Cornellkino edition
Previously, on the Doctor Who general:
Cornellkino edition
Previously, on the Doctor Who general:
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He looks like a lizard or something, fucking hell.
doctor who more like doctor poo
this general should be banned until the show restarts, just like every other general. no special exceptions you mod cucks
And I say that as a fan!
Does the wiki have a rundown of all this dwsr drama? I can't keep up, I don't know if adam's just playing the victim or if both sides are at fault for different things
*blocks your wilderness*
we have at least 3 Big Finish releases monthly
Adam does have some dubious history with female fans and cast so I wouldn't write anything out.
*blocks your ratings*
do you have anything more recent about adam? Like to do with this current post-capaldi drama?
*blocks your driveway*
What's dwsr?
whos the companion on the worst nuwho season ratings?
just saying
Doctor Who Sausage Rolls
Nobody likes you.
because I have facts
Do you notice how nearly none of the other trips talk to you? Do you notice how exhausted people are of talking to you since after every attempt to be earnest and actually have a dialogue with you, you just insult them, dodge questions, spout racist shite and go back to antagonising people? Fuck off, erino.
It is nice to have a hater, I believe you are keeping files on all my conversations just to rebut, get a life
you probably had imaginary rules in your mind about who should or not have trips and I came along and burst your dreams
>I believe you are keeping files on all my conversations
Archive4plebs is, because you are a trip. That's how Sup Forums works.
When's the last time a trip besides kindanonymous, who kept BTFOing you out in a debate since he kept linking to actual sources, talked to you?
>I came along and burst your dreams
Who the fuck is this clown.
>get a life
watch out we've got a 12 year old over here
some newfag
Kid was fine, we agreed the Roman thing was real, but we would never know how much brotherhood tehy would have
but why you keep going to my archives so much?
this is a silly site, that most of the time discuss a stalker
"oh the /who/ lore is so important, I dedicated years to it" t you
>can't even do t. right
>fails to comprehend every /who/ meme
>has a trip
literally the worst possible user
dont care
deal with it
>this is a silly site, that most of the time discuss a stalker
Actually /who/ has a lot of great quality content, look at lymerence's posts on Capaldi's era last thread, or Immigrant's Short Trips recommendations in that thread, or literally any conversation Neo and McGanon have, or the countless great discussions between nameless anons. If everything smells like shit to you, maybe you should consider it's you that stinks.
get to your so pwoerful archives and see that last 24 were lame comments on Adam
I stink because I have an opnion that is non PC,
if you want safe space you know where to go back to
>but why you keep going to my archives so much?
I don't. Victim complex much? Trip as much as you want, it won't make everything about you. I haven't linked to any of your last posts, you do a good enough job embarrassing yourself as is.
I wonder how much of a hike Jodie's first episode will have
Do we forgive him?
>if you want safe space you know where to go back to
Let me get this straight
>a newfag so new they don't even recognise fuck offerino
>telling other /who/res to go back to red dit
Fuck offerino
>I don't
some user did
oh my god, I dont know this word, I will off myself now
nobody cares about your long dead forced meme
Yeah, not me. Unlike you I'm not an egotistical wanker who feels the need to trip.
>long dead forced meme
Why are you even here when you don't even like or know /who/
>get to your so pwoerful archives and see that last 24 were lame comments on Adam
>this is a silly site, that most of the time discuss a stalker
Why the fuck are you here if you think actual quality content like means nothing compared to occasional DWSR talk. Do you enjoy arguing about yourself in threads?
>occasional DWSR
yep, right
Come near my general again, and I'll break your fucking face.
Are you honest to god saying that because /who/ discusses DWSR sometimes, it's totally okay to shit on and derail threads and that on topic posts mean nothing? Why are you here then?
to have fun and have drama with clueless fag like you
Reminder that /ourgirl/ is back on the menu, boys!
Good morning /who/!
Hey notice how Neo, McGanon, Immigrant and some other trips too, not to mention a lot of anons, all post lots of on topic Doctor Who comments, like /who/ and try to enjoy the threads and make them more enjoyable for other people?
What is the current trip in the thread doing?
Oh look
Judy, you're a troll, and I just want to say I resent you wasting our time.
Has it come out yet?
Do you actually enjoy this? Why are you spending time here? To call other /who/res fags, /who/ memes forced, say /who/ is just worthless DWSR talk and on topic content doesn't matter? Fuck offerino.
Ignore Judy. They are a troll.
Discuss Thirteen. What clothes do you want her to wear?
Of course. We celebrate it! Although sometimes I wonder, one more year and a lot of wilderness stuff could have run its course a bit better. Maybe you could say that forever though.
Morning there. That's a fun audio. The set with her and Ianto is even better!
Came out two years ago Immigrant! They do have more stuff with Yvonne in the works though and the covers do tend to look samey.
I would love to have discussions, but everytime I post some facts
some user yells: Judy said blackie once, reeeee
>What clothes do you want her to wear?
Who's your favorite Doctor, then?
>I would love to have discussions
and yet you fail to participate in them/start them
really makes you think
Nooo Immigrant you were going so well, they've literally confirmed they're a troll, don't engage. They can take their confirmed troll trip off and post normally if they actually want to talk on topic
Literally nobody has linked to that or used that term in the thread before your comment right now. People are reacting against you literally being a troll and derailing the thread into arguments about how you think /who/ is shit.
Okay, you're right. Will not engage.
One Rule got released in december 2015
But we are getting Torchwood One: Machines in 2018, I'm quite hyped, Tracy-Ann never disappoints!
Big Finish is fantastic with covers and photo edits but terrible at animations, The Time War intro for McGann looks like an amateur university project.
C'rizz era 8th
S9 12th
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Do not engage Judy. They are a confirmed troll.
Cool. How are you?
Kek it does too. How great are the Torchwood audios! TheOncomingStorm has been getting into them too.
What do you like about them?
I could be better. I'm suffering from my first hangover because I only had a glass of caipirinha, I discovered that I'm weak for drinks but I did not feel drunk or anything. I brought some episodes of Torchwood's second season to watch at work now in the morning and during lunch, I like to do that when the day is quiet.
Howdy Neo, go to sleep it's late
I hope Capaldi gets a rest now that he's finished
tfw I actually brought One Rule, real money, into Briggs' pockets
The night is young my friend!
>I like to do that when the day is quiet.
sounds comfy
>I'm suffering from my first hangover
Aw that's tough. I remember mine, quite awful!
look at that
Torchwood audios in the morn sounds comfy.
Have you had any Shit Trips 2.5 or ST 3 ideas? Or read any of ST 2 stories lately?
New details about the fourth volume (very happy this is confirmed, absolutely GOAT range, one of BF's best modern ones)
>And in Series 04 River will be encountering the Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker. More details on this series will be announced in the future.
They'll probably record it quite in advance, like they do with the 4DAs, which I believe are staggered two years out.
>He thinks that it was clara/12s fault and not a combination of
>tv declining
>no young doctor
>grittier themes, less fantasy
hows it feel getting pleb filtered?
8th is so suave and happy but the suprise of have forgoten Gemma makes him a damaged soul
s9 12th, breaks from the square look from s9, he starts enjoing life even if it looks like a mid life crisis, the uncool dad almost hobo like
Ooh, synopses of the River Song Vol 3 audios are out now too
>When River Song goes shopping for a whole load of unclaimed loyalty points, she uncovers secrets linked to her tangled past.
>The Doctor arrives, and the mystery deepens. He is already exploring the universe with another companion – someone River knows nothing about.
>Madame Kovarian has been busy, and this time she will not accept failure…
>3.1 – The Lady in the Lake by Nev Fountain
>On Terminus Prime, clients choose their own means of demise. Something exciting, meaningful, or heroic to end it all.
>But when River discovers that there are repeat customers, she knows something more is going on.
>She begins to uncover a cult with worrying abilities. Its members can apparently cheat death, and that’s not all they have in common with River…
>3.2 – A Requiem for the Doctor by Jac Rayner
>River has joined the Doctor and his friend Brooke on their travels, and they stop off in 18th century Vienna.
>Brooke thinks history is dull. Until people start dying.
>Mozart’s legacy is not just his music. River has more than one mystery to solve before a killer is let loose on the people of Vienna – and on the Doctor.
>3.3 – My Dinner with Andrew by John Dorney
>Welcome, Mesdames et Messieurs, to The Bumptious Gastropod.
>The most exclusive, most discreet dining experience outside the universe. For the restaurant exists beyond spacetime itself, and the usual rules of causality do not apply. Anything could happen.
>It is here that the Doctor has a date. With River Song. And with death.
>3.4 – The Furies by Matt Fitton
>Stories of the Furies abound across the cosmos: vengeful spirits hounding guilty souls to death. Madame Kovarian taught them to a child raised in fear, trained to kill, and placed inside a spacesuit.
>Kovarian knows the universe’s greatest threat. The Doctor must be eliminated. An assassin was created for that purpose.
>But if Melody Pond has failed, Kovarian will simply have to try again…
exactly what made s9 goat
So disappointed James Goss isn't doing a River story for Vol 3 =( He wrote the best River audio overall (imo) and a great one in Vol 2. I guess he's busy with Torchwood these days, where he's handling getting a load of fresh blood in. He seems to be the only guy at BF passionate about that these days.
you implied that it was bad because of clara/jenna???
so is Tom confirmed for box 3 or not?
who is Brooke?
Could we say Torchood One is the Chad Era and Torchwood is the Virgin Era?
I think funny. Most British series always work with women to lead major roles and make them experienced in certain situations. Yvonne to me is a calculating and well-crafted character. I hope Jodie can get that same essence when she takes on the show. Not wanting to sound like a social criticism but the role of women in some programs is needed to show that everyone learns from life, everyone suffers and everyone yearns for the hope of a better day.
I've been thinking about doing something different. Maybe portray Martha's story when she was in love with the doctor. I can only think of writing things related to relationships and longings. I think it's going to be very gay but we all are kek
I was assuming that chart included s10
Hey BF lowkey confirmed a River Vol5 set too
They've run out of new (old) Doctors to pair her with, unless they go the Treloar route with 3, which I hope they don't
Maybe it's time they finally do what they absolutely have to do eventually, and pair up River and Benny
But I wonder if they won't save that for a special release type of thing between both character's ranges
River can certainly support a boxset by herself without any Doctors too, the story with 8 was easily the worst one in Vol1 and he felt like an afterthought in it.
I'm so happy they're supporting this range so much, I'm such a fan of it.
kek, I love it! We could!
> I can only think of writing things related to relationships and longings
Sounds good!
Isn't she dead?
Almost like they're set before she died
>its a neo gets extremely enthusiastic about audios thread
>Maybe portray Martha's story when she was in love with the doctor
Marthakino sounds nice. Ain't nothing wrong with romantic stories.
Just letting you know, ST 2.5 stories will most likely be focusing on alternate Doctors and spinoff characters, and companion-centric stories. Purely "canon" ideas will go in ST 3.
I love River Song's audios. Can't wait till she meets Benny.
Tom will be in Box 4. And Brooke is a new character (might be plot relevant).
Reports of my cynicism about BF are greatly exaggerated! I love their River, Torchwood, and Classics ranges. It's just the Doctor Who ones I complain about more! And I was (mostly) positive about 8's latest release too!
why is time so cruel lads :'(
Explain me why the Doctor's Daughter is bad? I though it was mostly comfy. How can we fixed it?
I think I'm going to start working during the week, depending on the amount of clients here in the office.
From what I understand all these chronicles happen from 1999 until the arrival of the doctor. Then there is a different energy on Torchwood, you can identify that your merits and plans are different from the Jack's group.
Hmmm, alright. I will think in work with CLASS or Yvonne, I'm going to figure it out something
Replace the Hath with Adam Orford
t. Judy
Please do a Class story! As a fan of Class, I always want to see more stories of them.
If Jenny hadn't done crazy flips, it'd be better. Got a little too cheesy there. (Note: I liked Doctor's Daughter.)
and you were having such a nice day
thats bad timing bro
When are you gonna organise a season 2 of Class in novel form
the CNAs
>Nyssa in Terminus
I really liked this first episode, very promising. Moreso than usual for this era. Nice atmosphere.
Turlough works surprisingly well.Sure, his circumstances stretch the limits of plausibility, but it's nice having him around. Strickson sells it. Of course this could easily go wrong in later appearances.
I'm gonna be sad to see Nyssa go. If they kept her around for a longer stretch of Five's era and actually, y'know, wrote for her and gave her focus, she could've been one of the all time best. But in my eyes she absolutely qualifies as a great companion.
Jokes on you, We are trying to bring Twice Upon a Time to the brazilian cinemas but the petition needs at least two thousand signatures and we only have one thousand and eight hundred. A country with more than 207 billion people and only that amount has an interest in making that happen. Sad.
I know that Casablanca was a terrible audience, involved several aspects and social interactions more than the minimum for a sci-fi fiction show but I loved to take it, it was a good way to wait for season 10 and I'm sorry to hear that we lost several good characters there.
I'd sign that if you liked it. If it's not too late, of course.
Uhm, I don't know why Casablanca appeared instead of Class, what the hell?
The problem is that the idiots who coordinate most of the fan clubs instead of making one petition, have made more than 9. So none of the 9 will reach the goal, plus each have a different goal number than the other and their distances are large.
>liked it
That's meant to be 'linked it'