Gunnerkrigg Court

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Coyote got trips.

Well, that thing we predicted almost a decade ago is happening.

Coyote has been waiting for this. Are we getting close to the end of the story?

I want to get to the end of Annie's life before that happens! :(

What's that

I think literally no one didn't expect this, yeah.

Yup. Nothing's stopping the Forest from advancing on the Court now. It's on like Donkey Kong.

The comic's endgame has begun.

Well, he is a god.

Annie deserves to be painfully executed!


Executed through impregnation.


Its the Court. They call it dissection.

Or since the Court is almost certainly bound by the Geneva Convention, detention and confinement.


Do you guys think Tom is moving towards the end because he's bored, or was this his plan all along? Ever since Tony came back into the picture, it seems like things have been moving at a rapid pace.

Coyote vs Hammerites, who would win?

I think he's probably always had an ending for the comic in mind, and he just got tired of exploring different paths and meandering, so he decided to push the button. It's not like the comic could last forever.

Iunno, have you read One Piece?

Stop, I can only get so erect.

By her Papa.

The plot of One Piece was figured out before they even hit the Grand Line. The mangaka has said such himself. Issue is he keeps finding fun things to write about in between the bigger plot points.

So yeah shit could go on forever easily if Tom wanted.

My point exactly.
I'm not saying OP doesn't have an ending.
I'm saying a good writer like Oda can just keep going without ever getting boring.


I don't know about that. The latest arc is really shit. The quality drops with every new arc, it feels like. Less and less people I know even talk about it or read it.

It can go on forever, but it won't have readers forever. You have to deliver eventually.


Well, when did GK start? 2005 or so? Tom's been relentlessly churning it out for well over a decade: he's got to finish it at SOME point.

I don't know about the latest manga arcs.
I watch the anime and they finished the Dressrosa arc a while ago.
That arc was the best arc in all of One Piece so far, imo.
Then there was Film Gold, which was basically the condensed version of that arc, but it was still amazing.
It just doesn't get boring, even if plots repeat, because there's just so much quality in it.

April 2005. It feels like he's been meandering along for a decade and suddenly realized, "Oh shit, I'll be doing this until I'm 60 if I keep my current pace", so he's just decided to end it now.

The arc with Tony went on for 168 pages.
Major plot events are fairly consistently spaced out at around that interval.

Kat becomes Metal Queen and Paz her chief interrogation specialist of forest management.

Annie is nailed to a wall.

I have no idea what that references, but it sounds very nice!

I'm late to the party. What did the psychopomps mean by annie belonging to them now?

Also, I cannot figure out how coyote works on this page. The shape of him. I can't figure out what's what.

Annie now works for the psychopomps. She'll do the same thing they do.

>I cannot figure out how Coyote works on this page.
That's often intentional. He's grinning, though, we can tell that much.

Yeah, I think the comparison of him to Oda is pretty apt. Tom has always had a beginning and an end in mind, and some plot points he wants to hit at along the way, in addition to proper character development. It's just that, in the meantime, he's been having fun exploring the world he's created, introducing new characters, and slightly tweaking the timeline of events.

It's unquestionable that we're about to head into the ending, though.

First panel: ear flat against head
Second Panel: ear perked
Third panel: nose sniffing
Fourth panel: mouth grinning

This sounds like my Dragon Age Inquisition adult fanfiction.

can you imagine how cool it would be, if tom actually went through with it? tree-beasts getting ripped apart by sentry guns, coyote knocking shit over, the power station getting turned on in anger, Kat going full machine-goddess.

Well something has to happen now.

Something had BETTER happen. If, after all this buildup, the ending of the Forest/Court intrigue is a quiet, comfy thing, I'm going to be annoyed.

>coyote created the rift
>coyote had no problem toppling a building in the court
from a threat perspective nothing changed. it's just that the minor nuisances can come too now.

>I love the smell of keikaku doori in the morning

I suppose it'd depend on if anything lesser than Coyote counted as a minor nuisance to the court.

now ya fucked up
now ya fucked up
now ya fucked up

Anthony returning was the midway point according to Tom.

Their sentry could be disabled by a bunch of kids. One of those kids is a dragonslayer in training, and dragonslayers seem to be capable of dealing with most forest creatures.

So all in all things seem fairly balanced.

Pretty sure the whole court can smell Annie's pussy being obliterated by extra dimensional penises and pumped with ghost semen all day now.

Ok I don't understand anything right now is this shit over with?

Also 0th panel: Trees.

Unless Tom decides to hold off on Coyote's for a while the series is probably almost over. There are some loose ends that could take at least a chapter to complete. Hell, the next chapter is probably going to be Annie confronting Kat about that Robot God thing

I like GK as much as anyone but the volume of pages that's built up at this point is more than enough for one webcomic.

Tom needs to wrap it up, take a good long holiday, then start working on something different for the 1st time in more than a decade.

I'm expecting one more volume after the one that just started.
Tom's pacing is too slow to wrap this all up in the current book. Especially with shit like the Omega Device that recently got revealed and have barely been touched on.

The world continues to spin.

I think he said he'd finish it when/around Annie and Kat are in their 7th year at school.

>The comic's endgame has begun
On the one hand, I can't wait for Siddell new comic, whenever he plan it.

On the other hand, I don't want it to end not without a /u/ end of Kat x Annie.

yeah like zimmy

Last thread someone posted an edit of a furronika picture that was pretty funny, so I made one, too.

Oh god, that's hot!

what happened to that comic idle was doing? it's never been posted anywhere

I doubt the next page is done already.
Idle is a very busy guy.


Gunnerkrigg is a lewd comic.

So for awhile now we've been getting "you guise man is the REAL monster" vibes. The court's fucking with the ether, killed a woman because they didn't want no elf sex, you know, general human behavior. But now.
I hope we find out that yes, the court is bad. But the forest is primal death and Annie you were retarded for thinking it was anything but a hoard of bloodthirsty fey

Well, you're just an idiot if you believe in the delusional idea that all primitive tribes are these sage, wise and sacred people and that the evil white man trampled all over their land in ignorance.
They're savages.

Not exactlythe point I was making. More like how we thought Annie's dad was an asshole but then we find he's just an asshole who wanted to save his wife and doesn't know how to be a single parent. Likewise the court could be considered bad but then we might find out they were just doing everything in their power to not be murderfucked by mythical creatures

Or maybe they're just justified in wanting to civilize the forest because the forest is full of savages.

He's got them double digits and trips

what about the first page

Full house.

It was on /aco/ in the webcomic thread.
The thread died though. Don't know if there's a new one.

We're going to find out at the end that the Court is full of arrogant dicks, Coyote is an immature sociopathic dick, and so the overarching moral of the entire story will be that everyone is dicks.

So Coyote is going to go nuclear now right?


Remember when Reynard was a character

I 'member!
Remember when he knotted Annie?

Reynard is nothing but a pussy wipped demi-god hoping he can score with the offspring of his long gone lover. He was dead to me the second he betrayed Hetty

I remember Renard

who's this Reynard?

Remember Jack and Jenny?

Remember Gamma and Zimmy?

I think you mean nailed against a wall

How do we know this page is about Jeanne gone and war starting, and not about Annie being a psychopomp now?

not if the Annie in the Forest miniseries is any evidence, user.

They live in trees, user.

>in the forest
who would've thunk

Their entire economy is based around growing trees, user.

>building economy
>behaving civilized
>in the forest

I'd rather see the forest overtaking the court

that'd make for an interesting twist

They're savages. Savages! Barely even human!


god what was I doing.

No one remembers Becky.

Becky is a slut!

this isn't what I expected people to remember her as

>Coyote's master keikaku is finally going to happen

She sucks more dick than Annie!


Gunnerkrigg Court needs more lesbians.

can someone tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown

Like Gunnerkrigg?
Because it has cute lesbians!

it has a quaint urban-fantasy meets gothic atmosphere, a charmng cast, and just enjoyable worldbuilding, and some very good forshadowing.

>he's probably always had an ending
Tom said he knows the ending.
> I just have a general idea of the story as a whole. As events draw nearer I have a clearer view of them and plan them as I need to. I do know how the whole thing will end, and the series of events that will lead up to the ending.

There's at least 200 pages to go for this volume.
At least a year to go. Over eight years more if is right.

>7th year
What year's that in England? Upper Sixth? See

> Does everyone in the Court die in a huge nuclear explosion at the end except Jones and Boxbot? Oh my gosh, did I just figure out the ending?!
> No

same reason as I'm also partial to edits like pic related.

delicious spaghetti