Turn your brain out, and tune in for STD.
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Turn your brain out, and tune in for STD.
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>Star Trek: Discovery
>Season 1, Episode 7
>Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
- This episode was a lot more episodic and self-contained than any other episode in the series. While I've been enjoying the story thus far, it's nice to be able to take a break from it.
- Stamets was really strong in this one. He's definitely not wasting the time that he gets in the spotlight.
- Mudd was also really great in this episode. I'm really enjoying what they're doing with the character in this series.
- The time-looping Groundhog's Day plot was interesting. The best bit was probably Mudd killing Lorca over and over again. It was executed in a visually-interesting way (and got a chuckle out of me).
- The idea of a space whale was a neat one.
- The Ash/Michael romance is alright, it's actually making me like the Michael character because we're seeing her struggle and grow as a character, and they do some cute things with the romance. I'm not a super big fan of it, though, but I don't know, we'll see where it goes.
- Book-ending the episode with a personal log was a good move.
- Not enough Tilly. Not enough Saru.
- In the end, they just let Mudd go, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense given that he tried to sell an experimental Starfleet vessel to the Klingons in a time of war, and he knew all this top secret information about said experimental ship. It seems like a really dumb thing to do and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I get that he needs to be able to later appear in TOS, but given the whole time-travel aspect, you probably could have worked out a better way where it makes sense.
- The "random ship guy" or whatever it was line was supposed to be real funny I guess but it just fell flat for me.
This was one of the better episodes in my opinion. It's up there with episode 5 (which, prior to this episode, I considered the best of the series so far). Really pleased with the direction this show has taken.
so that is the slogan for the show now, sounds legit.
>when the shill can't calm down
no one is going to pay for CBSGO to watch this crap, they'll just pirate it.
Can we abbreviate CBS All Access as CBSAC? The STD comes from CBSAC?
why not just call it CBS?
this show is just awful on any level. And the things Sup Forums complains about are the least problems.
Me and my friends all hate it. And we are, what you might call, lefty hipster nu males faggots with jobs in the social sciences and so on. Pretty multicultural too. Oh and i hang out at queer party and lgbt events. So there is that.
STD is shit
I hate Burnham's new hair. I want my straight haired jungle fever back.
So, why did he run away from Stella?
will Ash senpai notice me, so I don't die an old made obsessed with science like that space whale? How can a show be so female and yet so insulting to women?
>watch new episode
>seems to be plugging along just fine
>suddenly the episode is resolved in 3 minutes because suddenly every "good" character has identical knowledge
>wonder why its so rushed
>check runtime
>43 minutes
digital streaming only show, will never be broadcast anywhere in any timeslot. 43 minutes.
What the fuck.
What if she grew it out?
black people can't grow hair, they just get weaves.
>Sup Forumstards force themselves to shitpost on a thread about a show that they hate
still no
>suddenly the episode is resolved in 3 minutes because suddenly every "good" character has identical knowledge
They spent pretty much the entire episode trying to resolve the conflict, and Stamets had the knowledge and was able to tell everyone what's up (although how he knew Burnham's plan is a bit suspect, but she probably communicated it to him before meeting with Mudd and killing herself).
He was able to get everyone up to speed, including the captain, and hack the ship's computer, in about ten minutes, yo.
Then mudd just sorta stood around while his time crystal wore off.
What about like this? Better? Worse?
We need to discuss why this STD episode changed everything we thought we knew about Star Trek.
its weave out of ten.
>was interesting
There was nothing interesting or original about it. each loop was 30 minutes but mudd somehow manged to hack the ship AI, he also came with shields and a teleport(can't see how else he would get out of the fish undetected ) and basically any tool can think of. all of it was an excuse so burnahm would be forced to open up and learn about feelings.
>The Ash/Michael romance is alright
no its not. They should have another guy for that and maybe hold off on it for a while. its likely a set up for when ash turns on them all.
Why is not the rap music listed? Why does the future still play Wyclef Jean’s 1997 track “We Trying to Stay Alive” and party like they are some collage kids. good to know dick riding sluts who snatch away drinks will still be around in the future
>later appear in TOS
is this set in TOS universe or is this based on JJ's universe?
Remember how at the end of the episode, michael and not-voq were standing and talking about how they kissed and danced and stuff? That means the engineer told them all of that during the time-loop, as part of trying to get them to understand there's a timeloop.
>The "random ship guy" or whatever it was line was supposed to be real funny I guess but it just fell flat for me.
him knowing that guys name and maybe even something personal would have made it better.
Some questions about the last episode:
>Why did the gay doctor revealed himself to Mudd?
>Why did they let Mudd get away with everything? He is a obviously dangerous
>If STD takes place a decade before TOS, why aren't those time crystals mentioned again?
Where are all the megaupload links for the episodes??
Well, he had been doing it over fifty times, and we see him figure out how to get Burnham to follow him quickly. It probably would have worked better if they had let the show focus less on Burnham and more on Stamets since he's the one who remembers everything. That's usually how a time-loop story works, although I guess it's interesting and commendable that they went a different route and tried something new.
Qs going to bust in at the last episode and erase all this faggotry from existence
>not pumping the old men for money
>someone still caring about being made into a "honest women"
>we see him figure out how to get Burnham to follow him quickly.
Not really, it still takes about three minutes of talky-talk to get michael on board, and the point of the episode is it only takes mudd about five minutes to get control of the ship
What about this one? It's almost like a reverse mullet. "Business in back, party in front!"
why you keep postin pictures of nappy ass weave like it mean anything
>- The "random ship guy" or whatever it was line was supposed to be real funny I guess but it just fell flat for me.
It was meant to be a joke about how we know literally none of the bridge crew outside the captain and Saru.
>STD is so shit at establishing the crew, that even the writers mock the writers about it
a bit better
I wish it had contributed something to the overall story like maybe stamets finding out something about the captain
>introduce character as awkward autistic girl
>but get some green water in her and play some classical music and shes a sorority slut
great writing guys.
dude they gave stamets an augment!
he wanted her money but not her.
He knows what she turns into in just 9 short years.
From my understanding, it's not set in the JJ Abrams movieverse (or the Kelvin verse) for legal reasons, so this is set in either the main universe or some alternate universe (some people say the mirror universe, but that doesn't line up). Into Darkness references "the Mudd incident" so he's there, too.
He's a Chad
he told them after the time loop because he did not want their romance to go unexplored.
Oh yeah, that's probably true.
I hate on STD pretty hard, but the last episode almost won me over. Dwight was entertaining, Stamets and Michael began to endear themselves to the audience, and we had a few funny dark moments too.
If you can just accept that the TNG-tone of yesteryear is not returning you can begin to enjoy the show. When watching STD I imagine this is a whole new IP and not related to Trek at all. It helps a lot.
The average STD episode is still trash compared to the average Orville one, but this episode shows that this show might be a late bloomer like all the other Trek series.
>>Why did the gay doctor revealed himself to Mudd?
for the plot. I guess it was more "noble" then one of the guys on the deck spilling the beans
Or "You know, I've done this 136 times and I still don't know your name" and then the guy goes to say it and he's like "Yeah, it doesn't matter."
"Random ship guy" or whatever felt very Josh Whedon.
How come Michael was able to remember the previous loop? Did they cut a scene to make more room to the Gay Community?
>try to steal a super secret hypertech star ship
>your punishment is to be married into the space mafia
>the space mafia will have no qualms with genetic augmentation and/or torturing space animals to make an instantaneous travel device work
g...great writing... guys...
Does it? Each time, it seems to take less and less time for him since he takes his time to get to know her and dance with her.
It further develops the characters. For a show that refused to develop any of them or even let us get to know any of them (outside Michael) until five episodes in, that's a pretty good thing.
It was neat to see a time loop episode that didn't follow the character that is aware of the loop. The writers are wise enough to the fact that "stuck in a time loop" is a sci-fi trope at this point and did something a little different with it. We got to see Mudd achieve one of his goals (murdering Lorca) over and over again which was neat. Also the fact that the episode's solution (using Ash's knowledge to discern how Mudd was doing what he was doing) was tied into character building for Mike. That's pretty solid writing even if you hate the characters.
There were a lot of ways that this episode could have been so much worse. They could have just done "Mike is in a time loop and she has to convince a stubborn Lorca / Saru / Whoever to do something out of character to save the ship" Instead they built up 4 characters, showed us how disorienting it is to be on the other side of one of these time loop scenarios where you're not following the character "in the know" and made good use of a previously dropped thread in that Mudd x Lorca relationship.
Mudd wasn't punished enough, why did Mike know x,y,z.... the antimatter candy didn't hurt enough... we didn't see a character sniff Tilly's feet... Are all just nitpicks.
I really liked how the resolution of the episode was built around characters building the type of camaraderie and mutual respect that would have to be default on a starship.
>less on Burnham and more on Stamets since he's the one who remembers everything.
yes. I would have liked to have seen his and gay doctors pov more than Burnham but the ep was all about Burnham's tingle between her thighs.
> he had been doing it over fifty times, and we see him figure out how to get Burnham to follow him quickly.
There is a certain amount of time needed for such things. The amount of shit he had to convince them off would not fit in such a short time no matter how fast he spoke or how many secrets he knew. its easy to give it a pass but its also annoying since writers came up with the 30 minute thing and could not think of a way to write withing that limit
Yeah, I don't get this at all. Plus, he knows all their secrets. He could still go to the Klingons and tell them what he knows for a lesser reward and still fuck Starfleet because now they know exactly what Lorca has. Hell, maybe they even figure out a way to stop the Discovery from jumping once they learn it runs on a spore internet.
>honey why are you stopping?
>don't you understand gay doctor? i've been balls deep in you just like this before!
They only danced once because there was nothing else to do, death was coming and nothing they did would change anything. he just goes up to her and says "I know you have never been in love" and then dumps info on her and she acts like she lived it
>show takes place on a secret experimental ship
>the crew gets to party, kiss and fuck in the corridors
>Doctor Gay drops his box of dildos
What the hell happened to Starfleet and the military code of conduct? Will they have a brothel in season 2?
This is the worst timeline.
Yes. It's about them working together and getting to know each other and getting to trust each other and depend on each other finally, and not just Michael going "it's my hot body I'll do what I want!" This is a positive step in the right direction. In fact, I feel like the series has been going in the right direction and getting a little better since episode five.
>tell me something that only you would know
>uh, sweetie, you were raised on vulcan, that kinda goes without saying and would only seem like an insult if some random crazy person started gibbering it at you
Isn't this time loop technology way better as a weapon then the spores anyways?
Star Trek has always depicted starfleet as "what if the navy didn't have a huge stick up it's ass?" And considering that the ship is staffed with enlisted-level late teen - twenty somethings that's the kind of party you'd see if they were able to cut loose.
that neatly wrapped up ending but-not-really plus those outfits on mudd's new wife and father in law gave me such TOS vibes it was almost kind of shocking next to the rest of muh grimdark in space
i liked seeing lorca pretending to be in mudd's hands, all cowed and submissive. but that probably only resonated with me because lorca is a bit of a prick
Negro, the episode was built around there needing to be some catastrophic occurrence to get any of the crew to have any respect for each other. For if the crew had any respect for each other, it would've been over before it started.
If it weren't for the legal issues, this would be set in the JJverse. The shows creators have said it takes place in the main timeline along with the other TV shows, but in practice it makes no attempt to adhere to canon. It's really part of the JJverse but they're not allowed to say that.
Is Alara Kitan - the insecure, young Lieutenant from FOX's #1 New Hit Show 'The Orville' - still pure? Is she still /ourwaif/?
but only multi-dimensional beings can make them!
>considering that the ship is staffed with enlisted-level late teen - twenty somethings that's the kind of party you'd see if they were able to cut loose.
I'm ok with them having orgies on a station or in the holodeck but they're on a ship on a serious mission.
you can't develop if the development is erased.
> didn't follow the character that is aware of the loop.
or maybe there is a reason why such things are written X way. If you want the loop in the background then fine.
>was tied into character building for Mike. That's pretty solid writing even if you hate the characters.
Where you born retarded? survival of the ship to hinge on burnham sorting out her feelings and figuring out how "humanity works" is one of the dumbest ways it could have gone. This is what everyone was mocking from the get go, This CW shit. also how nice that mudd told Ash everything and he was able to recall it instantly. also nice of those 4D beings to lose their tool to mudd.
>Lorca / Saru
> built up
It's an interesting character trait that Lorca seems to really respect competence and he doesn't ever seem to question Michael or anyone else that he deems of "someone of quality". We've seen this in past episodes as well, he doesn't seem stubborn for the sake of being stubborn which is something you'd expect to find in a stock Angry-Vengeful-Jerk captain character archetype.
She'll get blacked before the end of the season.
>Stamets tells her to tell him a secret, and she does: "I've never been in love."
>time loop resets
>Stamets uses this to get Michael on board, but she fails to get Ash on board.
>Stamets dances with Michael so he can "know what he has to work with" because he knows now he has to get Michael to dance with Ash to get him on board and to stop him from going to the bridge.
>Time loop resets.
>We don't see what Stamets says this time to Michael, but he probably says something like "You need to dance with Ash" and when she's hesistant "I know you can do it, we practiced last time loop."
They were rescuing a space whale at the time, there were other crew on duty, it was probably a party for the off-duty contingent that would have ended the moment anything serious happened, like a crazy murderous con-man using time loop technology to steal their starship.
maybe one day they will learn to follow orders too
just let it go. The whole idea that Burnham would be worth more than a ship that can jump anywhere is ridiculous, especially since the religious fanatics are out of power. hell the whole idea of selling any of it instead of keeping it, is stupid
>be aware of timeloop
>run around the halls gibbering to random people
>only go to the captain at the very end
no im serious. If we had to get romance, why not explore the black doctors outlook on his partners changes both from the drive and the loop? maybe give them a better love story than "we were cunts to each other but then clicked"
She already has.
Because "gay black doctor" doesn't leave any room for an actual character.
>you can't develop if the development is erased.
True, but at the end of the episode, we see the characters are in a different place than they were at the start of the episode. Although she doesn't remember all the events, Michael comes out of the ordeal a different person (as the personal log at the end shows) and her relationship with Ash "I'm Not Voq I Swear" Tyler is in a different place.
Idk what the albino fag engineer is called but thats who got bummed by kevin spacey
>just let it go.
Yep, it was a dumb decision but, at the end of the day, that's how the show was written, not much you can do to change it. It is what it is.
>we see the characters are in a different place than they were at the start of the episode.
For no reason, don't forget that part. They don't remember any of this stuff, they just have the crazy chief engineer's rushed descriptions of stuff that happened.
he probably said something like "let him take the lead/ask him to do so" that is the only thing they could have gotten from that practice. I don't think he had the time to retell her about how he met his lover,etc.
my friend said "I bet she will say that she is a virgin" and when doc went "Im so sorry" we lost it.
>not much you can do to change it. It is what it is.
What a great defense of how horrid the show is.
Wew you didn't comprehend much.
>4 characters built up
>Survival of the ship to hinge on burnham sorting out her feelings and figuring out how "humanity works" is one of the dumbest ways it could have gone.
Considering she sucks ass at figuring out how humanity works and we see that over and over as she fails because she's an awkward virgin loser that makes it a pretty compelling basis for the episode. Or would you have preferred if she used her vulcan-taught brain mcguffin to 6d chess her way around Mudd through science mumbojumbo?
>This is what everyone was mocking from the get go, This CW shit.
At least we can both agree that CW is shit
>also how nice that mudd told Ash everything and he was able to recall it instantly.
It gets boring in Prison, and we know that Mudd is one to brag endlessly. Ash was probably yelling at him to shut the fuck up for months. As far as Ash's memory, who knows.
>also nice of those 4D beings to lose their tool to mudd.
Mudd in star trek canon might as well be a low-powered Q for how much shit he gets away with.
Would stamets jacking the ship and jumping them away not have saved them from the loop or jacking ship guns and killing the whale? mudd would just kill himself and keep resting till he stopped trying?
Do you just expect people to do nothing but work when they're stuck in space? The crew would go fucking insane.
goddamn shill calm down.
>ep seems ok at first
>the more you about the "plot" the worse it gets
I think I want to fuck Stamets.
only mudd knew how to hack the ship to sporejump.
For reasons.
Not like stamets couldn't have just said "hey cap, the signal you're chasing is a new weapon that'll trap us in a time loop but my tard-DNA gives me awareness of it so we're going to sporejump real quick."
> considering that the ship is staffed with enlisted-level late teen
I was told it was staffed by elite scientists and black ops units. it was strange sing an autismo like Tilly acting social and being all slutty. for fuck sake she has no friends,snores,etc but now she has all the dating exp etc? also there is a difference between not having a stick up your ass and just being a frat house
t. tardigrade
He probably did, and it didn't work. He specifically said that he needed to know what Ash knows and Ash wouldn't tell him so he needs Mike to get the information from him. Ash is the key to the whole thing, not Lorca.
i think they will probably expand on their relationship and stamets' personality changes in future episodes, since it would be silly to push it in drips like they have been doing and not do anything with it.
i agree, i just think he is also a bit of prick. but war trauma can do that to you
every star trek series has its clangers. we can't all be DS9
negro he didn't need to know shit about mudd. there were innumerable ways out of that situation
>all cowed and submissive
What show did you watch? he was deadpan and could not even fake cowardly submission/sob thing when he had to bring up his dead crew
you think his hole is as pale as the rest of him?
black gay doctor is so not a top, sweetie.