>i drink milk and punch people
Wow what a profound bit of writing Kubrick
I drink milk and punch people
yes you have to finish the movie
I did
It was fine
I just realised something...was the milk meant to be what made them commit the violent acts? Its drugged, and the theme of the film is can you make a person good or evil by forcing them to act a certain way through brainwashing.
Alex and his peer's arent meant to have any of the normal factors that young offenders have which compel them to commit crime. Are the young people in this dystopia violent because they take the drugged milk?
It's a book, cunt.
No, it's not that but you are supposed to pose questions like these.
>is it nurture?
>is it drugs?
etc. It doesn't matter tho since deviance will happen.
>writing by kubrik
Why was Kubrick such a britboo?
most overrated movie of all time
what a fucking waste
1/10 bait
I thought he was essentially stuck there because he was scared of flying
are you saying kubrick was illiterate?
If Einstime was why not he as well?
>not including the original ending where he grows up and stops being an edgy teen
What did kubrik mean by this
It would have been super redundant.
he's in another gang when he grows up
but its a widespread issue in alex's world, all the young people are in violent gangs
there are multiple endings released for different countries in the novel
also burgess is butthurt because it's a shitty potboiler he wrote for quick cash and everybody ignores his other bullshit lmao
It’s milk plus
Milk plus alcohol. Its not what makes them violent, they just like to hang out in the milk bar.
You illiterate retard. Read the book instead of watching the thousand words a painting YouTube video next time. Cunt.
>Milk plus alcohol
Who said it was alcohol?
No, they' do vile things because they're droogs.
kubrick made a career taking shitty novels and making them a thousand times better in kino language, even adding meaning and question to otherwise straight foward enterteinment. Truly the middlebrow king
I watched the Highlander......it was SHIT
It's milk plus vellocet or sythemesc or drencrom which translates to opiates and other drugs, so not actually alcohol.
you forgot the rape
you did not just say that
>not niggers & purple drank+
remake when?