You have to write a Simpons episode about one of Bart or Lisa's classmates and it can't be Milhouse, Nelson...

you have to write a Simpons episode about one of Bart or Lisa's classmates and it can't be Milhouse, Nelson, Martin or Ralph


Sherri and Terri both try to do something to stand out from each other.

That is a fuckton of lefties.

Some of you are okay... don't go to Springfield Elementary, tomorrow.

>OP forgot to rule out Alison

The madman.

Jenny wins a contest for designing clothing and uses Lisa as a mannequin against her will.

I'm surprised that they still haven't given much focus to S&H, Janey, Wendell, Lewis and Richard.

I blame the korean animators.

And to answer the thread.

Moe decides to be a real father to his illegitimate black son.

So, an episode about Grimey Jr? Might be cool.

The miserable teacher bitch would probably be fun to write an episode. I imagine her living the most depressing existence ever.



After a naughty prank that goes wrong, Bart ends up falling out with his usual crew. He decides to hang around Richard, Lewis, Wendell and Database who are all addicted to spooky games such as five nights at Wall E Weasles, Amnesia parody which is based on Abe Simpson trying to escape from Springfield residential home, and president Evil 7 where you play as Donald Trump shooting Mexicans and grabbing women by the pussies.

After Bart and his new friends get hooked, they decided to start a LP channel. The channel gets so popular that they end up being host in a video game con, where they end up becoming rivals to Markipillar, Peanutbuttergamer, Yogscast and the Ijustine, all guessed voice by them of course.

Meanwhile Homer mistakes the noises from Barts games as real life ghost sounds, believes his house is haunted and start his own paranormal activity group with Moe, Lenny, Carl, prof Fink and ComicBookguy. This b-plot doesn't go anywhere and is totally forgot about during the second half.

How do you think the Leftorium stays in business.

I thought Left Mart put them out of business?


They end up doing the same thing.
B plot: Homer joins a radical leftist group

Lewis (being the only black student) gets a rap career, that is ruined by Wendel puking on him

Better B Plot: Homer joins a radical group who can't figure out what they're supposed to be radical about.

Lucky me I haven't eaten in days, can't vomit when you're starving!

>They decide to cut their hair at different salons
>Both come home with the same style anyways

Do you work for the show?

>tfw kneejerk reaction was Sup Forums pls leave

How about an episode about Comic Book Guy?

>growing up and going to school with Homer and other adults
>plot centers on his obsession with a specific comic homer has
>failed attempts to get it over the years
>B plot is following Homers life experiences from secondary observer.
>all his failures and hardships framed in the background
>eventually Homer brakes down and sells it to him in his LCS
>comic book guy gloats and celebrates his victory
>still feels empty inside
>B plot wraps up revealing Homer needed the money for the kids
>he's happy and fulfilled being with his family

Yeah, I know they are not really thesame age, and Homer didn't spend his whole childhood in Springfield, but let's be honest, they don't care about Canon any more.

Seeing how many guest writers they had in the last three years, wouldn't surprise me if both me, you, and whatever user is reading this, will end up writing for the show some time in the next couple of years.

These are all actual simpsons writers bored at work commenting in the same thread on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is the only place that's even slightly original or weird for them anymore

It might be time to stop posting, user. Go outside.

At least I didn't say "liberals".

Lord loves a lefty!