What's his best film adaption?

Pro-tip: it's The Green Mile, boss

dead zone

The Dead Zone

Creepshow 2 "The Raft" no contest

The Running Man no contest

Stand By Me

This is literally not even a contest.



>No contest

Is 1922 worth watching?


Either The Mist or Stand By Me.

it's not adaptation as movie is not honest to the book.

The Contest. There's really no Shining.


Shawshank you fucking plebs

The only patrician choice

Tempting but the novella was so excellent on its own already. One of my criteria is that it significantly elevates the story like with Stand By Me as I recall.

have even read the book?



i cant stand watching child actors, bleh

Shawshank is beyond dull. The Shining is leagues ahead, probably because they ignored whatever tripe King wrote. He's simple the worst adult writer.

Carrie is my favorite.

>, probably because they ignored whatever tripe King wrote.
And you don't think that should count against it in this specific category? For example, The Running Man is a great movie but as I recall not a very good adaptation.

>that helicopter shadow in the opening
>Mr. Grady's first name changing randomly

Literally ruined my immersion for the whole movie, Kubrick is a hack.

if you want to do stephen king right, better do it yourself


Pet Sematary is my favorite. Fucking love that movie.

>film scenes hundreds of times
>still leaves in completely fixable fuck ups


>contrarians not mentioning the new IT

It is the best, prove me wrong.

Salems Lot adaption when?

it's shit, I proved you wrong

So an aquatic organism that adapts to live on earth won't be able to breath air? Are you stupid?

Hope this pedophile fuck gets it after Spacey.

is it just me or does it look like theres a spider on his head

umm, IT obviously

I thought there were two. There's at least one.

I like the new IT.
All the other films are trash.
Stephen King stories suck.
Luckily IT is salvaged into a great film adaption.

Better than the original tv movie?

>le breakdancing clown

That's his true form.

For nostalgia sake I do, but I like the new film overall.

Every movie that's a faithful adaption of his work is shit.
>Hey this spooky camping thing is pretty great
>Oh shit things turn weird
>Assworm aliens


The Mist was fuckin great

Maximum Overdrive, dipshit.

except the ending

Only correct answer

Blue Velvet

That's an original film by him dumb fuck



The ending was pure fucking kino, the hell are you talking about?

>include a massive child orgy at the end of IT
>not a pedo

Pick one

There's a movie and miniseries, I think. The latter is what I've seen. Pretty sure it had Rutger Hauer as Barlow. It also departed pretty radically from the book from what I remember.

I just watched The Dark Tower.

Man this was weird.
Elba delivers. Kid is... not annoying. Matty was the charming bastard he always is. Somehow it was hollow though.

But the book about assworm aliens is very different from the movie about assworm aliens.

It's corny, melodramatic bullshit. If it was supposed to be a joke, they succeeded. I don't think it was supposed to be a joke.

And it's the only correct answer, jackass.

That was so garbage I couldn't finish it. And I got through the last 3 books

That was the only Stephen King movie that I watch almost completely through(I came in at the part where they were escaping).

Then it's not an adaptation, twerp

Langoliers was an excellent novella so Id be surprised if the film elevated it in the slightest.

the one where household appliances come alive? jeez kid, don't post without your helmet on

Well what's so great about Dead Zone?

Oh boy, a cheesy version of Escape From Alcatraz

I've only listened to the audiobook for Salem's Lot and this text isn't in it - they cut off Barlow's arm when he's asleep? Which version did I get?

it doesnt need adaptation.

He's also wrote about rapists and arsons and murderers and vampires, is he all that stuff too?
You're a fucking idiot if you think you can only write about yourself and can't understand authors can be separate from their work

is this the one where they are at the airport and keep hearing some noise? if so that movie is comfy desu


im really surprised no one has said this one yet.

Probably this. There's a few other good ones, but this was flawless on every count.

This, retarded murrican hypocriticism at its finest. Murdering and abusing kids is A okay but a literal piece of kids losing their innocence to others in sewer makes the author automatically a pedo

>pedophilia is A-OK because showing some explosions is too!

Shit well I liked it

Yes, pedophilia is okay to write about, just like explosions. Notice how, again, just because he's written about it does not mean he's endorsing it
King's also written over a 100 books, and the child sex scene is one chapter in just one of those books. You think a pedophile would write about it more than that wouldn't you?

Good taste for good digits.

I don't think it's the best, but it's certainly up there.

>tfw all those kids can act way more than 90% of current adult actors in Holywood
Is it because they weren't raped enough?

>le ignorant parrot

It's the only movie this year I watchet at 4x after watching the first 10 minutes normally.

You should use glasses.

>You think a pedophile would write about it more than that wouldn't you?
But he does.

Rose Red.

>But he does
Name six books

>he only raped a kid once, your honor he's innocent!

Looks like Spacey made all the pedos come out from under the woods.

Writing about rape doesn't make you a rapist, bud. Shitty strawman though.

Okay fair the second argument I used was poor but the first part stands