What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?


Your conclusion comes from that which you blame, therefore might as well be false, doesn't have any practical value and serves as an excuse for procrastination.
Stop loathing yourself, blaming the chemicals and other outer causes - stand up and achieve.

nothing is real. death is a release from the shackles of this purgatory we inhabit. bring death to all, release them from this false reality.


Nihilism based on reductionist materialism is self defeating, as such a world view can't account for how such concepts can exist.

What is worse?
The idea that nothing you do matters?
Or that EVERYTHING you do matters?

Depends entirely on the person.

>Occam's razor
Pleaes, the easiest aswer would be you are one little speck fo dust in an endless cosmos and not that your consciousness is all in existence

Which Donald Duck comic is that? What a deep message for a children's comicbook.

But you got it wrong. You exist,that's certain. You can only know what you know, not more. Solipsism is the simplest option. Mind you, I agree that it is wrong, but it is the simplest way, aka Occam's razor.

I don't see why that's the easiest or most obvious answer. It just seems like the most overtly negative one to me.

Our bodies are merely shells which house our consciousness and allows us to enforce our ideas on the world. In that sense, our ideas are like the pilot and our body the plane. When a plane is decommissioned, the pilot lives on and commandeers new planes. Likewise, our ideas pass into new bodies. Our consciousness lives on through others. We are all just a collection of previously established ideas and beliefs and we form our identity based around those ideas which most resonate with us on a personal and sometimes spiritual level.

We aren't all of our ideas, just the "Who I am" one which dies with the body, even if some other ideas can survive.

Our identities are formed by deciding which ideas are significant to us and which aren't. We live our lives absorbing new information and structuring it in our minds. As such, it can be said that our identity and consciousness is nothing more than a collection of ideas ranked in a hierarchy of most important to least important and that we impress those ideas upon those over whom we have influence before we die.

In an indirect way, who we are becomes a part of who someone else is. It's broken down into its base elements and absorbed by those with whom we were close and they live their lives with a part of the idea that was you now adopted into the idea of who they are.

It's like Peter Parker continuously quoting Uncle Ben's mantra "With great power comes great responsibility". That is a summation of Ben's philosophy, of how he lived his life, of who he was and what he stood for and it becomes a part of Peter. Ben's identity becomes Peter's identity. Peter's identity becomes Mayday's identity. Ad infinitum.

>quoting Uncle Ben's mantra
Uncle Ben never said that, how can you be at Sup Forums and not knowing that? That's Peter Parker mantra.

Why cherry pick?

You could have just said that you don't understand neurobiology

>hurr science
We're clearly talking about life on an existential level. Obviously on a material level we're just a bundle of neurons and shit firing off bioelectric impulses, but why do you have to be such an unimaginative stick in the mud?


If you want to philosophize try here we talk about shows for children

More like ideas are real because science.

Pfft hahaha!
Matter is real because of hammering.

>neurobiology and Reductionism are the simplest answer, and their existence removes concepts from reality!
Reductionism is simple, but it is retarded on so many levels.
>a 3 is just a series of 1s!
>what a retard lol, 1 is just a series of lesser parts

Yeah, things are more than the sum of their parts because the interactions of their parts are also part of them.

There is more to it. There is always more to it. You've been bullied into submission, to always look down, to simplify, to reduce.

>β€œIt is sometimes said that scientists are unromantic, that their passion to figure out robs the world of beauty and mystery. But is it not stirring to understand how the world actually works β€” that white light is made of colors, that color is the way we perceive the wavelengths of light, that transparent air reflects light, that in so doing it discriminates among the waves, and that the sky is blue for the same reason that the sunset is red? It does no harm to the romance of the sunset to know a little bit about it.”
- Carl Sagan

Eliminative materialism has his scientific proofs. see Alvaro Pascual-Leone.
About solipsism and any metaphysica:: True nothing can be proven into totality but if you want to live with consequnce you have to take what is the most probable. And that is the scientific method what basis is discourse and falsifiability. Remember: Science does not state an objective truths ,only you can decide what to do in the world.

The use of heavy verbiage to alleviate oneself from responsibility is nothing new, OP.

That Carl Sagan quote is all well and good, but you did basically come into the thread to say "this is all dumb, it's bioelectricity and synapses, shut up" which isn't particularly constructive nor intended to be.

What would be else? I mean we already built electronic telepahtic helmets that translates our neurofunctions and uses them to follow our command. It's very likley that our sentience is a product of our brain functions. What do you think?

The image is pretentious and wrong. Donald's claim is wrong because he states there is no intrinsic value in the material universe, forgetting that we as 'absurd acts of chemicals' are still capable of putting value in other acts of chemicals.

Mickey's line is bullshit because knowledge is based on observable, testable facts, and getting solipsistic about it does shit all for disproving that.

TL;DR? OP's image was made by a faggot who slept through the philosophy elective he had and is now asking if you'd like fries with that at the age of 30. Ignore it, move on to real Sup Forums threads.

>muh empiricism

>but it is the simplest way, aka Occam's razor.
Thats not true because theres no sufficient explanation in metaphysical solipsism.

This is why I''ll never be able to take anyone who puts forward that bitter fedora-core argument about love being the result of chemical reactions and evolutionary biases and, therefore, being irrelevant seriously.

Everything we say, do and think is the result of a series of chemical reactions falling into place like dominoes. Any meaning we derive from anything is, therefore, meaningless by the same logic.

Meaning itself is a subjective and immaterial concept: we are free and encouraged to find it in even the most seemingly circumstantial things. There is no inherent value to anything but that which we give it, so why try to devalue what you don't personally understand or hold dear?

The phrase was retconned to be an Uncle Ben thing decades ago. Just because he didn't say it in the first issue doesn't mean he never said it. (or a variation of it, since you're already getting technical)

You were tired and went to bed.

Thoughts, proofs.. They tend to drag on and on.