Vice Principals begins in 5 mins
Vice Principals begins in 5 mins
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They'd eat a babies dick? Gross.
Honestly i hope both these actors the best. They seem like talented funny dudes who also are very good at acting
Abbor you psycho fucking horse. Jesus.
McBride and Goggins are pure gold
I like this show too.
>Are you done spazzing out?
>Uncle Lee Lee
That blood oath was hilarious. The way they played it like it was old hat to all of them but Snodgrass. Beach looks comfy af.
Oh shit fatshaming
>pre-teen girl talking about wanting a Brazilian
>you wear a size 16
kek Gamby is /ourman/
Too hot water! Scalding!
Butto Rico!
Damn those were some nice tits
Gamby likes wizards. /ourguy/
>Spring Breakers reference
I'm 22 minutes in, dunno where everyone else is, but I'm guessing that gun from the preview is going to be in Lee's car.
Janelle is a jerk now. Very stinky.
Those stripper tits were some of the nicest HBO has seen.
>Lee trying to give the girls a bath
So Abbott still could've planted it. I still think it's Lee, but obviously Abbott's now easily a main suspect.
Well, i was wrong. I figured abbot shot him for dumping her.
Didnt consider this, would be interesting twist if true.
>what's a red herring
I've been holding out that it's Lee ever since last season's finale. I thought Abbott was too obvious a red herring, but they've been building her up as a big time nutball the last few episodes. Lee would've burned the evidence immediately after shooting Gamby, probably. BUT, Lee is still every bit the sociopath that would be the shooter so...really could go either way for me. At the very least, the build of the shooter was exactly Lee's.
It's lame if it's abbot. This show kinda didn't need the shooting. Anyway, their Halloween film should be sick, they handle tense moments like the mask reveal expertly.
>So Abbott still could've planted it. I still think it's Lee, but obviously Abbott's now easily a main suspect.
i thought this as well. it is one or the other.
Agreed. And this Halloween movie is the only movie I'm actually getting my hopes up for.
What's the credits tune? Sounds like synthed up Philip Glass.
Is dis show good? McBride can be annoying but the new sheriff of Red Rock seems cool
Lee also didn't hide the dinner container well. It seems like he's so full of himself that he thinks no one will ever catch on to his schemes. The hidden compartment is too elaborate for it to be planted by Abbot.
>hidden compartment
pretty sure most SUVs have this compartment by default below the mat in the trunk
avclub review for those of you who give a shit
good to see an actual thread around here that isn't just a shitpost
If it's not Lee or Abbot, there's really only one "they pulled it out of their ass to surprise us" answer I can think of. This is very, very tinfoil-y, as bad as the Ray-is-the-shooter theory but there are SOME details that could make it work.
The shooter could be the asshole ex-neighbor. The big thing against this is the shooter's build wasn't the same. Other than that, here's how it could go:
>Neighbor pissed off at Gamby for suckerpunching him and still angry at Lee
>Neighbor shown to be violent and aggressive, the type of guy who you could see getting revenge on a person and not just disappearing from the plot
>Set both cars on fire and shoot Gamby in particular (might've shot Lee if he came out too)
>Season 2 opener, it's mentioned that the cops think it's a "stereo thief", possible nod to the audience that it's related to a broken boombox
>Lee says he "got the car in the divorce", possible that Christine hates Lee and was fucking the neighbor before or is now, in cahoots with him to frame Lee for Gamby's shooting so she lets him plant the stuff and "gives up" the car to Lee
Far fucking out there and I still think it's Lee, but much less retarded than some of the unfounded theories I've come across.
What movie?
What if Christine did it?
Good pull. Could be foreshadowing that Lee is pisspoor at hiding his mistakes.
Anyone else love the old bitch? It's just funny seeing her try to act tough.
I don't need an underpaid overhyped jew recounting the episode I just watched with unwanted opinions
>clean up these brownie things, ray works very hard on this lawn
it's still so weird hearing gamby be nice to ray
>tfw didn't even realize Ray's actor played Eli in Boardwalk Empire until this season
Jesus, that dude just becomes the character.
I legit felt bad for the kid desu.
But maybe that's cause I have one of my own.
Literally only 3 options at this point:
>Lee shot him
If this show has any consistency at all this would be retarded. he is shown multiple times to only be able to achieve his goals through underhanded schemes and blackmail. If he wanted to get rid of Gamby so he could be principal all he had to do was frame him for burning down Brown's house, shooting him makes no sense with his personality.
>Abbot shot him and hid the evidence in the car
This is plausible but it seems like a stretch to me. She was certainly obsessed with him and upset that he was getting together with Snodgrass but how does shooting him make him get back together with her? did she think it would break him and Snodgrass up and she would swoop in and nurse him back to health? she clearly didn't take that opportunity or mention attempting to visit him when he was in the hospital if that was the plan. so this seems unlikely.
>Christine shot him
I personally think this is by far the most likely possibility. She was getting tired of Lee's constant whining about his job so she wanted to make sure he got the position once Brown was out of the way and maybe their relationship could be salvaged, or at least she would get some peace at home. She hides the evidence in her car. and I'm pretty sure it IS her car. we never saw Lee driving that Jeep at any point in the series and notice how the show made a point of saying that Lee just won the car in the divorce despite having an awful talk with her lawyer the day before. according to the birthday episode Christine bought basically everything in the house and hired a good lawyer for the divorce but somehow lost her car to Lee? I think she specifically let Lee have the car so he would eventually take the blame for the shooting.
The only thing that doesn't make sense with any of these theories is I don't see how any of them outran Deshawn.
>long, dark indian hair
It's Christine
Was anyone else feeling that Lee was going to try and fuck one of the girls
Notice that there was no black wig in the car with the rest of the stuff. implying that the person that shot him actually had long black hair. which means it could have only been Abbott or Christine.
Yes. I was waiting to see how far this show was going to go.
>Gamby! [slutty girl] and I had sex last night..
>What do you mean you had sex, Lee?
>I fucked her, Gamby!
It's hard to tell how far the show is going to go sometimes.
Christine has no motive.
i agree and think it was definitely was her car.
i enjoy the show a lot more when lee and gamby are buds so the next episode should be a bummer
Didn't the mask have hair on it though?
I agree that there's evidence now that can point to Christine, but I'm more inclined to believe some far out shit like
-if Christine is involved. That or her and Lee did it together. Otherwise, her being so broken at Lee's lies doesn't fit with being a lone shooter.
She's 14, you sick fuck.
Did I say I was rooting for it, faggot? Lee, a sociopath who was talking about drawing a bath for the girls, who is on coke and has a boner from strippers, could've been portrayed as crossing that line. Nice projection, though.
Yeah, but they made such a big deal about it that I can't believe that Rayshaun was referring to the hair of the wig. Plus it's not straight, more like dreads.
Maybe Abbot put the mask and gun in the car to frame Lee. She feels like Russel is the biggest threat to her relationship with Gamby.
This is what we saw last time
>Boyfriend that you love in college is rumored to be the biggest gay party slut in the country
>Breaks up with you and goes to therapy
>Get together with a pathological liar and marry him
>Become increasingly unhappy and mentally unstable over the course of two decades
>Husband won't shut up about Principals job
>Whining about it everyday
>Principal is ousted and now he has to be Co-principals with someone else
>Snap and Don't want to deal with more bullshit so you go shoot that guy to secure the position for your husband and maybe finally get some peace and quiet
Nah, no motivation at all.
it's the classic shoot a school staff member while dressed as their mascot so they change it and replace everything scam, have you guys never worked in the school merchandise industry before?
>McBride can be annoying
Fuck off back to your pleb shit.
>mfw they want everyone to overthink the shit out of it and it ends up actually being Robin Shandrell
They are giving him way too much screentime to have him not be of some importance in the final episode.
Posting this cancer should be a bannable offense.
Forgot the file
>no black wig in the car
The mask had black hair attached to it.
This theory is dumber than the retarded "it was the neighbor" theory.
he was definitely going for Deb
Told you faggots.
You want to know what happens in the last episode?
Where can I find the preview for the next episode? My stream didn't have it.
Any idea who that was? IMDB identifies one of the strippers as Peruvian beauty Mariann Gavelo but I think that was the perky titted girl on stage with pasties, not the heavy hanger goddess on Walton's lap.
>disgusting curly pube beard
Do it faggot
Just when I thought True Detective had ruined television and I was planning on quitting TV forever (after GoT wraps next year) Vice Principals comes along and saves TV for me. Also, Mindhunter...if only to watch the gay dude pretend to be straight. It's hilarious.
unrelated to VP but who is that chick in the gif? Looks so familiar
why is there a sex scene each season. why is vice principals so shit?
or it could be lees ex wife trying to fuck him up
When they're all at Gales house abbot asks who's in the Jeep, she gets mad because she feels that Lee is stealing Gamby away from her. When the girls get arrested they return in a cab, not in the Jeep. Meaning that Abbot could have easily planted the stuff inside of the Jeep
Grace Helbig I think or looks a lot like her
>he wants a friend who can understand him
>he must be gay le epic
Thats what i was thinking. But what does she gain from shooting gamby? If her plan was to make him dependent on her she did a shit job doing it
No it's because of the "fagmount" explained in a prior thread. Also, it's an actor who comes across as gay no matter how hard he tries.
>what does she gain from shooting gamby?
The opportunity to nurse him back to health, but we know that didn't happen, so it doesn't fit.
Are you retarded
Checked and he's a broadway actor. Even if he wasn't gay he's be like that lol.
Russell is the killer?
I called the number and it was some random dude's voicemail.
Its the god damn daughter.
>hates her father for the motive
>the right height
>blows up both cars to make it seem like there were two targets
>had the costume, used it to prank the dad
>frames the pedo looking at her friend while looking cool
>shows where the costume came from
>uses crocodile tears to seem like shes sorry for being bad
She also called the restaurant to get the photo down too before her friends came.
It’s Christine.
Lee said he “Won” the car in the divorce. They could’ve shared the Jeep.
>False flag war between Gamby and Lee
>Turns out its Christine
>Lee wins everything in the divorce and everyone lives happily ever after
It would be funny
>the right height
She isn't taller than gamby.
i went to school with a girl with that name, even looks like her
the shooter was on the sidewalk, which could put her about 4-5 inches taller.
>Lee gets no punishment for being a total shitbird his whole life
>Continues to fuck with people and hang out with Gamby while fucking some new piece of ass
>Wins everything in the divorce
>Christina completely BTFO
>Last scene of the series is her in prison in a jumpsuit looking absolutely JUST with a side by side scene of Lee and Gamby laughing and having fun with the teachers at lunch
Note the mask has the black hair attached.
It was Lee all along.
The killer is no one suggested here. Fact.
Shooter, I mean.
what makes you say that as a fact? any theories of your own?
Ignore it, He's probably the Deshawn/Mrs swift theorist. It would be the asspull of the century. and how the fuck would they know to put the evidence in his wife's jeep?