What's the best black mirror episode?

What's the best black mirror episode?
I'd probably go with 15 million merits or the entire history of you

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Entire History, by a long shot. The only only one that feels like a great film.

The entire history of you is gut-wrenching, it's my pick too. I also fancy the one with the PM fucking the pig because i so wish this eventually happens.

Be Right Back is my favourite.

this one LOL

the one where you turn 360 degrees and walk away from the screen

China has made my favorite episode thus far.


80's lesbians

>nice dystopian element with a means to prevent dissent by tanking anyone's social value
They truly are insect people

>implying if the system works it won't be applied worldwide

the entire history of you hit me hardest, though I'm not sure if its the best

the one where the pessimistic try hard sci-fi show is fucking canceled.

its the best because you spend most of the episode thinking hes being paranoid and stupid.

>implying the credit system in the US is nearly the same

White Christmas > all.

Was Jonas in the wrong?

EHOY – no contest

15 mil merits is kino as fuck

I implied no such thing. There's no politics to it currently though.

That's my least favorite.

Only for buttoning that shirt all the way up to his fucking neck

Either that one or Shut Up and Dance

Noone, too much forced cringeworthy drama and not enough sci fi

the one where the girl replicates her dead bf, first by text then voice then Android is my favorite

white bear

This, with 90% of it being for Atwell's tits

Entire history of you was pure kino. The most realistic and low key episode but somehow the scariest.

Nah he was an alpha