Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
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Her little pink mouth isn't slobbing my black dick
her nose looks like those cartoon scientist bottle things and it will look more deformed the more the ages
it's not sophia lillis
the bricks are are directly over eachother and not staggered
Erlenmeyer flask
>Bev will never turn up at your house one evening after her dad beat her again
>swn ask if she can stay over
>ywn give her one of your t-shirts to wear to bed
>ywn try not to notice how cute she looks in it, and how it barely covers her panties
>swn wake up at 3am from another nightmare
>ywn hug her and tell her everything will be alright
>swn sheepishly say she doesn't want to be alone snd ask if she can sleep in your bed tonight
>ywn try to act cool and pretend that this is anything less than the greatest moment of your young life.
>swn climb into bed and get unusually close to you
>ywn feel her small perky breasts press against you
>ywn listen to her breathing as the cooling night breeze carries the sound of crickets from outside.
>there will never be a small suspenseful pause as you soak in the situation
>ywn take a bold leap of faith and reach out to pull her closer
>swn silently accept your advances and pull her tight little body into yours.
>swn let out a small contented sigh as you wrap your arms around her
>ywn try not to notice her breasts pressing into your chest, or feel her smooth firm thighs brush against you..
>ywn breathe in the scent of her hair mixed with the smells of a warm summer night
>ywn fall into a peaceful deep sleep with her
>ywn wake up to her giggling and nuzzling you in her sleep
>ywn lie in bed for half an hour just listening to her soft sighs, feeling her breathing, her heartbeat and her warm breath on your neck.
>swn awake to you cuddling her
>swn feel safe in your arms
She's gonna be 18 soon.
She looks like a child. She won't be able to understand my favourite animated series, the great R & M.
yes, that's the one
She looks like a prostitute
Fuck you man i dont need this right now ;_;
found. what do i win
She isn't sitting on my face!
>mfw she is turning 18 in a few months
This is the problem with the west, you put the pussy on a pedestal and then all this weirdness follows.
She's not my wife.
love != pussy
wew I can't wait to fuck her
wait she's already legal here :^)
god imagine licking that budding little tittie hnnnnnnnng
go the fuck back to redit you stupid newfag
she's slowly turning into a Chloe monster
I don't think so. Though her shoulders are a bit pronounced.
reminder that retards on Sup Forums think it's illegal to see photos of young girls from instagram
She's almost too old.
a classic
looks like i plucked a string there
you okay,buddie?
rejection hurts,but I won't know that,since
I've never been rejected before
or did she leave you for a better man?better yet,a black man?
best of luck to you any ways,but don't an hero just yet,buddie
Damn, you're clever. I'm looking at that and thinking - why didn't I think of that?
>reddit spacing
I agree with the other poster. You need to go back. Maybe they'll teach you to use commas like a white person, subhuman.
>still worshipping this roastie
Get with the times mj
Gosh she's dreamy
Pathetic virgin detected.
that thigh needs kisses imho
>what are paragraphs
>what are habits from typing so much essays
I'm 60~75% sure that you're same-fagging
>weird shaped nose
>too much makeup
>that smug ass look
Call me crazy but I'd rather hug her.
weird bellybutton
>replying instead of going and educating yourself on how commas work
>pretending single "sentences" (minus capitalization and ending punctuation, since you're not white) are paragraphs
Literal nigger.
You guys think jordyn is jelly of howboudah girl becus shes more famous than her despite jordan trying so hard
This is creepy beyond description.
A paragraph generally consists of more than one sentence you illiterate fuck.
>lazy nigger phonetard refuses to use ending punctuation
I hope someone you care about dies.
reported to the fbi enjoy federal prison pedo
Are boop threads a thing again?
>so much essays
ESL detected
She's not taking a hot wet shit on my chest.
Why fucking live?
It looks fine to me
>Pathetic virgin detected
Problem, officer?
Great scott user
>the pathetic virgin is also a newfag who posts reaction images after 2010
It's all coming together.
>picking for grammatical mistakes in a post
>being this triggered at a post
>so triggered in fact,enough to assume i'm either black or from reddit
>implying I'm actually gonna type an essay just to prove you're wrong
>implying i'm not white
>or am I?
That's cause you have great taste user
>using ending punctuationin the first place
fucking nerd
chads dont care about such stupid things
Actual whites speak English natively. It's obvious you don't.
>picking for
Well thank you :)
Came to this thread, expecting some nice JJ pics, watch it devolve in to a 12th grade English exam
>y-you are a n-newfag!
i'm typing an essay right now,for 4 hours straight and it's due tomorrow,so i'm letting auto-correct do all the work for my while i fuck with retards like you
it works you dumb cunt
maybe if you're esl
>a newfag Sup Forumstard who suffers from annoying younger sibling syndrome
Tell me how you feel about your mother.
>y-you're esl
it's ell now btw
You are obviously not white with that shithouse English. Begone from this board, you filthy shitskin
>subhumans and their excuses
you would know
>Being this triggered at non-whites and grammatical errors
>so much so,you're willing to samefag,and post the exact same thing
>don't know how to scroll down
Sup Forums,or rather Sup Forums should enforce their underage policies
because I'm a student?in this diverse day and age?
>here comes the reddit spacing
Filthy street-shitter.
Honest question, why don't you have spaces after punctuation? What is your first language?
you guys are so autistic
>argument is entirely based on my spacing and punctuation preferences,and the fact that it somehow relates to reddit and not being white
>I should care about my spacing and punctuation preferences,in my post on Sup Forums out of all places
I'm only doing this because I have a social debate the day after my essay is due
wish she wasn't born in New Sodom and became a respectable girl instead of a racemixing stripper tbqh
more boop's...less acting like faggots
It's not a preference. You're just doing it wrong, but whatever keep pretending to be white if you're so insecure about your own race.
>refuses to correct his actions
There's a reason no one believes you're white (a real human).
>muh mum issues
Cool projection kiddo :^)
Considering you spam this shit its hilarious you say this
I'm trying to be pleasant and preach the gospel of waifu. Meanwhile yall niggas are arguing about grammar or some shit.
>he doesn't realize that claiming projection is just how intellectually insecure toddler brains say "no u" while trying to sound like an actual smart person
You're not fooling anyone.
>proceeding to samefag
>I should correct my already correct sentences
I want to tongue you're waifu's asshole
she's not chloe
I don't really like chloe all that much but I am glad things are working out for her with that new show, I wish JJ would have gotten something similar
>my already correct sentences
You continue using punctuation wrong and you refuse to do it right because you're not white.
that was the joke
>correct my already correct sentences
do you not see it?