90 days fiance
is Paul /ourguy/?
90 days fiance
is Paul /ourguy/?
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He couldn’t find a nice guy his own age?
For real though, wouldn't it have been easier to pay for her to come to you than shipping 6 large crates full of survival shit and then paying to have it hauled (I assume) through the amazon?
Is he retarded?
>Imagine being Mohamed in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Danielle, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your sagging body and horrific fetal alcohol syndrome monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my tv persona and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another friend of his in Florida. Like seriously imagine having to be Mohamed and not only stand on that altar while Danielle flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and extra chromosome, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she lurched down the aisle. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DANIELLE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of bimbos and Europeans and later allegedly Danielle for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Tunisia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her hanging stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "acceptablesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with TLC makeup artists in the previous hours. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could cross every state in this country before immigration could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Mohamed. You're not going to lose your future citizenship over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Didn't he get deported?
I'm going to need a quick rundown on this.
Why did he need all that crate? Is he that beta and /ourguy/?
Unsure, but supposedly he had sex with at least once.
That in itself is worth a green card in my opinion.
Because he was going into the fucking amazon for like 5 days to pick up his wife that he met online and doesn't speak the same language as. He's also a complete pussy in pretty much every way imaginable.
For real, couldn't he have just gotten a chick from the philippines or anywhere else in south america? Like, if your gonna buy a women why go through all that fucking effort?
What was his endgame?
mohammed wing man.
Is she playing him?
As much as I deny it, deep down I'd love to have a wife to come home to one day. But my problem is that I believe all women cheat. I'd never truly feel secure. That and the fact that shy and average guys don't really get women.
Her ex boyfriend looks like a Bogdanoff.
>tfw I just want a brown wife to procreate with and then fuck raw while she's pregnant
why brown? so your kids don't get sunburned?
According to most statistics on the subject, women cheat 70% as much as men, or around 15%-20% of women cheat.
Also, this show proves you can have one if you wanna buy one, but its also really pathetic desu.
Or Asian. Either way. Caramel skin and/or slant eyes get my dick hard, what can I say?
That's way lower than I thought. For a while I used to be obsessed with my married boss and her boss. I was convinced they were having an affair because she laughed at all his jokes and was always in his office.
just use a dating app
this will also tell you if you are ugly quickly
>Lead on old white guy pathetic enough to travel halfway across the planet to date a girl 1/3rd his age
>Dump him, knowing full well anyone pathetic enough for that will turn into a beta orbiter and continue to be your "friend" and provide capital as long as you will it
>Repeat ad infinitum
I know more attractive people (both sexes) are more likely to cheat (obviously.)
Go get a
I got like 250 Tinder matches over the course of 4 months. I never messaged any. I deleted it after that because I realized that I couldn't really date while still living with my parents. I'm 23.
But that's including women of all ages. They're less likely to cheat as they get older and settle down. From 18-35 or so though, I'd wager the numbers are several times that figure. It's not like men are different though. I don't know a single person who hasn't cheated, been cheated on or both, amongst those whose love lives are known at all.
I think those statistics are mostly "in your lifetime."
Point is, if your goal is to date somebody and not get cheated on, your marginally better off dating a women.
You cute?
Why are white people so creepy in relationship?
I don't think so. I figure a good amount of the matches were fake. I think I'm probably average looking.
For real though, did she have some sort of disorder?
How the fuck did she convince herself that a man half her age and weight would want anything to do with a 45 y/o with 4 kids, a weird ogre-face, and fat sagging limbs?
Why is she reselling clothes to other clients? Isn't it better for him to just give her the money instead?
Yeah, but he's walking a fine line with his self-respect.
He's already dating someone less than half his age, from a shitty part of the world, and getting cucked by a dude more than 3 times her age. The lies he has to tell himself to convince himself that this isn't basically prostitution, and that she actually loves him already probably stretch his ability to delude himself.
If he straight up gave her money it'd be even harder to block out the fact that he's soliciting a prostitute with extra steps. Thus the clothing.
what is she hiding?
She's doing the same thing: deluding him.
She's pretending to actually love him for her own gain. If a guy just wants a prostitute, he wouldn't fly across the fucking world, nor would he spend a bunch of money to bring her back to his home and support her. He'd just hire a fucking prostitute.
So she can fuck innumerable guys making maybe $200 dollars shitty African money a pop, or she can pretend to love this old white guy for a neverending money fountain and free ticket out of the third world.
I feel the same way, except for the getting cheated on part. I'm more in the mentality that I'll never be able to make anyone else happy.
>tfw I don't photograph well
at least that's what I tell myself
I really should try dating apps though.
>tfw no Karinee
Are these apps even worth bothering with if I'm an socially awkward guy with assburgers? I've had girls compliment me before but I didn't do anything about it
In my experience, probably not.
That being said it takes no effort and raises your chances ever so slightly. So honestly why not? Just don't expect much. It'll be good practice talking to people a/l
Go to those phillipino dating sites. Most of these guys find girls on that site.
Not him, but if anything this show has turned me off of philipinos. I used to have a huge dick for jungle asians too.
On the other hand, it taught me Colombian chicks are the ideal.
This show made me hate Russian girls. They seem to be going for the green card.
Isn't this shit fake? I was watching that "Evelyn and David" episode or whatever where the girl is 18 and imports a 27 year old beaner with her dad hugging him and shit and it felt so surreal.
Shes a liberal what do you expect? They love brown dick.
>white incel with SEAnigger wife
yup, /our guy/
Probably to some extent (almost all reality shows are.)
That being said, most of them the parents are super salty about their kids (usually) getting cucked out of money, green card, whatevs.
I actually knew a couple who applied for this show (Irish male/american female,) but they were rejected for being "too normal." So its probably real to some extent.
Its hard to watch the show. Hes so clingy to her while shes like whatever to him.
Thats the appeal of the show. Its misery porn. Shit probably makes TLC most of its money.
I've been watching through the seasons and noticed that season 1 most of the couples seemed to legitimately care about each other to some extent. There really wasn't such a creepy age difference in any of them (some were a little shady, like mid-30s early-20s, but nothing too drastic.
Season 2 this happened, and everything changed. TLC realized there was big money in pathetic deluded motherfuckers, so they started picking the weirdest, cringiest, most deluded people they could find.
mohammed is in season 4. Hes the most BASED character.
He's first in season 2.
And he most definitely is, but Danielle is, well, But their unmovable object/unstoppable force dynamic, brought on by Danielle's incredible delusion and Mohammad being a fucking snake is entertaining as fuck. TLC picked up on this, and has been trying to replicate it ever since.
>Be Chad
>Have a thing for milfs
>Literally the only advantage to dating milfs is their maturity level
>10/10 Norse looking mother fucker, easily able to get top-tier mommygf
>Instead get a used up bad plastic surgery job roastie with a princess complex that makes her act like she's in her late teens while looking like she's in her mid-forties.
>Continue to date her
Was it autism?
I don't get this. Why does he want to be with someone who keeps bringing up marriage? That shit is annoying.She seriously having a hard time growing old.
>works at Mcdonald
>spends all his 401k to see this girl
>Doesn't eat the pig
>Cringy hugs he gives the family
>shes gets angry almost the whole season about the pig
Was he in the wrong not to eat it?
Is he going to rape the daughter?
He was in the wrong for buying a gf from a 3rd world country in the first place.
But yeah, he was in the wrong; that pig probably cost a shitload of money. Imagine if you went to your gf's house the first time and refused to eat. Shit doesn't look good.
His whole family looks like white people who grew up in a really shitty mexican neighborhood.
Forgot pic
Her twin sister is pure mommy material.
That being said, she probably doesn't have to trick a Chad from another country.
Hes /r9k/ incarnate
>zips hoodie up & jumps in diseased river
Securing his safety for when mohammad explodes
>have $8000
>give her $8000 and it stays $8000
>buy her $8000 worth of clothes to sell and double the money
Hard choice
Hes playing the long game, hes really after her loli daughters
Does American clothing really go for double its value USD in Africa?
I have no doubt its a commodity, but most of Africa is poor as shit, and her town looked like a complete shithole.
anyone got picks of the pig?
Im not sure but Im sure its a premium commodity. Hell she probably peddles it to tourists as handmade african lingerie
What the fuck is their problem?
Heres the pig. It looks juicy.
>Jorge and Anfisa
>Paul and Karine
>Larry and Jenny
>Patrick and Myriam
only people worth watching in this series. the rest are just fat women dating mexicans and muslims.
She has a weird look that I want to fuck her bad.
The fat blonde & the aladdin looking fucker are funny to watch since she likes to shove him
This too. I like them. The new episode of him being a dad is going to allah snackbar soon.
>Not Based Mohamed
Maybe if you don't like watching Death Note if Light needed a green card and L just really wanted to fuck Light. youtube.com
Did Jorge get his revenge? did he redeem himself?
I agree that these are sometimes funny but I just can't stand looking at the fat women. The younger fat blonde women especially.
What happened to that black who got cucked in france?
He got friendzoned so bad. Hes that guy that everygirl want but never date type.
Still finding out.
That guy confuses me too. He's a straight up Chad (manlet and father addition, but still Chad) and he goes to France to get cucked by a 7/10?
>That scene where he talks about how foreign girls are more "family oriented"
Maybe if you go to asia or south america faggot, Europeans are as slutty and liberal as it gets.
He's goodlooking, muscular, does MMA, but is too fucking desperate. Honestly he should probably just date the mother of his kid, they get along great and she's qt. I think it might be a black person rule where that isn't allowed though.
>tfw Larry will never be your boss
>tfw the chad finally blew up on the tell all
>He works as a McDonald's manager
It shouldn't be too hard to realize your dream user.
>You will never have Larry as a boss and then cuck him out of his qt3.14 philippina gf
Wait what? Link?
Was the mugging scene real? Wtf is this guy problem?
I'm watching the tell all right now. I think its a new Episode.
Can I get a quick rundown? It'll be a/l a few weeks before I see it.
Karine's dad seems nice.
I'm watching it online right now on sites. I haven't gotten to that part yet but the preview shows him getting angry.
>admits he wants to punch Chris
>black girls is in chris condo on the Tell all skype
>believes Chris isn't there
How dumb is sean?
His hideous nature. His social awkwardness. His desperation. That vibe that tells you he's into underaged kids. His constant arson charges
really reminds me of Sup Forums desu.
Reddit are probably those Israeli's (i.e. socially functional and happy)
That Dutch guy is insane. He has a legit old lady fetish and gets turned on by wiping makeup off womens face. His parents are absolutely hippe trainwrecks. Just google what they look like.
Most of the guys on the show are probably into underage girls.
What's his endgame?
They're in Haiti. It just looks like Africa
>I think it might be a black person rule where that isn't allowed though.
That made me laugh.
Hes a chad. She clearly still wants him and sean is her second choice
Reminds me of a titan desu
>cries on the tell all
Whats his problem?
He still getting cucked. He believes she will be with him but she keeps telling him she has a BF. She just using him as a tampon when she needs to talk to some one.
Is he the pimp
Kino show, plebs of Sup Forumsjust don't understand
Kino show. the real deal.