whats your favorite era of howard stern? imo the early artie years where kc and stuttering john were still working there is my favorite.
Whats your favorite era of howard stern...
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I agree the early Artie years were top-tier, once they went over to Sirius and Artie's heroin bullshit took over I tuned out. he really is a pathetic mess.
The golden years of Eric the Midget
covers the end of artie, and a lot of good phoney phone calls and eric abuse from sal/richard
Fred Norris was the true genius behind the show.
Based Eric the Midget.. mid 90's Stern was better though. Btw- Art Bell's show is and was GOAT.
Channel 9 years
darn tootin' bro.
Also the Private Parts era, Jackie, etc.
Once Howard married Beth and hired Artie, it was over.
ba ba buey
ba ba buey
Private Parts is a highly underrated movie.
Any fans know if he ever talked about the JQ?
Hateman was amazing.
hoo hoo robin i invented the radio
I haven't watched much of his stuff, but this always makes me laugh.
Daniel Carver was amazing.
>that time when all the black comedians bombed at carvers roast and carver btfo all them
>Blacks weren't geniuses despite Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Blacks, Mexicans can't build cities, despite the white house being built by blacks, Mexico city being the largest standing city in the world.
Youtube comments are abhorrent
Is this what Andrew Dice Clay has been up to for the past 30 years?
Childhood is looking up to Artie. Adulthood is realising that Jackie made the show.
The OJ Simpson case.