>insert a shitty character just for the sole purpose to go after big black cock and destroying the group's dynamism.

Was this even necessary?

But this was only the tip of the iceberg for why this season sucked.

Other urls found in this thread:

>ginger goes on record saying she didn't want to kiss him and it wasn't in the script, and how she hated that this was her first kiss
>black kid gets upset since it was also his first kiss and he's sad that she hated it
what a shitshow

Lucas was a good character this season, you're just assblasted a black kid got the girl you wanted to make your new 'waifu'.

it was because they intend to drag the shit out of the show with another 2 or even possibly 3 seasons already in the making. might as well add fresh blood now.

it was her or eleven

>season 3
> in a fit of forever alone rage toothless murders the jigaboo
>kidnaps and turns the red head into his sex slave in his basement were he hid the monster.

It's gonna be comfy as fuck senpai

at least we've got Billy thanks to her subplot

Thats not true. I liked lucas in the first season. But the duffer brothers choose to prep the bull and try to make this into political propaganda.

Why even include her? It made no sense because she wasn't significant to the plot other than appeasing you fucking cucks.
This is kind of sad, actually.

do they purposefully try and find the ugliest kids they can?

>Redditor Things

>destroying the group's dynamism.
Eleven fanboys are stupid.

Holy shit!

Fucking pedophile freaks actually admitting forcing their political agenda.

Cunty producers screwing up child actors lives again.

11 wasn't even part of the group until the latter part of season 1. So thats not the point.

Max was literally yoko uno.

>Was this even necessary?
It's the jewish globalist agenda. It's everywhere if you just look.

Lucas is George at best, no way he is John.

as much as i hate niggers... kinda sad since he is just a kid... fucking jews

shut up, Mike's mom

>another triggered white boys thread

cucked in real life
cucked in "their" tv shows

still a coalburner though

>t. hugless kissless eye-contactless gook

I bet you believe bangbus is real too

Aight aight mang.


got a link to vids kari sweets poster?

That's the kind of thing that fuck you up as a kid, jesus christ

Every goddamn show on netflix has to include an interracial relationship. So fucking annoying.

I don't even watch this show but I like how it drives /pol mad lol!
More IR involving Wh*te wimmenz Bls!


no idea why you retards still watch Netflix shit.

this would be okay/believable if the kid was actually good looking

he's not even good looking by black people standards

so what's wrong with interracial relationships? Why are you so triggered?

>Why even include her? It made no sense because she wasn't significant to the plot

With Eleven being gone for most of the season, the writers wanted another female character. She was there to show that the boys are growing up and are starting to become more interested in things like getting a girlfriend and less interested in things like playing Dungeons and Dragons.

I don't mind, I'm only triggered because it was a redhead. Redheads are pure. PURE!

I just wanna watch a show without having some political narrative crammed down my throat. Fuck me, right?

It's more believable she'd end up with him over an autist like Dustin

Everything is so awkward.

According to you there would always be a political motive which makes no fucking sense.

It's also a political motive on your part to not want interracial couples.

Its a political statement, and I hate everything political.

>Mike wants to kick her out of the group
>Will FUBARed
>Dustin forgets about her the moment he gets his pet demogorgon
>Lucas: I don't feel like being an asshole to that girl....gets girlfriend.
What a lucky nig!

it'd make more sense if she went after mike like they started with

the tension brought between her and eleven would have been more interesting than billy's racist bullying

literally everything is political

might as well stay in bed all day

this season was overall better than s1. S1 sucked for the last few episodes. Fite me.

fuck off nerd

If I wanted to learn about politics I wouldn't have said what I said.

Not true. It's not like this was a one off, literally every show on Netflix has this shit. Why? There's no other reason than overarching political bullshit. Having an interracial relationship added absolutely nothing to this show other than to yell "LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE ARE EVERYBODY YAY". You can't get immersed in any story when they beat you over the head with political messages repeatedly and without any sort of transparency.

Crazy how noticeably older they are then they were in the first season as they are in this video.

Eleven would force choke Max, and that would be the end of it
Max is tomboy, she does not go for guys.

They wanted an ugly nerd, they didn't want a cute black boy. He's uglier than Urkel, even Urkel looked cute when he transformed to Chad mode.

He's the only black dude in town, makes sense he'd chase white women. You have some sort of personal thing going on here. Did you lose a girl to BBC or something?

I know a shit ton of people who are in interracial relationships, it's nothing new. You see it as political because you don't like it.

way to ruin yourself with tats

stupid niggers

also that bicep looks unnatural. synthol?

And you only see it as not political because you DO like it. So fuck off.