How quickly will Porg hype burn out for normalfags after The Last Jedi premiers?

How quickly will Porg hype burn out for normalfags after The Last Jedi premiers?

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I CAN'T be the only one who wants to empty his balls in those things

Never. Porg is here to stay.

I take them as a sign of a society headed for ruin.

1,000 years

Do not underestimate these things.

I take them as a fuck you to people that actually like star wars

Reminder Porg merchandise spies on people and it is all an infiltration process

but none of those plushes and toys are cute as Porg is, some of them doesn't even look like the character at all

who the fuck buy that shit c'mon

I honestly don't see the appeal in these creatures. I don't think it will catch on at all.

Dinsey wins again. Now every boy will have his Anakin/Kylo/Dart Vader figure, and every girl will have her stuffed Porg

also, Porg serie in Disney channel confirmed when?

Disney are just testing how stupid Star Wars fans and geek chic fashion hipsters are by coming up with the laziest shit imaginable while slapping the Star Wars IP on it hoping it sells. I garuntee you if Porg wasn't even Disney or Star Wars no one would give a fuck about it.

The Day of the Rope can't come soon enough


Late capitalism is a hell of a drug.

>all those 70s and 80s televisions ruined

I've never seen anyone talk about them other than paid shills and Sup Forums

it certainly is now

does she not see the irony here?

Porgs: A Star Wars Story
Coming May 2020.

Not even one iota.

Very fast
It's blatant forced viral marketing and even though I liked Force Awakens and Rogue One the simple fact is none of the newer Star Wars films have had any real memorable designs in them because Disney want to make everything look like the Original trilogy (In a bad way)

She IS the irony

I wonder if she lets her low-t boyfriend watch.

This. I think we can keep Porgs relevant.

I can't be the only one that wants to empty my balls in this thing?

You guys talk about them more than any ordinary person. You're obsessed by how much you hate ordinary people to the point where you repost one or two examples like over and over
until you're CONVINCED that's what everyone is like. Anything to keep yourselves from going outside.

The same as BB-8 hype