Was she attractive? I grew up watching her show and I can't tell because she always seemed old to me

Was she attractive? I grew up watching her show and I can't tell because she always seemed old to me.

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She was classically attractive


Was she or was she not the best grill ever? Watch the show and tell me she wasn't qt3.14 as fuck.

I fucking hate her. I don't really know why.

I know what you mean. She seemed like a grandma to me. Now she seems like a normal woman. Either way, she was the greatest.

Enough with the blade runner threads already. Saged.

I always thought she was cute. I want 50's style to come back only for the way women could be reserved but still sexy.

Her career started in the 30s. By the time she did the TV show that made her a household name I believe she was over 40.


hey bro... u a Oui Tard? Are u a tardo bud? Just checkin to se if you are a, RETARD. Of course lucy is sexy! !!!!


>i can't tell
>tell me what to think, feel, believe plz
>im different from normies

I've always loved Lucy. Never knew why she hung out with that old bag Ethel.

>Women can't be fu-

>red head
>also housewife

Why is she so perfect?


I bet she was great in bed.

her beauty is stately

I've been watching a lot of Turner Classic Movies lately and have been fapping a lot.

Feels incoming

Ethel was fucking cool!mshe wal always down for Lucy's hijacks (even if she said she wasn't) and the way she gave Fred as good as she got was always cool.

And of course Lucy was sexy. She was the original Smirk-fu. She always has a sneaky look to her, but she was Pure Kino.

She looks kinda like debra messing here

are you wanting to go as far back as the honeymooners?

She looks like Deborah Messing