Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
QOTD: Recommend a lesser known film from the year that corresponds to the last two digits of this OP
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
QOTD: Recommend a lesser known film from the year that corresponds to the last two digits of this OP
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Fight Club
That's quite well known
4th annual 24h horror movie marathon starting 4 films!
At a cinema or are you just watching st home
Just realised who you are, are these VHS watches? Enjoy
Been watching some horror flicks this month. Send me a friend request :-)
I don't watch anything past 1989 sorry
Why is Closeup acclaimed for being fiction, but Nanook is criticized?
Because Nanook is boring.
I cannot think of a single user that's worse than Katie. No one comes close even if they TRIED.
Robert J Flaherty trusts that his audience is not dumb enough to only be invested if there are conventional bourgeoisie narrative thrills. Flaherty trusts that there is a such thing as human curiosity and empathy for others. Perhaps Flaherty was wrong to trust others.
All VHS, yes.
More like Robert J Flatulence
Why do you mock Flaherty, Bruce?
Because he's boring
Nanook of the North was actually incredibly engaging
Why do cinephiles think Flaherty and Griffith are outdated but advocate Benning, Costa, Kiarostami, and Beavers?
lemme get one dem discords
You only say that because of man vs nature conflict. Flaherty transcends overt conflict in his later superior works.
wow i didn't know dwayne johnson could sing
You have to state why Griffith and Flaherty should be eliminated from the pantheon first.
Nobody wants to watch that boring shit grandpa
Oh so you want entertainment first and foremost. Or even worse, entertainment masquerading as art.
What is the pure cinema?
Wrong. Cite a legitimate academic source, not a nasally voiced undergraduate.
>Cite a legitimate academic source, not a nasally voiced undergraduate.
But those are the same thing in 2017
Why is Tarkovsky poetic harmony, but Moana (1926) isn't? Moana even has the most interesting use of nondiegetic sound in any work made.
Because Tarkovsky entertains me and makes me feel things. Flaherty only bores me.
>Oh yeah oh geez, where's the circlejerk culture-eroder for me to massage my pelvis-flesh in front of everyone and take discussion away from the actual thread?
This is why Sup Forums hates us.
So you advocate the vulgarization of taste. Good to know, now go play in the sand with the rest of your classmates.
Why are Flaherty and Griffith denigrated?
Why was Dziga Vertov called a hooligan in his time, but now is in the top 10? Why was Flaherty considered the peak of film art in his time, but isn't in the top 250 now? Why is a holocaust propaganda piece in the top 250 now? Why are there several holocaust propaganda pieces in the top 250?
Sup Forums has shit taste and hates everything so I wouldn't worry about that coz I'm not a faggot like you
Why do """""cinephiles""""" advocate this vulgarization of taste?
>this is what libshits consider good taste
>tfw haven't watched anything due to getting a puppy and going on holiday
what are some patrish kinos that feature dogs?
yeah I thought it over and realised it didn't deserve a heart
sorry everyone but it's lackluster :/
lbg doesn't deserve *you*
Have some hearts
Rate this taste
Replace Moana with Science Crazed and it's a pretty good list
>good list
it's bait
so was my reply you big dingus
>slept lives in poverty
No you were serious, you thought it was a good list
most horror movies are shit but it's still myfavorite genre
that's the dogs bed..
>slept won't show his house because he doesn't own one
please don't be rude to slept and his puppy, who appears to be a good boy
I want to brutally murder whoever made this post
I want to brutally murder whoever made this post
I want to be they're friend
I don't mean bash their forehead into the concrete, no I mean forcibly retain their eyelids while I knee their ribcage with force of a rhino's charge and buzzsaw their stomach open.
October Sky
That person ought to pray they never post their profile because it will be their prolonged death sentence.
I will sniff you out like the frightened weasel you are. The pain you will endure will be the most searing, excruciating pain you could ever hope to imagine.
Why is Jonathan Rosenbaum such a shitty, misguided, hypocritical critic
We're all only human, aren't we?
Not me
You're a rotting corpse.
Happy Halloween bros
How is this not the taste of a God?
God doesn't *BUUURP* e-exist Morty!
You're speaking to me, mudbaby
Every night you get on your knees and pray, Bruce, know you're praying to me.
Who are the most qualified academics in /lbg/
if you mean general academia it is probably unironically me
If you mean specifically for film, I've read at least one book on film so am still probably up there
And who the fuck are you? A prissy loose-lipped weak-limbed louse.
And what book was that, post your profile, trick.
what do you think of dw griffith
He's shit.
what do you think of james joyce
it's me machill54 the smart and wonderfull boy
I read sleazoid express on holiday, good book
haven't seen very much Griffith so don't really have an opinion but I liked birth of a nation!
The greatest literary genius mankind has ever produced.
but he stole everything from griffith
What tomes did Griffith write?
I said no to a phd so I'm like super smart. I also read part of bazingas book on movies so I think I win the smartest dude award.
Wtf has this pic to do with me
keep crying, girly boy
use a trip if you watch scary movies during Halloween so i can filter you
I watch 'scary' movies year round tho?
Is DW Griffith experimental?
Is DW Griffith avant-garde?
I absolutely despise post-modern intertextuality, this self-obsessed reverence for a tawdry medium that can't stand on its own legs.
amdjeet thinks so