How come, an unknown guy like Barkhad Abdi...

How come, an unknown guy like Barkhad Abdi, that never had any professional acting experience manage to land a role in a Paul Greengrass movie with Tom Hanks? Is it actually possible for people to get roles in Oscar-winning movies, without having connections in Hollywood?




He's Paul Greengrass' bull

i always get a kick out of him appearing at awards shows and celebs pretending they aren't grossed out him being there

Isn't that the "look at me, I am the captain now" guy?
I'd say he deserves it.

This is the dumbest Sup Forums thread in at least 72 hours.

Cause he looked like the real guy and wad from the same country.

didn't they expand his role because he was a better actor than expected

he was in the new blade runner too

it's called going to auditions

Somalians are ugly motherfuckers.

How easy is it to get a role in an Oscar-winning movie? Do you just go to a public casting and demonstrate your acting skills? Have any of you autists went to a movie casting?

This... the only reason they got a normie is because there aren't any Somalian actors because they are the least desirable race on earth.

Why do racists have such a hard time with characterizing people individually? Is it because of your 70 IQ?

They just needed an ugly fucking somali

He is just a meme character.

In Brother Grimsby. He no longer is a pirate and sells drugs
In a different movie he is collecting money to move to America.

Suck to be him

>What are non-actors
>What even is film
>I've only seen the Dark Knight lol

He is a fixer in BR2049

>Suck to be him
This so much. I'd rather be mining discarded plastic bottles in the mud than being paid to appear in major motion pictures and traveling the world, staying in fine hotels, eating great food, and meeting interesting people.

Nothing wrong with meme characters. He could make a career out of it. Unfortunately, he's just a dumb nigger who blows his money on cars and clothes and after the well dries out, he will go back to being a poor asshole.

Smartphones should be read-only on the internet.

bump wtf??

hey he was in blade kino

they paid him in ooga boogas


Because he looks the part and is the same ethnicity as the actual pirate he was playing?

They needed someone who looks like a poor, ugly Somali pirate. He does.
Case closed

>actually believing this


warya ignore these gaalo bastards


He was a security guard in Good Time