Is he going to survive this?
Is he going to survive this?
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Why does he think coming out of the closet somehow absolves him? That's kind of a high and mighty position to take and seems really unfair to the queers, especially considering everyone already knew he was gay for years.
>Why does he think coming out of the closet somehow absolves him?
He's just doing it to deflect and change the narrative. Now you'll see everyone praising him about coming out and how brave he is.
He's a gay white male, so its okay. It's only the nasty straight white males who rape.
it's already started
Yes,aparently if you come out as a fag its ok for you to molest kids
>Why does he think coming out of the closet somehow absolves him?
He obviously doesn't but because he's desperate, he's holding the only thing he has up as a shield to protect himself and his legacy... in the last few weeks he just saw the most powerful producer in Hollywood utterly annihilated...
(I work in PR) If I was him I'd be throwing out all kinds of
>I too was abused by a mentor
>When I was young I was lured into relationships with consenting adults
>I didn't learn boundries, I didn't have any
>What was everyday normal for me as a child was abusive and terrifying for everyone else and, It kills me to realise I carried this with me and inflicted it upon another human being, because "It was normal" when it never ever was. This is not about me, I am not the victim, but I emerged from a dark place and It made me do things that I didn't realise were not "normal" This has broken my soul. I cannot repent enough I cannot beg Anthony for forgiveness enough, to say "sorry" is not enough, will never be enough but I am.
He should have hired me. His apology was rank amature
>this is his twitter banner
you know the guardian did a piece in 2005 where it was revealed his dad abused him, he could totally whip that out
He seems too well liked and the allegations too minimal for it to have any longterm repercussions. He's public enemy number 1 at the minute, but if he plays his cards right he could come out the other side relatively OK. If he's only being accused of one time 32 years ago acting somewhat inappropriately around one person while being incredibly drunk then I think a lot of people will chalk out down to a single misdemeanor. With that said, we're definitely in a position where everyone is on high alert on these kinds of things so it might end up harming his career much more than it would at any other time.
Its no secret in the industry that teen boys should keep away from him. I'm certain only more people will come forward now.
Man imagine being put in this position at 14 years old. A man predatorily gains your trust, then gets you alone and sexually assaults you. You are left confused and conflicted with your emotions.
This man goes on to have an extremely successful and high profile career. This man responsible for what is likely one of the worst moments of your life is celebrated for his talents.
You garner the courage to come out with your story, and this sociopath not only says he doesn't remember the event but he then uses your abuse as a platform to come out of the closet and gain sympathy from the masses.
Pretty fucking sick. Even if this guy's story was fabricated, who the hell uses accusations of sexual assault as a moment to celebrate their sexuality to the world? Something wrong with him.
>a fag raped some kids in hollywood
Oh wow, it's monday
Publishing slimy and fake apologies is a whole branch of industry in America. Fuck this gay ass country.
So he's officially #ourguy then?
my precious if you think it's just America, or even just the west...
Why Kevin didn't just hold back, speak to a PR firm and formulate an even better crafted version of what took me
This. Remember when Bruce Jenner ran over some guy but wasn't crucified for it because he became full tranny coincidentally around the same time?
>A man predatorily gains your trust, then gets you alone and sexually assaults you.
>"hey wanna have sex?"
>"ok" *leaves*
Where was the assault?
Twitter has fucked so many people. I can't get why people don't keep a leash on this shit.
I guess if they could control themselves they wouldn't be actors, since it inherently requires attention whoring. But you see people in every sector doing this shit.
Get off the fucking twitter. Don't use it except to flap a puff piece. It's a trap.
The guy claimed that spacey got on top of him and shit. Also the fact that the guy was 14 at the time while spacey was in his late 20's is pretty damning.
I tried to tell my mom that Kevin Spacey molested me at a ping-pong tournament, but she didn't believe me and also got really upset. I was 10 or 11, and he put his hand in my shorts and fondled my balls.
He took a bunch of other kids alone into the back during the tournament, supposedly for 'pictures'. I'm sure they got felt up also.
>Is he going to survive this?
>not, SHOULD he survive this
Answer is, no. Pedophilia had run rampant in Hollywood for decades. It is time to expose all the pedophiles, shame the community to the point where they begin to admit their problem and beg the public for forgiveness.
And Spacey should be merely the first of many sacrificial lambs.
He should just retire and go to Cambodia.
He can unretire when he come back married.
>is pretty damning.
No, it's not. It's a story and you are retarded for believing it.
That's at least a penalty, you can't touch another players balls while they're in play
>*Tries to have sex without asking*
>"Are you sure? Are you really sure? Okay.
>support gay tights
>oppose child abuse
you can only pick one
Why was a 14 year old faggot at a party full of drugs, alcohol, and adult faggots?
Hmm, a real mystery. Poor victim.
>Accuse of attempted rape on a 14 year old
>Conveniently come out as gay to get sympathy
Absolute mastermind
tbf Kevin (allegedly) invited him. It's as much on him if not more so.
Yes sodomite are untouchable
This is fun, because for a brief moment in time America will pretend to care about the well-being of white male children again.
>sexually assaults you
he didn't do any actual sexual assault though
Do you actually think you're making a point with these?
>sexually assaults you
>"H-He drove me back to his place and then he climbed on top of me! T-That's a sexual advance!"
>you garner the courage to come out with your story
>"Hm, I'm not quite the start of STD so my fame is relatively low. Oh, I know! I'll accuse Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting me! Even though my age and what he did does not define him as a pedophile or sexual assault, the accusation alone will tarnish him! I'll get points because right now it's mostly women claiming assault so if I'm a guy and I claim it, I'll get famous! Like that Terry Crews guy!"
Fuck off your high horse you piece of shit cunt. In the unlikely event that Spacey even did anything, which is highly unlikely given the weak accusation from a nobody in a shit show, he was at worst drunk after a party, and didn't actually have sex with the kid.
If it's so common, how come you shitposters always cherry pick the same two stories?
People like Spacey are subhumans and should be thrown into gas chambers
>makes a phone call
>"make it go away"
He gonna channel his inner Frank and make it out alive.
*teleports on top of you*
"Heh, nothing personal kid"
>Flirting in an explicit way while being drunk with some 14yrs old teen in your bedroom is as bad as actually committing rape
I mean he literally dindunuffin and he was under the influence of booze so w/e
Do you have any evidence of this?
wheres faggot pedos 2
Pre-Weinstein he'd likely survive so much.
No. He accidentally admitted raping an underage boy.
he didnt rape anyone though
>American reading comprehension
This isn't true. Seems everyone is calling him out for it. Being gay does not excuse being a paedo. Two different things altogether, and really unfair on your average faggot.
Singer and Spacey worked together on "The Usual Suspects."
> Usual Suspects
Man if I ever become a paedo I'm gonna hire you
>seems really unfair to the queers
You mean to the straights, men don't get away with anything. At least there's always a get out of jail free card we all know about now
It's called turning gay.
This feels like a modern day inquisition. Renounce you're heterosexuality or suffer the consequences. Going gay/bisexual might be the key to surviving the new millennium
Survive what? Nothing happened. It will play out as he got drunk and hit on a kid. He didn't fuck him.
Unless something else comes out, he'll be fine if he survives the week. He only has to hold off until indictment news comes in.
That would have worked a month ago.
Not anymore.
the media will probably praise him as being brave for coming out
he was talkinga bout this incident over a decade ago, he just never mentioned names
Most queers are pedos.
Ugh this abomination is revolting
It's actually less to do with the accused and more to do with the people representing them. Marty Singer fucked himself by representing Bill Cosby. Since then the accusers are feeling way more empowered. I think in years to come, the Cosby case will be considered a landmark moment that paved the way for what we are seeing now. Check out pop bitch if you get a chance, they've done some really good articles on all this breaking it down.
PR cunt, get fucked you parasite
Hey Kevin
I love how him coming out as gay has seemingly completely overwritten the story of him coming onto a 14 year old.
A good exercise in PR.
But still, completely shitty.
>we all knew he was gay
haha yeah that's why we only bring it up now, after the fact.
fuck you
Wow, so much fun!
Kudos that was pretty good, he should have hired you.
Spoken like a true paedo
>tfw House of Cucks isn't about his character anymore
i feel fucking cheated
watched a ton of his movies and thought of him as a cool alpha
now he's just a faggot
Thanks! We're not cheap but we don't cost your entire fortune, family, career and life!
I feel like I'm going mad, I could have sworn he came out as gay back around the time the talking cat movie came out. Did this not happen? Did I just confuse rumors for him actually coming out?
paedo is the british spelling you fucking birdbrain
Kevin Spacey being gay was an open secret for YEARS, you dumb trashy anime poster.
So are we going to find out why Media overlords are going to war?
I mean the media cycle is usual but this has been weird, split between politics..
it almost seems like an unseen war going on.
Wow, a liberal gay Hollywood man is also a child diddler. Imagine my surprise.
>he idolized a fairy
should be fairly surprising, seeing as how I can't think of a single other "gay Hollywood child diddler". it doesn't seem to be a thing, no matter how hard you're trying to make it into seeming like such a common thing.
To be honest he pretty much admitted that he's into young guys without putting any shame on himself for it (rightly so to be honest) while clearing up the circumstances in which the supposed 'assault' took place. So he did it very gracefully.
what is graceful about admitting to making sexual advances on a fucking kid?
>A man predatorily gains your trust, then gets you alone and sexually assaults you.
But he let him out as soon as Rapp told him that he's not into it.
This is not even a rape or anything, this is bullshit.
The only thing Spacey needs to wiggle out of is the thing about him liking twinks, but there's nothing wrong with that except that old ladies might not like it.
For example the fact that he didn't know that he was this young? Dude was in a night club, you don't expect to find someone under-age in a night club. In the least I would assume he looked at least 18 if bouncer let him in without checking. So a honest mistake which is being blown out of proportions because it involves a famous actor who wasn't officially known to be gay before.
>This is not even a rape or anything
It's not. It's sexual assault. Because that's what Spacey allegedly does. If you force yourself on someone, even if you don't lock them in a room and rape them, you have still sexually assaulted them.
This isn't particularly difficult to understand, user
dumb dweeblet
Why do gays like little boys so much?
of course
the gay mafia is allowed to have sex with underage
>the fact that he didn't know that he was this young?
yeah, no.
The same reason straight people like little girls.
Did you say... LITTLE GIRLS?!
They're soft and cute and sweet and innocent. What's not to like?
Why didnt he just deny it?
thats one ugly motherfucker
he should feel grateful if kevin actually tried to touch him
no Kevin, no
>I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, baddieboy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life. And I am not a pervert. If there's one twisted bastard in this industry, it's this little blackmailer here. So congratulations, Anthony. I've just officially outed you.
There is nothing in Rapp's claim that qualifies as assault. He didn't grope him, fondle him or even kiss him.
What are the chances that this little guy is being passed around to every lecherous dirty old man in Hollywood right now? Who would have thought that the Demogorgon would have been the least of the horrors that this little guy would have to face and survive?
We got evidence!
Look how well it worked for Weinstein.
Ahhh, you are a man of culture as well, Kevin.