Uma Thurman on the recent spate of sexual misconduct

Seriously, what the fuck is she implying here? Obviously she's an actress, but she sounds like she meant it.

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her trying to contain her anger is fucking hilarious. This is your brain on PC culture

>i'm going to kill bill


So is it best to assume that every has-been attractive actress is a victim?

Every woman is always a victim forever.

>sounds like she meant it

Meant what? All she said is shes not going to let her emotions color her statement. Are you alright mentally OP?


She got tag teamed by harvey and quentin

She is overflowing with rage at all the times Tarantino forced her to let him lick her feet.

>All she said is shes not going to let her emotions color her statement.
translation = "I know you're watching this Director or Producer I slept with. Just letting you know I want hush money."

She clearly fucked someone with consent and is trying to find a way how she can spin this to get victim bucks.

she's gonna betray quentin tarantula

Hopefully part of it is her recognizing how stupid it is to need every actor/actress's opinion on this
Also why is "HARVEY" in my captcha...

>i learned that I am an adult
>can barely talk without crying

lol ok

goddamn, she is talking as if she's about to kill a bitch. definitely had negative experience in the industry but I actually respect that she doesn't seek attention instantly by going all "LOOK AT ME, THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!!!"

>focusing her anger


I think she might be angry like us that there are some bullshit claims and they're making the real sexual assaults like a drop of water in a pool.

has she had work done on her face? she looks like michelle pfeiffer now

Why would she be angry? Everyone's known about it for years, it's not like this is new information to her.

Doesnt look like shes had work done.

Wtf is with her mouth and nose

Looks like shes been heavily drug using

not going to lie, this is actually somewhat right. I'm a guy and after having spent my time in China for half a year, being groped a couple of times (ass, arms) due to being a fitfag , plenty of Chinese girls taking pictures of me without my consent and way too many girls trying to talk to me even though I had no interest, I have realised that most women have a pretty hard life in terms of thirsty men.

After 6 months, I was ready to choke someone, imagine that shit happening to you every week. Imagine how women have to deal with men who think the women want to fuck them even though they're ugly and unsympathetic as fuck. To some extent, the victim thing is true but blaming ALL men is just plain wrong since there are many people out there who are respectful

I have had many girls ask me what kind of game I'm playing because they couldn't believe that I was being flirty in a respectful and fun way. thought they were joking at first but i actually heard that a couple of times so there must be some truth to it

Uma, Blake Lively, and Jennifer Lawrence accepted his proposal.

>I was being flirty in a respectful and fun way
Yeah, right.

definitely seems like botox here and there especially around the eyes, nose, lips

She's like an irl Galadriel.


i think uma thurman is attractive.
her hands are shit tier tho.
they look like tha hands of a fucking 17th century working farm girl

what the fuck is up with this

I don't have sound

Can someone give me the jist of it?

She doesn't want to be misquoted and said she wants to wait until her anger subsides before making an official comment

shes still hot aye



She sounds lowkey furious.

how many times do you think has she rehearsed this


This is clearly acting.

Let's not forget this is an open secret, the entirety of hollywood including her has known it for years. Now it's good PR to be outraged. It's a fine piece of PR work and acting from her side.

>Kill Bill 3 promo

I hope she says Tarantino raped her feet

nothing to see here, folks. Just acting

I love how she said she's not a child.

she's angry that she sucked the wrong dicks, and didn't result in oscars

I wont bateclick your twitter faggot.

10/10 tits

Your post exposes the fundamental hypocrisy of what's going on here though.

ALL unreciprocated advances from men towards women are considered to be "sexual harassment" without exception.

This is NEVER the case with sexual advances from women towards men, no matter how forward or physical they might be.

It's going to take a while for this idea to enter the public consciousness, but it will. Feminists are trying to create a culture that implicates all men in the crimes of a few, and makes rape and failed attempts at seduction morally equivalent. They won't get away with it.

God damn she is as hot as ever. I wish she was my mommyfu.

it will lead to an utopia where men only have sex with prosties and sex dolls/robots because that are the only ways to do it that won't get you sued then and there or 30 years later.

basically this is the big equalizer. used to be only socially retarded autists couldnt get pussy. now it'll be everyone.

feels great desune.

american women are such airheads

>i'm going to pretend i'm very angered by this situation so that people don't think i'm a cunt
>but i'm not going to give any statements so that i don't alienate myself from any big names
Not a bad move desu.

So was it Quentin?

Well, the courts clearly distinguish between rape and sexual harassment, though that may change in the future...

I agree there's a double standard for men experiencing sexual harassment from women, but what percentage of men are attractive enough for women to aggressively flirt with them? 5%?10%?

And anyway, as long as the offending woman isn't in a superior position or carrying a weapon, then it just isn't the same. The average man is significantly stronger than the average woman, so sexual "assault" is much less potentially dangerous.

Imagine being a famous starlet and all of a sudden you have to admit that you let a greasy old fat kike fuck you to get the roles that made your career, it's super embbarrassing. at least she's being honest and doesn't pretend she was harrassed, it was like for like, just like with most actresses. Sweinstein is still a filthy kike, but I have more respect to women who respect themselves

>Can someone give me the jist of it?
She's pretending to be so upset that she can't talk and said she would make a statement after she's less angry.
>I actually respect that she doesn't seek attention instantly by going all "LOOK AT ME, THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!!!"
That's EXACTLY what she did, what are you talking about?
I am amazed anyone can watch this and think it isn't 100% attention seeking #metoo behavior. Standing there talking... super... slowly... and... showing... off... how... angry you are and mentioning how you're going to make a statement later when you're less angry is her milking this thing for all its worth. If she really didn't want attention and didn't want to jump on this bandwagon she could've easily just answered with "I think it's very unfortunate and I sympathize with the victims" or some other generically respectful response. Deliberately withholding an answer and saying how you're doing this because your anger is so extreme that you can't even express yourself properly but will make a statement later is the way to draw maximum attention to yourself.

>I agree there's a double standard for men experiencing sexual harassment from women, but what percentage of men are attractive enough for women to aggressively flirt with them? 5%?10%?

It depends on what you define as "sexual harassment". If it refers to unwanted, physicall sexual advances, then pretty much every man who has visited a nightclub and isn't a 5/10 has experienced them.

>So was it Quentin?
of course. the only time that freak wasn't acting was when he was in front of the camera for from dusk till dawn. huge pervert and alpha predator. if he doesnt cast her as female manson in #9, she'll take him down

>every man who has visited a nightclub
people visit nightclubs to hook up and fuck. you literally cant harrass anybody in a nightclub.

Tell that to a feminist.

she obviously did SOMETHING for quentin


Good job on not aging.

I wonder what she's really gonna say?
To everyone saying she's gonna turn on Quentin, she said it was really creepy and awkward working on him on Kill Bill (especially the "wiggle your toe" scene)
But then they had a not-very-secret secret relationship a couple of years ago where they attended every event together and would laugh and tease whenever they were asked about it.

So if she tries to throw Uno Farto under the bus, it won't work. But then, cause Tarantion and Weinstein are such close friends, it could very easily be the case that she fucked Weinstein because he convinced her her career would die otherwise. And then it died anyway. And now she's learnt the amount of actresses that didn't fuck Weinstein and still succeeded. And that's why she's pissed off


>And now she's learnt the amount of actresses that didn't fuck Weinstein

Dude. They all did. That guy didn't walk around doing that shit if it wasn't successful most of the time

I'm a pretty good looking, fit guy. I've been active at the gym my whole life and I used to be a stage actor- nothing like a career. I've had men try to suck my dick in the showers, grab my ass, wrap their arms around me, show me their junk, introduce themselves as my boyfriend and such, at the gym and at the theater. I've also had a bit of sexual harassment from women at the theater especially; everything from passionately kissing me out of nowhere to one older actress you might know sucking me off after a show after I repeated that I didn't want her to. It's complicated, but she was telling me that she thought she had lost her ability to be seen as a sexy woman, although she's known for being exactly that. We we're talking backstage and having a drink and the next thing I knew she had my pants undone and she was sucking on my nine inches. You just don't push a gorgeous woman off your cock, but I wish I had. The rest of the show engagement I had to offer my cock at will whenever she wanted it. At the time I was 26 and she was over 30, certainly too old for sex.

What I'm saying is, join the Navy.

god yanks are so fucking dramatic


maybe she's angry at people shitting on Harvey. maybe she is sick and tired of the me too bullshit.



She's clearly making a veiled threat to all Hollywood execs and directors she slept with for parts (you just KNOW she did it more than once): give me some money of I'll fling some shit at you.


I didn't go to sexual harassment school

I hope you get raped. also its your own fault fitfaggot. wear baggier clothing at the very least stop doing squats and wear long sleeves. thats all you had to do dumbfuck. why are you doing squats anyway, is it to help you take more cocks up your ass?


Wow, she looks even more hot when she's angry. No wonder somebody raped her.


That''s Oscar worthy. Good job, Uma!

In some movies and pics she looks hot and with huge tits and in others looks fucking ugly. It's only me?

Impressive she didn't commit suicide after that. I get why she's mad though. She had to fuck both Harvey and Quentin at the same time and didn't whine about it, while some faggot is making a fuss about being hit on by prime Spacey 30 years ago.




based julie

>147 replies to julie



Didn't she was kissed without her consent on the lips on stage at a charity event by a russian man last year?

>OP doesn't get that some people have the conviction to re-frame from acting knowing they have an emotional bias.

Im sure OP is a fat bloated "pickle rick" screaming moron that burns their tongue on hot food constantly cause "I WANT IT NOW"

From this we can deduce that the ratio of decent, sane women is about one in eighteen.

Please kill yourself.



/ourgoy/ Tarantino is going down too?

im under the impression this is just an orchestated campaign to get rid of all the goys and pro-goy jews in hollywood





At one point, wasn't there a image of Uma circulating that went along the lines of "UMA IS BARELY RECOGNIZABLE ANYMORE"

But judging by OPs pic, she's looking fine as fuck

Women cannot systemically harass in this society because they do not hold institutional power