it turns out women are even better than men at being disgusting NEETs. /r9k/ BTFO
It turns out women are even better than men at being disgusting NEETs. /r9k/ BTFO
oh yeah women are disgusting pigs, they wallow in their own filth
women can be NEETs without shame. it's called getting married and becoming a housewife.
Most single women with no interest in a relationship are absolutely disgusting. It's like once there's no man to impress/keep they no longer care about basic human decency.
>I'm eating
>OP posts this
>watch anyway
Never get high off your own supply
>TFW you would still insert your weewee into her hoohaa so long as you weren't in her house
Her house was a jenkem lab, she was trying to cultivate the highest purity of jenkem to ever exist. Mad scientists can never catch a break.
she could have her pick of any men and still probably thinks she's "oppressed"
What’s wrong with you?
someone greentext this video for us, I'm afraid to watch it
No shit
picture related was our old female janitor
>woman claims her mom loved to save shit in bottles
>shes a bit more sophisticated and shits into a bucket and throws it outside
>loves to eat her soups surrounded by her mothers poops
>gets angry with show hosts when they tell her that she cant eat in there anymore
>says shes been eating poop for 12 years, she aint stopping now, and needs 1 more "hit" of the poop goop, just 1 more hit and she'll quit!
is that a shit bucket
>female4chan janitor
prove it
puke iirc
IIRC it was vomit bucket
Her IRC name for the old Sup Forums irc showed up in the totally not real leaks of mod/janitor info/logs when the one janitor went awol
above isn't real btw haha
totally didn't happen because thats impossible haha. all those board specific names, trips, what gets posted on what, etc were roleplaying by one mega autist
Why do people live like this? I know it’s mental illness but damn. Just spend an hour cleaning up and you’ll mentally feel better at the end of it.
and here I am thinking my house is a disaster if I don't vacuum once a week
Damn, good call. This actually has to be true. Why else would she say all that bizarre stuff at the end.
I remember reading a story about some cuck letting his obese friend stay over after she got kicked out for not paying rent.
>gives her bed
>next day house smells of shit
>there's shit all over where she sat, slept
>pieces of shit all around the room
>bitch had shit on her clothes
>she tries to kill herself with "organic" herbal sleeping pills
>he kicks her out and gets a friend to clean up the house with him
That's what i recall if someone remembers let me know
Same once at mcdonalds with a friend we watched this and other lovely moments of this show. Thanx mcdonalds you got nice wifi
>eats mcdonalds
>thinks OP video is gross
SK had a digestive disorder where she threw up a bunch of acidic bile every half hour or so
She was also cripplingly socially anxious, lived on autism benefits from the UK government and had a huge crush on Felicia Day
>digestive disorder where she threw up a bunch of acidic bile every half hour or so
once or twice a year I get sick like that and end up shitting a bunch too