods star,
>"I walked in and his son was sitting there [points off to the left], and he was very excited that he brought in this new actress. And the father said to his son in Italian – because I understand Italian – he said, ‘Que bruta? Why do you bring me this ugly thing?’ It was sobering as a young girl."

so she was always an ugly looking kike?

She already looked like someone's grandmother in '66.

Who hurt you?

Don't project :^)

her ugly mug


She's not ugly. She's always looked "old" though.

same bitch face as her daughter

>Meryl Streep

she was fredos girl.

That's really mean, user.

so she was always ugly wow

I see 5 girls more attractive then her on a daily basis. You don't have to be stunning to be a good actress

>I see 5 girls more attractive then her on a daily basis.
what does have to do with anything

in fact it helps to be ugly. pretty girls have too many opportunities to have mindless fun while they're young, so they don't have as much time to reflect and do something with their lives

ugly boy

shes as white bread american as you can possibly be

The harsh non-euclidean angles of her face.
Cut me up bad, user. Cut me like an elder god piercing through into man's domain.
I'm talking cross-dimensional rape, user.

nice cope. did your mother tell you that?

> Luna Lovegood carrying her witch hat during the Quidditch finals, Hogwarts Archive