Will there ever be a better show than The Wire?
>protip: Nope
Will there ever be a better show than The Wire?
>protip: Nope
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There's nothing to discuss, I completely and unironically agree. Season 2 was the best.
> I tried to watch it but couldn't understand what they (darkies) were saying
Heard this multiple times, always from women.
The Wire is overrated. It doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's not the Holy Grail of tv shows.
It also went downhill after the second season.
The school one was stupid, and the later McNulty acting drunk was cringe as fuck.
It had so much potential. I guess that's what happens to HBO shows that drags on too much, Sopranos was the same.
Of course. Breaking Bad is already far better.
It's slightly above average.
Rome is better
I do agree season 2 was a high point. I still very much enjoy the entire series. The show somehow seems to capture the real feeling of people doing their best to live with each other. It's a marvelous show for sure.
The Wire vs The Sopranos comes down to taste really
That's actually next on my list to watch. I really wanna watch it because Matthew Weiner had a big hand in writing a lot of the episodes. Love that guys writing.
The Sopranos is objectively a much much higher quality show as well as far more daring and innovative. "Made In America" alone is more valuable and of higher quality than the entirety of the rest of the HBO corpus.
Favorite characters?
Mine are Jay Landsman and Bubbles for sure
It is. It's better than Law and Order or whatever, but it's not a true masterpiece of television.
Idk man. i tried watching this show but my gf used to say it was boring and shit so we just stopped watching.
Should i pick it up again? We're not dating anymore so i can finally watch without her pissing me off.
I agree with you but The Wire does well in areas that the Sopranos doesn't attempt, and wins by default
Was the Wire the Rick and Morty of that time?
Was the average IQ just too low to understand it?
So what would you example of a "masterpiece" be? Fucking Breaking Bad? For real? I mean it was good when I first saw it, but there isnt any rewatchability for me. I can watch the Wire all the way through every year and still find new pieces to the puzzle. It's beautiful writing, hands down..
Wire threads make me feel like a hipster for prefering The Corner.
Yes dude. Watch it. It's really good.
Twin Peaks S3
Scenes from a Marriage
Ten Commandments
And that's pretty much it, True Detective S2 had promise but never quite reached these heights.
The Wire never really did do great as far as Nielson Ratings are concerned. The mostly black cast and unusual story structure can be to blame for that. But it is, without a doubt, one of the best shows of all time.
>The Sopranos
>True Detective (Season 1)
>The Twilight Zone (original)
Not that hard and these are just off the top of my head
The Corner is AMAZING too! Gaaary!
>The Twilight Zone (original)
Bless this post
Lol. The Wire
Honestly, I don't think there's something in tv that could be called a masterpiece yet.
one of the worst videos i've ever seen, congratulations.
Monsters Are Due On Maple Street holds up really well nearly 60 years later.
Can you elaborate on that?