What do you think their favorite films are?

What do you think their favorite films are?

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Trump's is Godzilla vs Megalon


Pink Floyd's The Wall and You've Got Mail

Hillary's probably into snuff films.

We know what Hillary's into thanks to her good friend Molesta.

for Trump probably all movies he was in
Hillary - Salo or Cannibal Holocaust

Trump: Red Dawn
Hillary: The Fountainhead

Trump is on record in multiple interviews over the years stating that his favorite film is Citizen Kane.


> A few years ago Donald Trump appeared on the US film channel Turner Classic Movies to share his favourite movies. Among the titles were Gone with the Wind, which the property developer said he liked partly because of how it stated the importance of owning land, and Citizen Kane, about an omnipresent media figure who attempts to leverage his personal wealth into a major political career. Hillary Clinton has said that The Wizard of Oz is her favourite film – a movie that many have said is an allegory for progressive politics.

I'm more interested in who will play them in the inevitable biopic(s).

>The Donald provided MovieLine with a list of his 5 favourite movies back in 2012. The list consists of Citizen Kane, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Gone with the Wind, Goodfellas and The Godfather, although he told US Today that Citizen Kane is his favorite.
>Hillary has told reporters her favorite movies are The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca, and Out of Africa, with Meryl Streep and Robert Redford her favorite actors.

what a pleb. Could have atleast said Passion of the Christ.

Hillary is a social climber. So she always says she likes pretentious art house shit. though in secret she likes disney princess movies and self inserts.

trump is into 80s stuff. Commando, rambo, die hard, wall street, etc

Trump always says Citizen Kane which is hysterical because when he explains why it's obvious he doesn't understand the movie.

>a movie that many have said is an allegory for progressive politics.
Literally what?

Don't ask me, ask the BBC faggot that wrote it.

> bbc.com/culture/story/20161028-the-favourite-films-of-trump-and-clinton

Is Trump /ourguy/???

It's about a thieving bitch, a guy with no heart, a guy with no brain, and a guy with no spine demanding stuff from a man who has more than them.

>not subjective


Are either of them even capable of understanding art beyond a surface level?

Hillary will literally support anything which will get her elected

I think trump probably at least respects anything which is well done and doesn't care for the story as much

>Wayne Enterprises was literally Trump Tower

Trump: Citizen Kane (he said so)
Hillary: A Serbian Film
