Why did he suffer that kind of fate?

Why did he suffer that kind of fate?

Other urls found in this thread:


he bought a FCA car instead of a Volvo

Because actors are fucking idiots.

Buying automatic is for dumb burgers, he had it coming

the irony is he would still be alive if his family had stayed in Russia

thats even worse
t. russian

What's the irony? the laws of physics apply in Russia or so I believe.

he knew about Spacey.

Shoop it with Anton Yelchin's face pls

At least he died before going completely bald

This. FCA is trash


Needs an Initial D...

Fuck you

he was sexually assaulting the car

The car clearly came onto him


He would have been the perfect choice for a McKenna biopic.

Just like heat legend

he was a jew, glad he is dead


Most Russians and Europeans drive cars with manual handbrakes

unironically this

good God, she is cute

Yet another actor succumbed to Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation

Most Russians drive cars by putting it in H

American cars have handbrakes too. The issue is that Yelchin parked on an incline and didn't use th e-brake

I still don't get how's that ironic.


his SUV had pic related?

literally every car has an e-brake

Have you seen any Russian dash cam video

Every car has an e-brake, dumb dumb. He just didn't use it

His SUV had a button, not a hand brake

what the fuck he looked like he was in his 50s

All normies should have slow, agonizing deaths like that one.

He was balder than the tyres that crushed him. Sad.

How did he die?

>kills your actor

crushed by his SUV while he was checking his mail box

As a bong, the idea of parking at all and not using the handbrake is bizarre.


>he was the race that contributes most to math, arts and sciences, I'm glad he's dead
When did Sup Forums start acting like literal niggers?


Because he wasn't a magician.

he was probably high or drunk. no one gets killed by a slow rolling car in their right state of mind

The jeep was sentient, google is covering it up. He was part of a beta test that went badly wrong.


was this guy cheryl's little cousin or nephew that wouldn't teach larry that magic trick on curb your enthusiasm?

His death is like those you read about, like the guy trying to enter his own house drunk via the kitchen window, he somehow drowned himself in the sink. He had his keys on his pocket.

It had a mechanical foot-operated parking brake.

as any driver*



Because his parents crossed the Russian mafia, so he was made an example of.

auditioning for yet another Final Destination remake/sequel