dick miller edition
/hor/ - horror general
>You're gonna pick it up. Because YOU, are a garbageman!
Every thread until the 31st.
What does Anthony Cumia have to do with horror?
Horror movies you want to see remade (shelf your cynicism for a second and pretend as if it were to actually be made well):
>Prince of Darkness
>The Night Flier
>Event Horizon
Happy Death Day
Dude. No one is going to know this is a horror general. Why do you have to make this shit more complex than it has to be.
I don't want to see any of these be remade. It would all be CGI and look lime garbage. Also Demons is a legit great film.
Shit, I thought he died when I first saw this.
none you idiot
>mfw he played a racist in Gremlins
Just finished The Thing prequel. I am devastated because if they had done practical effects instead of cg, it would have been a very ambitious and cool fucking movie. It wouldn't have been great because it plays very similarly to the original and you also have a forced female lead character, but at least it would have looked amazing.
Thanks for attempting to shelf your cynicism, faggots. I bet you guys have great conversations in your daily lives.
I was annoyed that the Americans came in and blew up MEW's fucking spot after she almost had things under control, a bunch of people died as a result, and she didn't give the remaining guy any shit for it.
Why the fuck should anyone pretend for something that would never happen. I don't sit here and wonder what it would be like to a billionaire knowing there's no chance. If any of those movies were to be remade, they would be garbage. End of story. It would be nice if we lived in a world where we can get great modern horror remakes but we don't so talking about what ifs is retarded and so are you.
What if you could find a girlfriend?
Nice positive attitude, coach. I bet your positivity attracts a lot of people to you.
>whaaaa you cant find a girlfriend because you refuse to imagine what a good remake would be like whaaaa
cry more, faggot.
>does the textual equivalent of actual crying
>someone makes a well founded joke about you not having a girlfriend (maybe even implying that you're a virgin)
>you say he's the one crying
People like you are great fun. And I'm just sitting here with vagina stink all over my dick enjoying life. Keep being you, you silly goose.
She was unlikable and it's infuriating that she survives. No one survives The Thing
How about none?
It was really disappointing that she survived. The movie was mostly alright, nothing great, but really a testament that The Thing isn't a better movie if you make it more action-oriented and have the monster running after everyone instead of methodically picking them off.
Lars was great though.
This 80s horror film is max comfy, highly recommend, got better and better
Am I the only one who actually enjoyed Bad Ben? For some reason it just rubbed me the right way.
i liked it, but the other 2 are fucking horrible.
Old school TV horror films are comfy in general. Like the initial Kolchak movies.
I kept seeing it and I kinda wanna watch it?
Is it redeemable at all?
watch it and see for yourself.
2 people just told you they like it.
burbs lol good recall
good lord
I thought that The Entity was pretty good
It was made by one guy with his smartphone and some home security cameras, so don't expect anything amazing. Though the fact that he didn't have the resources to do any real effects means he was forced to keep scares relatively low key. The ghost actually acted like ghosts do in legends rather than doing what most horror movies do and say "based on a true story" while have turbo Satan chase teenagers around the house. The dude acted kind of ridiculous and treated the ghost/demon like some neighborhood hoodlum (even after shit got real) which is why a few viewers saw it as an unintentional comedy. Yet for me this made him feel more real, like we wasn't a horror movie character but was your stubborn as shit dad who refuses to call a plumber even after the pipes exploded. It actually almost felt like it was some compiled footage taken from the web unlike most found footage. There were even a few genuinely creepy moments.
Just watched this, Pretty great monster effects. It's insane how much the main character sounds like Baloo the bear from Jungle Book.
Also if you've seen Drag Me To Hell. It's basically the same movie.
Well, if your question is "which horror movie would you like to see remade if you know beforehand its gonna be good", then my answer is all, because why wouldnt it be.
Friday the 13th
they're all the same movie anyway
>rewatched the original Dawn of The Dead for the first time in years
>thought it was shit
I think it's just one of those "first experience" movies, did not hold up to a second viewing at all especially when watching it with other people.
or it's probably just you. I watch it occasionally and it's absolutely fun. Once they're in the mall, the ride never ends.
What are your top 3, lads? Me
1) Friday the 13th Part 2
2) The Thing
3) You're Next
The fact you have any Friday the 13th movie above The Thing is just atrocious and laughable. It's even worse knowing that You're Next is even on your list.
>there are people who actually take this movie seriously
what the fuck? really?
the thing is a goddamn comedy and pokes fun at how awful some of the found footage movies are. shit, in some scenes you can even see the ghost in the picture but when it pans to him he quickly runs away
like when he goes into the attic and it smells like shit so he busts out fabreeze???
Well I don't take it seriously but much of the scares while cheesy and funny are refreshingly simple, and seeing a ghost run away from the camera when it pans over seems like something that could actually happen to me so it actually feels a bit creepy. It seems weird but seeing a parody with scares of some restraint (due to budget) actually works better for me than serious horror which goes way over the top like most films today.
That doesn't mean it wasn't still funny. I loved how he just didn't give a shit about anything and doubles down on antagonizing the ghost after getting the dogshit beat out of him. Also everything about the "yew neeeed to cross ooooooover" scene.
yeah it's hard to explain in words, but it mixed "horror" and genuine comedy together but i just hope people didnt think it was supposed to be 100% serious
anyways, if anyone hasn't seen it i highly recommend it because you'll be laughing and having a good spook along the way
>stop liking what I don't like
Who would've thunk it, user, different people have different opinions. What a childish faggot.
mah nigga
that movie is my shit
Oh hey it's that guy.
>people unironically supporting mediocre trase
The state of horror movies today.
Recommend me something good like The Wailing
Pure Garbo
All my life I been looking for the magic
In my Timeline he died already. I remember being sad as I watched Gremlins 2 on blu ray since I had read on his death on IMDB, and on his wiki page. I also remember his RIP threads here on Sup Forums.
Than I wake up one day, and hes alive again. If anyone who matters is reading this could you please bring back Robin Williams. It would be appreciated.
Anyone else like this one
I did
>liking F13
>calling others childish faggots
oh the irony
I always get Dick Miller confused with the guy who played snowmeiser on a Year Without Santa Clause. hocked to know Dick Miller is still alive though.
k i n o
o n l y
I don't believe that I agree with that at all. In fact, I'd say that I had the opposite experience. I hated it the first time I watched it, and it wasn't until I watched it again a year or two later that I "got" it, and loved it. Same thing with Day. They both had to grow on me.
Anyone seen The Changeling? I'd never even heard of it until recently but I just finished it and honestly it spooked the fuck out of me.
>not liking the king of all horror franchises
What a faggot.
F13 2, 3, 4 and 6 are all goat.
>people actually try to be snobs about horror
Every time. Muh giallo, muh Carpenter, etc
The whole reason horror movies are fun is because they're honest about being cheap thrills.
>dude just like every horror movie lmao!
shut up faggot
4 is the only good film in the series and it's still a 6/10 at best.
What's your favorite Frankenstein film?
One thing I don't like about the film adaptations is how they all make the monster hideously ugly.
I always imagined him as almost handsome in a way, a goth greek god with translucent yellow skin.
dick miller? he's been dead for quite some time
>mew survives
uh, did she? she was miles from anywhere in the middle of an antarctic snowstorm
what are the scariest hitchcock films
kek, maybe if this was 40 years ago, pal.
murder by death because it's terrible and it was his last film
Finally watched this a week or two ago. Fucking loved it. Worth it for the last 30 minutes alone.
A movie like that made today would attempt the commentary, but it would be too on-the-nose and would try to be sophisticated with it for normal audiences rather than embrace the B-grade schlockiness of it. Plus it wouldn't help that it would be commentary about the fat cats made by fat cats. Sort of defeats the purpose...
Psycho is the only scary one, really.
What the fuck are you talking about?
oh wait i was thinking of Family Plot derp
aww, he's so cute
Fuck him. This shit always messes up appchan x.
Please rec me some other horror movies that focus on atmosphere and tension build up rather than cheap jump scares or bad special effects.
Pic related was the best horror movie I've seen since the Blair Witch Project
Dagon is the prime example why CGI will never age as well as practical effects.
>tfw no deefu
well the best cgi will never compare to something like The Thing.
The Lodger is pretty suspenseful.
b a b a d o o k
>Blair Witch Project
great taste
>Phased plasma rifle in a 40 watt range?
>Hey just what ya see pal.
So what exactly is this thing?
i actually have this and enjoyed it.
nice throwback to the 80's with mock commercials and such.
it's a fun watch, but hard to find.
I'm actually genuinely surprised at the amount of foreign and classic horror on Shudder. I feel like I'll probably exhaust its worth after the two month trial but still pretty cool. Their original content looks dumb as shit though.
not on Shudder but I watched this last night and highly recommend it if an artsy vampire movie appeals to you. it feels more like a melancholy romance than a horror film but it's beautifully shot and the soundtrack is great.
goddang, I jsut finished the first episode of Strager tThings! That show can harness all the good shit that the 80s films got from you! And everything is so meticulously looked after!
do you know if there is any way to access shudder without being from one of the regions that it delivers its services to?
Upload it pls
I watched "In the Mouth of Madness" this weekend. It was pretty good, I'd recommend it. I also saw Creep and Creep 2. Both very very good.
some surprisingly good performances in this
Any fans of The Stuff here? Probably my personal favorite horror flick.
A friend showed it to be recently and it's one of my favorites, it has terrific atmosphere and characters.
Oh look... it's the horror general... where plebs from outlying threads have undergone pressurisation therapy to reach ultradiamond pleb mode. Please, rec me such "great" films as Absentia and The Last Shit while I load this shotgun.
>halloween is tomorrow
>still have 20 movies in watchlist
what was i thinking
quality is not great, but i think they also meant for that.
what's your top 10
the thing
blair witch project
carnival of souls
house of the devil
texas chainsaw massacre
and unironically V/H/S
Yeahhhhhh you're not me faggot so go be a turbopleb elsewhere. Kairo is great though.