Will American Beauty be reexamined in the coming weeks?
Will American Beauty be reexamined in the coming weeks?
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Here's five shocking reasons why we need to talk about how problematic it is.
Is Kevin gay or bi?
He said that he's had relationships with both men and women, but now he's calling himself gay.
Men can’t be bisexual, only women can. Men can only be gay or straight.
That's retarded m8
Yeah, like why didn't he go after a cheerleader with tits?
>but now he's calling himself gay
Political cover.
Do straight men really believe this?
You're actually retarded.
I'm sure this isn't PC but i feel that once you have fucked guys and girls you are BI till you die
And it's working.
The mainstream news is doing a great job of missing the point.
women aren’t bi they just act it for the attention bi women always end up marrying a man
Bi guys are mostly homos
That he didn’t rape anyone 30 years ago?
No it isn’t. Every man who calls himself bisexual either comes out as gay later in life but didn’t sooner because they didn’t want to admit it or stops fucking around with men because they get over whatever sort of psychological issue (typically trauma) that led to them developing homosexual tendencies. The only reason you’re saying I’m wrong is because you mastrubate to traps and are being forced to consider whether or not you are actually a homosexual.
Did I miss anything?
I'm bisexual and primarily attracted to women, oops there goes your theory.
You're a faggot in denial.
I say boycott every movie of this molester. blacklist him from any future movies. Pull all his movies from all streaming sites. Take back all his awards including the oscar.
Why do these allegations take years or decades to "surface?"
What the FUCK is wrong with these people?
If you get raped/pedo'd why not go to the police RIGHT AWAY and get the fucker put behind bars with overwhelming evidence?
This post reeks of homosexuality
My “theory” is still good because you either haven’t yet gotten over whatever mental health issue you have that has led to you being in this position or have yet to swear off women. Did you even read my post?
What "overwhelming evidence" could you provide of a guy hitting on you in his apartment?
This reasoning is so obscure and unique that im forced to assume its your own personal experience.
I'm kind of glad Jack Lemmon didn't live to see this.
you're probably straight but attracted to the goose
desu as a female, it would rock me to my core to learn my boyfriend/love interest also desires a cock in his ass from time to time. Bisexuality is disgusting and any man who even remotely likes cock is a deviant, disgusting faggot.
I'm yet to meet any chick that would stay with their partner if she found him out to be Bi.
Whereas, Ive been with a few girls who later told me they also like girls and didn't give a fuck.
Sure thing guy
That's because you know they're not serious and just mean that they kissed some girl while they were drunk.
Damn now I can't watch house of cards anymore.
It was never any good anyway, so you're better off really.
>also desires a cock in his ass from time to time
Most bi guys aren't bottoms
Men can only be straight or completely degenerate. It's easy to go the other side where men's assholes and cocks are easily available and you can have ten of each a day if you choose.
Chasing pussy is harder and more worthwhile since it furthers your genes.
nah my last gf genuinely fucked girls before me.
Good lord it must be awful being so insecure. I legitimately feel bad for you.
Sup Forums was right again
Probably 50-50
He has never been in a known relationship with a woman but he hit on every twink that came close to him ,yet we're supposed to believe he's "bi"
> Climbs on top of boy
Media calls it "sexual advances"
If it were a girl they would call it "attempted rape".
Why, what did Jack do?
Kevin always looked up to Jack as a mentor. I saw not long ago on Facebook a post Kevin Spacey made about his two Oscars, and how he owes it all to Jack Lemmon.
Political cover for what
post feet
I doubt it. You are either straight and want to feel unique and part of the lgbtbbq club or you are just gay but don't like being labeled as a homosexual.
Being a pedo
Hand me the children you fucking cocksucker.
>Hi. I worked on a production he was in, Shipping News – in the rural town of Trinity in Newfoundland. Town has a population of maybe 1200. He had production put a ping pong table in his suite and help him organize TOURNAMENTS with local preteen and teen boys. I’m not even making this up. everyone was really grossed out. all the local famileies thought he was just so wonderfully genorous with his time, being a big movie star and all but i think he’s a predator. the ping pong was one thing but he went through a pile of male ‘assistants’ that were flown up from LA-one a week. and at the end of the shoot we (crew, cast) were having a pissup at the local (Rocky’s) – he invites the 3rd AD out to his range rover for a toke ( i know this because i was banging the 3rd AD) so they’re sitting in the truck, and suddenly spacey goes for my friends ZIPPER and expresses an urgent desire to FELLATE him. the AD has now the awkwardest situation on his hands – with 2 weeks of shooting left, he has to A) politely decline Mr. SPacey’s offer and B) keep his job. he manages to get out of the truck unmolested and then Spacey takes off in the truck – and he’s fucking loaded. usually his handlers would prevent that sort of thing but they didn’t think he would be going anywhere, they just thought he was having a toke and a blowjob. so he tears off in his Range Rover and then misses a very sharp turn on the way out of the village goes through a fence and down a hill into some guys yard – and lands in top of the guys well. truck is all fucked up, there’s damage to the well, etc. production paid the property owner 10 grand not to say anything about it. there was some local joke that about how you get a hollywood movie star out of your well, but I forget how it goes.
I guess you weren't joking, namefag.
there are no girls on the internet
everyone knew he was a poof and everyone knows they fuck anything that moves
>consensual sex with 14 year old girl
>banned from America
>rape 14 year old boy
>media parade
Tell me how women aren't more equal to men
t. gayboy mcgee
Wait, what?
Didn't he "come out of the closet" like two years ago?
Is this some meme mandela effect or what
Looks like you're a disgusting faggot, oops!
she was 13 and i she was on drugs but yeah kinda consensual . also she was pimped by her mother
are you on a registry?
i am not even a burger.
All hollywood rape stories start with "pimped by her mother" and end with "mother made a ton of money, and now lives happily in some mansion"
Women can whore off their daughters to some fat old jew and be rewarded for it
>but yeah kinda consensual
Try reading the trial transcript some time.
are there any 'moments'?
There is no gay, bi, or straight. Is it gay to suck your own dick if you can? Is jerking off gay? What about watching porn? I mean, depending on your tastes you would be considered gay by some that are more heterosexual. It's all a way of dividing people to keep us distracted. Would you rather fuck a post-op tranny that looked like a gorgeous woman, or a woman that looks like a butch man? People are attracted to features, not genders.
Yes, good goyim. The world is black and white with no shades of grey.
The world is white actually
I've fucked men and women and will continue to do so but I identify as straight because I prefer women.
The men thing is just novelty/needing release bad
>inb4 you're gay
prove it
>I've fucked men
> but I identify as straight
true Sup Forums is here
No, because that's not how movies work, you retarded fuck.
It's just most people put that shit behind them because, surprise, it's simply not that traumatizing. ew, some guy perved on me. big fucking deal. when i was 19 i had the burliest scary-looking dude ask me if i wanted a dick suck. it was 3am and I was walking alone. i said no and kept walking. end of story.
but right now there's a zeitgeist of people "opening up" about getting perved on, w/e the fuck that is. i think it's just an extension of the sexual witch-hunt that has been a facet of our society for the last 2 decades
yeah that's how it works sweetie. everyone is sexually fluid to some degree. if i disguised a man sufficiently as a woman i could get heteros to admit he's sexy and they would. it's not about gender, it's about secondary sexual characteristics.
dude love is accepting ur "special person" as they are, what is the problem of strapponing a guy from time to time if that makes him happy?
>You masturbate to traps.
Please tell me a lot of straight guys do this as well.
>everyone is sexually fluid to some degree
is this how americans justify being raging faggots?
>Can stick your dick in anything
>Can't find both genders attractive
>but right now there's a zeitgeist of people "opening up" about getting perved on, w/e the fuck that is
Because up until recently people were always told "well clearly you were asking for it by dressing up like that or being in a place like that" etc. if they talked about it.
Damn, thinks he can squirm out of it with the gay card. Too bad he's not hip to the fact that gay white men are shitlords now, too.
where were you when kevin spacy was gay
I was at home reading computer
>if i disguised a man sufficiently as a woman i could get heteros to admit he's sexy
Sufficiently implies they have to look like a passable women to generate sexual attraction. That's called heterosexuality. Just because you tricked them visually doesn't mean they're faggots.
My dick disagrees with you
ITT: We all project our personal insecurities onto anonymous internet strangers in a negative way so we can manifest them in our heads as enemies for a short moment and be angry at them as people.
>I was at home reading computer
yeah that's right buddy. it has nothing to do with genitals. do you demand a genital inspection before you decide someone is hot or not? no.
it's all secondary characteristics, bitchface. long hair, legs:torso ratio, etc.
penis or vagina is the last thing you look at.
I don't have to project anything to tell you're a smart-ass faggot.
i have no idea how i wound up copying that other post, lmao
>Sufficiently implies they have to look like a passable women to generate sexual attraction.
meant to quote that
You mean the secondary characteristics that define the morphological differences between the sexes?
You're retarded.
im dominant with girls, submissive with guys
You read that like I pretend I know what I'm talking about. The truth is I know nothing and you'll forget this in 20 minutes.
lolwut. This is the dumbest shit I've read in a long time. And you can tell this fuckhead is genuine too.
Traps aren't gay.
Given what I've heard about how homosexuals actually go through life, I'm disturbed by how the most depraved faggots can "pass" so easily into normal society, no matter how fucked their private habits or thoughts are. It seems tantamount to lying, by omission or otherwise, that they think the same way or hold the same values as the ordinary men around them.
People complain about gays "shoving it their face", but they should be more worried about the opposite side of that coin.
Man he played that well, slick fucker.
>everyone is sexually fluid
whatever you have to tell yourself to feel normal freak.
How long until Bryan Singer shoots Kevin to keep his secret safe?
>triggered closeted homosexual
it's ok to open up here. you're anonymous
who was it? your brother? dad? maybe you just thought your friend looked especially cute one day.
>who will inevitably play his biopic
>oh shit it already exists
this movie is trending on twitter
No I have no problem with bi or gay people I live in fjucking cologne germany, gay capitol of europe but to say EVERYONE is sexually fluid is retarded and completly untrue.
i always knew he was a fag
everyone knew. Hes the classy kinda oldschool gay. You could see it from a mile away.
It was never very good anyway.
you have to go back :(
I spent a week there. Nice place. Was kinda weird being at the Dom Cathedral, then few months later hearing about the mass rapes there on NYE. I didn't notice tons of rapefugees there at the time? Where they just in hiding or did you get a fresh batch before?
Also didn't notice lots of faggots, either. Either way I liked your city a lot.