Why is it black?
Why is it black?
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cause tuck you
Halloween jackass
gook sold Sup Forums to uganda for five pesos
Black? Maybe you need to get a better monitor my man because this is definitely a dark purple not black at all.
It's always black for me, but without the skellingtons and orange lettering
i hate it. and u know its not good for the eyes. thats why all blackboards are now green.
because its americas future whiteboi
just scroll down to the bottom of the page and change the style if you dont like it
Why wasn't it always?
That's Purple you faggot.
It's not even black for me more like purple, is this the magic of TN displays?
Thank god finally other people said it's purple. I was wondering if everyone was retarded or something saying it's black when clearly this is purple.
>that edge bleeding
damn OP sort your fucking life out.
Sup Forums BLACKED
stupid fucking reddit tourists need to fucking LEAVE. GET THE FUCK OUT NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW
Why do americans celebrate Halloween so seriously?
reported for meta discussion
just change the style you fucking goober
It's too fucking spooky I'm here. I'm outta here.
in honor of BBC
Bottom Right
Reminder Tomorrow is the patrician choice.
It's a replacement for real culture.
It be purple like Prince when doves cry, fool.
why are you so retarded?
because it's fun
Or at least it WAS fun before the leftists unleashed the hurt-feelings police to regulate it and the people the democrats imported just want it to die and go away since it's not their ass-backward culture.
Some American satanic holiday so the goy- I mean folks buy more candy
Pretty much this De Gaulle was right everything American and Anglo should be suppressed.
This. We don't have any real culture at all. The closest thing America has to "real" culture is redneck and deep south """culture""", but that's shit-tier so we rally around these big corporate holidays and consume by the bucketfull to fill the gaping void in our hearts.
>tfw CSS3 is advanced enough that you can finally bring your spoopy Halloween theme to life
Guys it's so comfy.
It's because we're in America m8. We'll get it tomorrow, OP is either a street shitter, a chink, or a strayan.
Sup Forumstards need to be purged
>We don't have any real culture at all
pause r&m for a minute and read a history book. and books with wizards and dragons in them aren't history
>all of that is into Sup Forums
Are you retarded?
Also that picture is fucking sad, it really does prove shit has gotten worse and that it isn't just autistic "nostalgia" shit.
adblock then click on YOTSBA STYLE on bottom right of page
>dude lmao read about when your country did have culture then ull see im right
The point is that today it's all fucking shit and what's worse Amerilards have exported their worthless "culture" to Europe, or at least parts of Europe.
>all those ads and assorted garbage
>phoneposter faggot cannot even use his phone properly
>2016 election
>massive spike
Yeah, totally not Sup Forumstards
maybe its a screen thing? my friend has it as black and his screen has a 1:1000 contrast ratio while on my 1:3000 screen its definetly purple
I wanna go back bros.
>shitposting on Sup Forums
>A FUCKING SKELETON dances on screen
I'm really scared guys..
idris elba
you should check your eyes privilege, cause it sure as shit ain't black
Modern Europe has the same cultural problems if not more since they like important brown people by the fucking asston.
The whole West has issues dumbass. Europe is not a bastion of Western culture anymore.
Sup Forums is a blacked board
It is Sup Forums. If you've paid even the slightest iota of attention to Sup Forums traffic stats and meta discussion, you would know that Sup Forums is now the biggest board on the site by a large margin. As of 2017 it's eclipsed Sup Forums and is now the main driving force when it comes to inter-board and site wide culture. Sup Forums ideology has even become so prolific that mods are siding with them. Just take a look at what Swaglord wrote for Jared Kushner's magazine in April:
You guys remember back in 2007 when Sup Forums teenagers and idiots flooded other boards, and the main insult was always "fuck off back to Sup Forums"? Yeah it's Sup Forums now.
The tomorrow them is objectively the best.
just dicked around with it and its black when i set my screen to Full RGB instead of Limited (which is default on most screens)
why dont they do special backgrounds for christmas?
No shit. You know who the people who mock other people who tell you that "Sup Forums has always been cancer". THey're new fags who came to Sup Forums when the election got heated. It ruined this site. there's always been cancer on the site but not the level it is now.
They have santa hats
and now Sup Forums is going through the boards one by one and lynching them, turning them into Sup Forums-lite bases of operations. It started with Sup Forums, then Sup Forums, now Sup Forums. I want to go back bros
bbut i want green backgrounds with red (you)s
>e-europe is just as bad actually it's worse than us!
Fuck you're pathetic.
Nice refutation you fucking faggot. We're in the same goddamn boat, yet Eurofags act like there's nothing wrong.
No wonder terror attacks are part and parcel of everyday life in Europe.
>tfw can't see the post count because a spooky skeleton is dancing in front of it
>all these faggots not browsing Sup Forums on hard mode
Get out of my board you fucking plebs
mods trying to appeal to the redditors with an epic prank
i miss old Sup Forums
We still won't have the same black minority as the US if this continues for 100 years, and unlike those in the US many are illegal and will never qualify for citizenship. If the government ever gets forced into action by the populace then they'll be deported, whereas the US can never do that. Also Europe IS western culture so its hard to describe is as anything but a bastion.
>"hard mode"
>re*dit spacing
shots fired
Suck my cock dude
No, it's 30th here and I already have the theme.
What are you on about you spadgey prick, back when moot was in charge they did shit way worse than this like every four months
Not Sup Forumstards but redditors and Leftbook.
There are literally images Sup Forums has made about them doing this.
They have done this for years you fucking newfag. In fact in "old Sup Forums" they would mess with the site for absolutely no reason at all, let alone doing some holiday styling.
why don’t you just go and stay go you dumb faggot
>thats why all blackboards are now green.
Well frankly I hope it works out for you. I hope it works out for one of us. You're certainly right.
I hate how they claim Sup Forums was always a racist and reactionary cesspoll. Just three or four years ago 98% of this site's userbase was liberal as fuck. We laughed AT racists not with them and real, unironic racism was actually banned.
I would keep it if it didn't have the gifs of dancing skeletons on constantly when I'm trying to read.
Tomorrow is the best theme.
>real, unironic racism was actually banned.
Haha yes my friend. No racists on my 4channel. Haha. Le epic meme.
Sup Forums used to be much more active in shitting up the real world. Used to be a big place for legit pedos. Active murderers have posted on Sup Forums. Back then it was for the lols. Anything was game, including racism.
The problem was a lot of mongoloids mistaking overblown satire for the real thing, on Sup Forums at least. Exact same thing with The_Donald, which started off as a joke, now half the posts are IN CRAZY PERSON ALLCAPS
You can change it
It's more purple to me
maybe my colour is off
Fuck off back to Plebbit
>3 or 4 years ago
You mean you found out about Sup Forums after mootles made his SJW """""""""""""""friends""""""""""""""" mods. You weren't here for Sup Forums's golden era and peak racist raiding.
i hate how crossboarders, tourists and refugees think they get to make broad sweeping claims that apply to the whole site
quite frankly there needs to be a big purge so everyone can go back to shitposting about the only thing that matters, little chinese girl cartoons
>mfw songs
>mfw they merged boards
>mfw hats
>tfw halloween purple wil be taken away too
>We laughed AT racists not with them and real, unironic racism was actually banned.
lmfao, I remember the run up to gamergate and how Sup Forumsirgins were getting progressively angrier whenever a kotaku pastebin or archive was dumped on the board, people change. 4channers aren't immune to this, I know plenty of people pre - 2010 who browse and went from left to right in the process.
adjust you screen colors after saving your current config, it works really well if you have a good monitor.
reddit spacing is two spaces
know your fucking meme nufag
This man gets it.