Shade, the Changing Girl #5 Storytime

Goodjob storytime everything bros, sorry I'm late, I was traveling, but here I am to pick up the dregs. After this is Death of Hawkman





I think both were already posted, just 404'd already?








This was already stortyimed you idiot














Death of Hawkman was also storytimed






















are you doing the entire series? I missed the last issue so I'm apprehensive to read this current one

btw who expected this to b the most interesting YA release? I was super wary of it because I've never heard of the author but she's knocking it out of the ball park












Ty. It was already storytimed but this book is always good. Also Amazing back ups.



























Preacher loves to dump the entire series that is available when he dumps stuff. He will run into image duplicates near the end, as Reburth user only did half of the 5th issue before realizing that it had already been posted










