Which do you prefer?

Which do you prefer?


TCM, love the chase sequence.

Halloween has the better soundtrack and atmosphere but TCM is more fun to watch on multiple viewings. So I probably like Halloween more but would much rather watch TCM.


haven't seen either, and have never had the desire to

You sound like a real fag.

Halloween is a piece of fucking shit

Halloween. Perfect horror film.

Halloween has a 10/10 music soundtrack.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre has a terrifying 10/10 use of sound.

TCM is more well made, but Halloween is actually frightening.

Halloween is more well made, but TCM is actually frightening.

Both are juvenile shit. Nobody over the age of 14 would watch any of them.

Black Christmas


people will think I'm baiting but I think both are crap
watched TCM with my 60 yo dad and we both laughed through the movie, especially at the dumb blonde's constant yelling
halloween is just shit like most slashers tbqh, surprised carpenter made something so shitty and then went on to make the thing

you're not wrong

Halloween. TCM is overrated garbage.


I like the mythos (both in the film's lore and regarding how it was made) of TCM but Halloween has aged slightly better.

TCM i love the fact that leatherface comes off as sympathetic sometimes. There's a great shot after he kills the second kid he just sits down and puts his head in his hands.

In which context?


Both are classics.

Halloween is so sinister because it puts you in the movie following the killer and there's nothing you can do to warn the victims, you're just a helpless bystander, the soundtrack is on point and the mask was really effective at dehumanizing michael.

TCM without the dumb bitch screaming constantly. I was hoping they off that bitch during the dinner scene

Mary Jo Pehl and Master Pancake riffed Halloween not Texas Chainsaw Massacre for a reason. One is a piece of fucking shit and the other is not. The only good films they can riff are over the top like Predator. Halloween is neither over the top nor good.

Halloween is consistently engrossing and beautifully shot.
The first half of TCM is painful to watch, ages of 0-dimensional characters trapsing about doing nothing before the killing starts, and I at least had a hard time being engaged by the killing since I gave zero fucks about these characters who'd just wasted 45 minutes of my time.

>People actually like TCM

>people don't like TCM


Halloween is shit.

They're two very different films.

Halloween steals a shit ton from TCM, watched the back to back last night and was almost bored at Halloween because of how similar they are.

All the victims in Halloween are shit and the stalk/kill of Annie is the most painfully boring shit ever with an awful payoff.

>ages of 0-dimensional characters trapsing about doing nothing before the killing starts
Literally Halloween. I like both but what kills Halloween somewhat for me is the unbelievable stupidity of Laurie Strode. I mean, she's stalked by MM all through the first half of the film and she literally sees him watching her through a window at her house before disappearing out of sight, but later when the kid says he sees somebody outside she acts like that's impossible because she didn't see anything when she looked.


Not an argument. Halloween is on par with House (1984) for overall quality.

TCM. Gorgeous film with great sound design and both horrifying and hilarious scenes.

Halloween isn't even as good as Black Christmas.



Agreed. Every character is hateable, and how the fuck does she defend herself with a clothes hanger

>there's nothing you can do to warn the victims, you're just a helpless bystander

What? It's a movie you dip

>I'm retarded

Thanks reddit.

Im going to watch Bride of Frankenstein tonight. Been waiting to see that. Halloween seems like the perfect time.

Haha good one. Answer the question. She prods Mike in his mask with a fuckin clothes hanger, causing him to drop the knife, get stabbed, then bail? He spent hours stalking this chick, literally has her cornered, then fucks off.

Friday the 13th

Where's the blood?
There was barely any blood?

See the difference?

>He spent hours stalking this chick, literally has her cornered, then fucks off.
AFTER HIS EYE GETS POKED THE FUCK OUT! That shit is going to ruin your fucking day. He's not a supernatural monster, just an asshole in a shatner mask.

More polished film and the soundtrack was legendary.

Post yfw Grampa starts sucking the finger

More polished cinematography thats about it which isn't even necessarily a good thing and actually probably worse objectively in this context.

>stop disagreeing with me!

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I never actually saw Halloween until a few years ago and I was underwhelmed, probably because every slasher that came after ripped off what they could. The music is incredible, but carpenter never drops that ball, and that long one-take shot in the beginning is fucking phenomenal.
Chainsaw massacre still makes me feel dirty on the inside, like I just watched a snuff film.

Ruin his day? Maybe. I find it hard to believe that this asshole's sympathetic nervous system triggered the "flight" response instead of going absolute rage mode on this bitch sitting on the floor. He literally stalked her all day, corners her, she fights back and OK he gets his eye fucked up, he peaces out without finishing her after he clearly has no problem murdering people in cold blood? What a fuckin pussy

Why is Halloween so overrated? I saw it as a kid and I thought it was garbage then. Slasher movies are just awful.


Post YFW you found it he was really drinking real blood on set.

Chainsaw. I need this couch.
Halloween is fantastic though, I just rewatched 1-3 the other week.

Didn't Halloween rip off Black Christmas?

People make shit way nicer than that. Usually out of moose.
