What went wrong?
What went wrong?
No one cares about that show anymore. It aired what, fifteen, sixteen years ago?
>take a show about a character people like
>remove the character people like and replace with diversity checkbox quota
i'm not even sure if i've seen that, and I loved 24.
I think it went downhill after the chainsmoking persian terrorist arc was done.
didn't show qt terrorist nude
Black Bauer is wimpy as hell
Why is it always British nigs that get hired over american nogs?
shitty z-grade washed-up writers who didn't give half a shit.
I actually defended it before it came out and suffered through it because I'm just that big of an old 24 fan and it was complete dogshit. They slotted in Tony Almeida in place of some generic mercenary character even though his entire reason for being there made zero sense in the continuity. Then in the last half LITERALLY EVERY EPISODE had a character getting kidnapped, then released or exchanged for a different character. Every episode.
I can't think of a single series that JUSTed itself so hard for no reason. Live Another Day was fucking god tier against all odds, perfect setup for another mini season whenever they wanted. Now the whole franchise is in the fucking shitter.
Nah, that can't be right, i remember watching Season 1 during the holidays in 20......
Should've brought back Czech Bauer
it's not that they cast a black guy.
they cast a black guy who isn't famous
Listening to Kiefer talk like himself compared to how he talks while in character is fun
He looks like John Boyega on the poster
post yfw
>events occur in real time
>John Boyega
Funny enough John Boyega was in 24
Because Kiefer Sutherland was this show. You can't replace him with a literal who. Especially not a literal who that looks like the faggiest fag that ever fagged.
Combination of things. Here are the obvious ones out of the way:
Nostalgia driven money grab
Actors who didn’t care
Writers who didn’t care
Low budget
No adverts after first episode
Lastly, 24 had its time. It was novel when it first came out, but the show was worn out by the end of the 5th season. You can’t have a bigger twist than “the President is allied with the terrorist”. They tried it by setting off a nuke in LA in season 6, but it didn’t have near the impact. The show then got bogged down in melodrama that did not mesh well with the target audience. Jack’s family being villains and Tony Almada coming back made it feel like a soap-opera.
People liked Redemption and season 7, but they were oddballs as seasons 8 and 9 were more of the same. The changing political environment after season 7 also made the show feel out of date as its superficial attempts to keep with the times while also keeping the same formula made it feel even more dated.
In addition, the TV landscape moved on. People became more interested in multi-season long arcs and the shocking deaths that 24 was best at are now common place. The Walking Dead has the same shocking deaths that 24 had some (though not me) would argue that TWD does them better.
They picked a young black guy who has some effeminate features. They needed a meaner looking hi-test middle aged black in this role.
I agree for the most part though I do think Netflix or Amazon could make it work. Probably not with 24 hour long episodes per season but it's a whole different ballgame when it comes to streaming.
I don't get why people are so obviously lazy and incompetent
I mean why not just make a different show?