Movies where the good guy is a villain
>Subject Europe to 5 years of slavery, murder, and oppression
>Enslave or kill millions of Europeans
>Destroy hundreds of cities, towns, and villages, rendering millions homeless.
>Your incompetence leads to millions of German deaths and the utter destruction of Germany
>Years later internet virgins on an Irish dancing appreciation board worship you as being the savior of the white ra
>savior of the white ra
what happened? did Candlejack get yo
Sup Forumstards need to be purged
G*rmans destroyed white nationalism and Europe
Thanks to filthy G*rmans you can't want Europe and the US to remain a white majority without people assuming you want to genocide non whites
Fuck the G*rmans
Candlejack? Whats tha
He's a
germans are better than other people
better at losing wars :)
you are overestimating the german influence
>zionist asset
>a good guy
>many pro Hitler, anti nigger, anti women threads since Sup Forums was created
>None cared and everyone just continued posting what they want
How many times do I have to explain to you that influx is lefty scum coming here and shitting every board with "muh Sup Forums" boogie man.
You are not fooling anyone, we know that the only people who uses that boogie man are outsiders, be it from Reddit or somewhere else, but outsiders non the less.
Fuck you, get out of here and kill yourself.
seriously though what's the point of just flattening an entire city
surely there'd be better uses for so many bombers, seems like kind of a waste on such a general target
>go to war
>get BTFO
>STILL don't learn your lesson
>create EU and try to take over Europe another
>EU is vastly hated
>muh lefty boogeyman
>implying the influx of newfags didn't come due to the 2016 elections
>mfw you are so new you think you arent even new
>>EU is vastly hated
by nationalistic faggots, if you actually would talk to normal people you would know that.
you have no idea newfag
>White nationalism
White Nationalism was never a thing in Europe you idiot yank. What nations do you think majority of European nations have a beef with? Some African dump like say Nigeria or gee I dunno their fucking neighbor who happens to be European
But, he killed millions..
you only come here because you need a safespace you newfag
probably werent even here in the 00s
You need to say Candlejack in your post, reta
To save billions.