I don't get it

I don't get it

What type of person do I have to be to understand it?


A person without ADD or a person with vodka and pickles

Acquire pickled tomatos, peppered Salo and vodka. Watch again.

is this a meme? Should I actually do this?

Wouldn’t hurt to try

I mean it's a meme but yeah, you should get some vodka and snacks and rewatch. Anyway, what did you not get about it? It's pretty straight forward for the most part.

Read the book first?

Play the video game first?

you have to be Bogilled

That would spoil it, the movie cut all the cinematic bits. I kept waiting for the dead to return to their houses and whatnot.

it's literally as straightforward as any capeshit

Forget the meme faggets user, it's just a slav meme.

I'm going to assume you have already watched the movie, and is seeking answers.

>Ask yourself this: Have you ever coveted something?

answer that question and put yourself in the shoes of the stalker, then the writer and then the professor.

Do you understand their motives?

it's preferrable to watch every movie with hard liquor and appetizers

>no colon
>reddit spacing
>yt link


who did he stalk?

Sometimes you have to let things play out and enjoy the experience rather than always expect understanding

There's nothing to get really
Damn this is autistic, grow up retard

every person who has ever accused someone of using "reddit spacing" has been on this site for less than two years. i guarantee it.

Like the driving scene, people started to giggle about 3 minutes in. Prefigured youTub by thirty years, it did.

obviously not a Drumpf supporter, they have an average IQ of 64.


What is there to not understand?
Life is about chasing dreams
The room means to achieve it

The whole black/white scene into the colored zone is a parallel of childhood-manhood.
Whilist a child your path is fended on all directions yet it's black/white because you don't really get to decide.
When you become a man you, while doing what you want (represented by the color suddenly appearing) which in this case is going to the room through the zone , you also need to face dangers of freedom. Most of these are just wasting time walking in roundabouts (again like in life it kind of happens, mistakes don't hurt you but leave you back to where you started).

The point where it gets interesting is when they reach the room they come to realization they don't want to achieve their lifegoals. Because they're told about the stalker who killed himself.
They realise that once you achieve whatever you most desire you've got nothing left to live for.
(Maybe you can get another bigger objective, but then again you're just starting again your roundabout.)
Some people do suicide in welfare countries just because they got nothing to live for. And thus they decide they rather keep on their journey without really going into the room.

You chasing happiness is the closest you can ever be to happiness. Once you get to your goal you'll feel empty inside. The movie is all about the trip to the zone and you get a cliffhanger about the father's desire to have a healthy kid which kind of is the only dream you can chase that doesn't really end. (Your kid will outlive you yada yada we're worthless to everything but to our legacy)

Sorry about bad english here is a potato ^_^

oh for fuck's sake

>Guides to the zone are called stalkers.
>Stalkers take people to the zone
>The zone is a spooky place where spooky things happen
>The stalker knows to navigate spooky place

That's it

More details like the motives and backstories of the character would just spoil the movie.
The zone and the cinematography is amazing.

It's basically like a dream where things are a little off. Not a nightmare but you still feel like something is not right.

You need to be in the mood to watch a slow movie to enjoy it.

I thought it was crap. Solaris was a little better but still basically almost unwatchable. Just face it, there's sometimes films that you'll never like or care to understand.

>The zone and the cinematography is amazing.
You mean the jerky editing, 35 minute shots of characters' back for no reason and production budget of 300$ that shows?
I guess all of those are hallmarks of pretentious film making, just don't know if it's amazing.

an eastern european

A person living in gulag.

You're supposed to feel Tarkovsky's stuff not be intellectually enlightened you doofus

Style over substance.
Great movie for falling asleep to.

Soviet intelligentsia

>desire to have a healthy kid
This got me fucked up.