
Well, in this case, Ben was inspired when he saw the chinese commercials that were pretty much bootleg Gumball skits.

Sup Forums talked about it a lot it when it was discovered a while back.

I'm surprised they didn't just use the exact same models, though it's pretty similar anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:




I'm pretty sure it's a jojo reference

It's a fucking reference to the Chinese bootleg, user. Chill out.


Kisscartoon already has it, Gumball spergs out and kills them.

Gumball Wattersonn: The God of HyperKeks

didnt this came out already?


They didn't use the same models because BREASTS, BUSTS, CLEAVAGE, and TITS are forbidden in animated media. You can't have things that men enjoy. That's illegal and makes women feel baaaaad about their shitty flat chests. God I hate America's PC views on sexuality....well female sexuality because Beef Cake can still be delivered. Giving women rights was a horrible mistake. When will they be revoked? When the USA collapses and is Balkanized?

Go grab a different pussy

Is this the perfect blend of humor for adults and kids in one cartoon for the modern age?

did gumball and darwin change VAs again?

Yes, it was addressed at the end of the episode.

They do a shit job compared to the previous ones.


This episode and 4 others were leaked. Also, they are currently available via VOD.

I wish I could hate you to death

They look kinda cute in the official show.

>U.S. Airdate: VOD: Feb. 3, 2017

Wow hey there is it 2016?

>Their names are ChiChi, Ribbit, Dad, and Mom

>Not using their real names

>It's real.
Holy shit.

Honestly, the episode itself was pretty damn weak. I love the reference, don't get me wrong, but it really felt drawn out and petty by the end of it. It should've just been a one-off joke, maybe even a running gag, rather then have an entire episode about it.

Let me guess user, someone broke your heart and your mad at the world. There, there. Let it all out.

I'm disappointed they aren't the real Miracle Star designs. You'd think they'd be 100% safe to rip off a ripoff.

Nah, China likes to play dirty so you don't want to piss them off in the wrong way if you want to do business with them.

Was it too mean spirited for you?

It's just a powdered milk company. I don't think all of China is going to come down on an animation studio over a product tie-in mascot.

Goats have far larger udders and produce far more milk relative to their body size compared to cows.


I've had goat cheese on pizza. It's really not bad.

You use it in small amounts, and its great.

People who dont like goat cheese usually dont like it because they tried eating a whole mouthful of it at once and were put off by the strong taste.

Was that Steven Universe's VA?

You sound absolutely retarded.
I think you'll get more people to agree with you if you posted this on /trash/.

China is fucking crazy.
You just don't take risks with them.

Those dorks. Goat cheese is fuckin awesome. The milk's ok, too...but it after-tastes like goats smell. Kinda like damp old hay.

Nah. Not even /trash/ is that retarded

>but it after-tastes like goats smell. Kinda like damp old hay.
Real head-scratcher why the first world doesn't rely on it.

Holy shit

>The milk's ok, too...but it after-tastes like goats smell. Kinda like damp old hay.

I raise goats, and the "goaty" aftertaste primarily happens due to pasteurization, so buying goats milk from a grocery store usually ends poorly (goats milk from smaller distributors tend to be much better, but nobody other than amateur cheesemakers tend to really care enough about goats milk to go that far when cows milk is less of a hassle). If your goat has decent diet (i.e. isn't eating strong tasting weeds and shit) and isn't near a male during breeding season, the milk tastes fine (however, it can get "tangy" if you don't use it within a few days, but it's really not that bad so long as you don't let it sit for a week or so)

Are you too illiterate to read what was posted?

Every great historic empire collapsed shortly after giving women equal rights. Coincidence? I don't think so.

>Every great historic empire collapsed shortly after giving women equal rights
Motherfucker by the time of the roman collapse barely anyone had rights, never mind women.

>Anons said the leak was fake.
>Anons called me a fucking idiot for believing.

First of all
Secondly, China has some very flimsy copyright laws that America doesn't. China can make a Gumball knockoff, but if Gumball were to use a perfect likeness of the Miracle Star cast, they could ironically enough, be sued for copyright infringement. Also