Who's the thirds greatest contributor to Marvel Cosmic, after Kirby & Starlin?

Who's the thirds greatest contributor to Marvel Cosmic, after Kirby & Starlin?

DnA're tempting, but they mainly reshuffled existing concepts. And even then they were following on from Giffen.

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Claremont or Wein

What cosmic did Wein do?
I've considered Claremont but as I understand it his contributions were primarily X-Men villain-of-the-month byproducts that others happened to run with. FF & Captain Marvel were squarely scifi stories.

That's Marvel Mystic, silly.

Seriously though what do you mean by that? It's starting to bug me.


>tfw every day of Bill Mantlo's life is a living hell
How can I neutralize these feelings?

Ditko, he contributed way more than either of those hacks.

>DnA're tempting
It's absolutely not DnA. Marz, Gruenwald, Mantlo and Giffen all contributed more to cosmic unless your definition of Marvel Cosmic is literally just 08 Guardians.

Claremont for the most frequently used creations like the Phoenix and the Shi'Ari, then Ditko for Dr Strange's extradimensional gods that don't appear as often, but hold an important place in the mythos, other guys like Mantlo just added one or two unimportant side characters.

Mystic =/= Cosmic, it's its own thing. Ditko only created one character that can be considered cosm...

In Marvel it really isn't, see Thor, The Living Tribunal...

Is he the strongest candidate?
Genuine question. On paper he did a LOT of cosmic shit but it all drifted into either obscurity or illegality. Did his Hulk or FF runs introduce anything big?

Rocket Raccoon is unironically his biggest contribution, even before the movies or DnA.

Thor is cosmic, not mystic. The more magical/mystic elements of Thor didn't get added until later when writers like JMS decided to take it into more of a high fantasy bent rather than the more sci-fi cosmic with some fantasy flavor that it was under Kirby and Simonson.

>see Thor
Gods are very distinct from Ditko magic, and have long been portrayed as such. They're all created by Earth energies and exist because of Earth stories, and before that was canon everything pointed towards them being aliens.
>The Living Tribunal
Multiversal. As such he straddles the dividing line between both groups. Much like Captain Marvel does Cosmic & Earth, or Spider-Man does Earth & Street.

...and now his universe occupies both Mystic and Cosmic, same difference. It's like arguing the X-Men never added anything to the cosmic side because it wasn't present in the original run.

I know they can't say the words Rom or Micronauts but dammit all user they still left a bigger impression than one She-Hulk cameo.

And your stance is like arguing Street & Mystic are the exact same thing because Ghost Rider exists.
Gods are literally tied to the Earth, because of the Cosmic (maybe; it's pretty vague).

I kinda don't count them because he just adapted existing properties.

It really isn't, all I'm saying is that Mystic and Cosmic are intimately tied and the lines are blurry, this is unarguable and I'm 100% completely right.

Were they really tho?
genuine question, I haven't read them. I assumed they were just hunks of plastic that didn't have any story or characterization before the comics.
I mean hey Bug, Wayfinder, Captain Universe, the Dire Wraiths, the Space Knights, they're all still allowed to appear in the comics so I assume he created them.

Just like Street & Earth or Earth & Cosmic. One resides inside the other, a top syncs up with a bottom, of course they're bloody tied. I ain't going that far.
Moreso, I'm arguing that Thor ain't Mystic. Unless you count pocket dimensions as true abstract dimensions.

>genuine question, I haven't read them. I assumed they were just hunks of plastic that didn't have any story or characterization before the comics.

You're actually right. There's little to no backstory for Micronauts or Rom prior to the Marvel comic. I mean this is practically all you know about Rom if you ignore the comic:


And you can check the box here to see what it talked about:


I'd say like 90% of what made Rom memorable was that comic.

Jim Valentino - GotG Vol 1
Steve Englehart - Silver Surfer Vol 3

I've read that Englehart run. It's good, great even, but all he really does is rearrange & compartmentalize preexisting stuff. Like DnA or Ewing.
OG GoTG is its own self-enclosed timeline, but from what I've seen it's the same situation. Hollywood, Era, even the core team were holdovers from prior writers.

>You can imagine
>You can imagine
>You can EVEN imagine
They couldn't even solidify the sales pitch, fuck's sake.

>Unless you count pocket dimensions as true abstract dimensions.
define "abstract dimension"

in Marvel(pre-SW at least) you had:
Higher\Lower dimensions, as in universes with more\less than our 4 Cardinal Dimensions(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimension_(vector_space) ). The Dark Dimension has great many cardinal dimensions more than our, for example, while the Negative Zone's cardinal dimensions are "inverted" compared to the main universe.

Different Energy State dimensions, as in dimensions which energy state make them being "beside" a Dimension without affecting it- the Dream Dimension is one of them, IIRC.

Parallel Timelines are a subset of DES dimensions: they are on a different Quantum State Position but occupy the same physical space-time.

Pocket Dimension can be basically any of the previous listed entities, but inside a "limited" space in a specific dimension- Olympus was specifically this, but not all Pantheons lived in Pocket dimensions.

All of them can combine:
IIRC the Yggdrasill worlds are a cluster Different Energy State dimensions based on a Higher Cardinal Dimensions(most authors forget Gods have much many senses than Mortals: Ares even managed to "see" through the folds of Time where X-Man was hiding)

>he just adapted existing properties
What exactly did he adapt? Everything but Rom's design was Mantlo. Everything but the specific members of the Micronauts and their designs were Mantlo. All the lore, world-building, plots, characters (outside of their visual designs and names for a small handful of them) were entirely Mantlo.