Protag is vastly weaker than antagonists

>protag is vastly weaker than antagonists
>still wins by avoiding direct fights

Why is this so common?

Because a protagonist who's stronger than the antagonists is boring.

It's like you don't even know what an underdog is.

>Villain is vastly weaker than protags
>Wins by avoiding direct fights

Kira is GOAT


Cause it's a thing that actually happens?

Who won the war in the pacific? It wasn't MacArthurs fists, I'll tell you

He did, at one point, manage to kill everyone

>every boss fight in any video game ever

Because not everything is just about fighting.

Why not? I know "talking instead of punching people in the face" is a Sup Forums value nowadays, but it actually works.

Brains over brawn.

>The people on the side of 'righteousness' are rioting and killing anyone who doesn't agree with their POV
>The people who shout NIGGERSNIGGERSNIGGERS are the ones that want to sit down and have a calm chat

Why is the world this way?

because god wanted a good laugh

Underdog stories are generally more compelling.

Wouldn't that show they're at least smart or inventive enough or whatever to avoid the areas they wouldn't be good at?

Or would you want everything settled by a BATTLE TO THE DEATH

because characters who are real winners aren't possible, they need luck to succeed

battles of wit are better when it actually is a battle of wit
a villain who loses because "well it turns out he was actually kinda dumb in this one particular situation and that came back to come back to bite him" just gets boring
it doesn't make the main character a real winner, it's hacky writing

>well it turns out he was actually kinda dumb in this one particular situation and that came back to come back to bite him
Everyone makes mistakes, user. Half of strategic thinking isn't making the right moves, but noticing when your opponent makes the wrong ones.

it's always an obvious set up though
it's painfully convenient for the main character to win like this
Even the main character winning do to the help of a friend is better

>war in the pacific
But we were stronger than Japan. We would have won direct slugfests just as well as outperforming them.

>Can i post this again?
>Imma post it again


Because the left got lazy, while the right (as a whole) took the time to get competent at everything. Arguing, lobbying, the works.
So now the left, who normally relies on social consequences to punish wrongthink, is unable to do so anymore because they lack institutional power now.
They're rioting because it's literally all they can do without challenging their precious worldview that they're fighting evil racist/nationalist pigs who hate small colored children and love murder.
t. Sup Forumsack

>Brains over brawn.
Punch him in the brain.

Because a character who can simply overpower their enemies directly isn't going to feel in peril when threatened the same way one who can't will. Being able to threaten characters with their conflicts is important.

A well thought out and clever solution to their problems will feel more fulfilling than beating them into unconsciousness every time. It requires the writers to come up with more creative solutions.

And people like underdog stories.

It true, some of the most appealing aspects of boxing and wrestling are the interpersonal dynamics.

>It requires the writers to come up with more creative solutions.
That's where the weakness lies.

>But a battle of 'wits' is better than one side simply being stronger!

This is because American comics can't write fight scenes for shit. Fight scenes can particularly be good if you go in to the psychology behind it in the story itself, but that sort of goes against the American norm of storytelling where fight scenes are 5 seconds long and painful attempts at jokes and subpar characterization takes up most of the time.

>Not utilizing the environment to win your battles

>It's like you don't even know what an underdog is.

I know!

The fact that some writers are bad at creative solutions doesn't mean the principle isn't a sensible one.

I had no idea they starting broadcasting Russia Today on Sup Forums.

It's funny how the left fucked themselves over big time since rioting and social awareness doesn't do shit anymore

David and Goliath

how come western stories don't feature god slayer type of characters

So pooper-peeved lefties rioting, assaulting people and destroying property (That is mostly in their own neighborhood, lmao) is Russian propaganda?
Okay. It's difficult to make the "alt-right is all spoopy nazis" boogieman you guys set up actually look like the rational, reasonable alternative, but by golly you guys won't stop until you manage it.
Because killing Gods (uppercase) activates the almonds of moral guardians.

David vs Goliath type wish fulfilment. Everybody wants the underdog to win because they identify with him

>Because killing Gods (uppercase) activates the almonds of moral guardians.
i don't mean literal gods, but i mean characters who over come greater beings through their own growth and strength of will that helped them grow stronger

"The Alt-Right is a racial movement and if you've heard otherwise then you've heard wrong." -mod of /r/AltRight, LetThereBeWhite

Which is exactly where you should go back to.

But we're already home.

"The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States."
It's almost as though some guy on leddit, not even the most popular sub that would call itself alt-right, DOESN'T speak for all of the alt-right. Or any of it, really. No one gives a fuck what this clown thinks.

You're thinking o avoiding attacks, generally boss fights have a lot of direct fights unless the enemy is like the size of a skyscraper or is the final boss (there is usually some plan to get rid of the guys godlike power before you're even allowed to damage him)

When you have the power to "bomb time so hard it rewinds" physical strength is pretty irrelevant because you're stronger in your own ways

>not another way of saying "radical"

Because it's a lot easier to be diplomatic when you're in the driver seat.

>who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States

News flash, they are the mainstream conservatism in the US. Now take that shit to Sup Forums.

>Gods plural and uppercase
Not how it works. It's either or.

He's a bible thumper, dude, just ignore him.

Now they are. Guess we should just call it "Right" then, huh.
my b

lets try it your way shall we?
>protagonist is vastly stronger than t he antagonist
>wins in a direct fight
that is boring man

The Alt Right only started existing when the liberals needed a boogeyman.

As it stands the term is too vague to really describe anything so you got like 5 different people claiming or being called Alt Right and all radically different.

If they're mainstream why do they need containment?
Isn't Sup Forums proud of the fact that comics have always been political?

Fight smarter, not harder

the alt right started existed when apolitical neckbeards saw sjw ranting about sexism in video games and movies so said neckbeards went in the complete opposite retarded extreme out of spite

Not really, the most fun comics refrain from making statements about politics, imo.
Like The Flintstones would be even better if they didn't use half of every issue to teach us how you're supposed to think.


>Who won the war in the pacific?

Are you fucking kidding? Do you not know how hilariously outgunned the Japs were and the utterly absurd amount of carriers the USN was fielding?

>protag is vastly stronger than antagonists
>simply still wins by direct fights

Why is this so common?

SJWs are the Alt Left.

Really calling them leftists or accepting any of their bullshit has hurt and damaged the liberals immensely.

Basically. Politics in comics is one thing, but preaching ala Captain Planet is another thing. Atm, the Flintstones comic does it better than the current crop of Marvel comics, at least for the most part.

How about:

> protagonist is vastly stronger than the antagonist

> antagonist is vastly more intelligent than the protagonist

> Despite the protagonist's immense strength, the antagonist often manages to get the upper hand through deception and cunning

That gets incredibly frustrating and usually has people rooting for the villain because the protag just seems incompetent or stupid in comparison.

Now that's some good shit right there. Only downside is you might make the antagonist more sympathetic then the protagonist, but if your trying to do that on purpose, it works great.

That isn't saying much. It's still heavy handed and preachy. Fuck last issue literally had the author's favorite economist declaiming his pet theory.
But at least it's funny.

He's probably a Yamato wanker.

Man, not even the nips liked the Yamato. Not until they made a show about it at least.

Not always

Alucard is basically an IRL troll, he hardly counts.

>took the time to get competent at everything. Arguing, lobbying, the works.
funny way to spell lying, disinformation and propaganda.
t. remember pizzagate?

Why doesn't he count? He's the good guy, he's nearly unkillable, but the fights are still amazing.

Because America hates animation anyway. Not a surprise kids gravitate to ANIME to get ANIMATED violence fixes.

That's the thing, IS he a good guy? He's morally reprehensible and he's a fucking monstrous vampire. He's more an anti-hero, if anything, and anti-heroes have always been allowed to be OP.

There is surely a point where violence is the only option left, but the killings and riots started before Trump was even officially in power. It should be the last resort because violence closes off all other options. Why would someone listen to you when you're trying to kill them?

This behavior will only marginalize their point of view further. Make more feel justified in turning against them. Violence is the only proof of radicalism most people need.

You jut described Superman and Luthor